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Brunell to Start?


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Originally posted by goskins

This is starting to look like one of Ramsey's last chances to prove that he has what it takes to make it in the NFL. Hopefully he can show it on MNF

This comment is so shortsighted it borders on the idiotic. No, actually it IS idiotic. Goskins, do you really believe this? Do you have no memory of Ramsey's performance early last season before his foot got worse, when he wowed this town and the league?

Can we stop judging careers based on what the player did last week?


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This comment is so shortsighted it borders on the idiotic. No, actually it IS idiotic. Goskins, do you really believe this? Do you have no memory of Ramsey's performance early last season before his foot got worse, when he wowed this town and the league?

No Dan not just last week but his whole career!

I'm a big Ramsey supporter (matter of fact I thought Ramsey would be the starter over Brunell this season -until he looked terrible during preseason).

Did Ramsey have a good (early 2004) season before the injury started bothering him-Yes. Has Ramsey been consistant throughout his career (NO). One week Ramsey looks like the 2nd coming of Brett Farve the next week he gets sacked 4 times and throws 3INTs

I'm hoping that after last week (where no QB had a good game) he can step it up and dominate the Cowboys secondary like the Vikings did in week 1.

But Dan you have to admit that Ramsey has serious flaws that he has yet to improve on or fix.

1. Ramsey holds on to the ball waaaaaaayyyyy too long (not all of last years sacks was the lines fault).

2. Ramsey is still getting delay of games and is trying audibles repeatedly (at least he was still doing it in preseason)

3. Despite his incredible arm- his accuracy can be shaky and overthrow (sometimes leading to picks) his open WRs.

4. Patrick seems to have difficulty reading certain coverage packages and tens o throw in bad coverage situations.

5. Looks very uncomfortable in the Gibbs offense so far (I think that will change as the season continues).

I think Ramsey does have a future in Washington, but all I'm saying is that he needs to step up and prove what he can do, since he hasn't shown much this season.

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