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Well,looks like another revelation is coming true!


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I've seen some of you post religious facts/opinions in these forums and i wasn't sure if i should post here or not so let me know if it was ok.<br /><br />I have done some research for a while on Revelation Prophecies and so on.I dont know how much you guys believe in the bible or if you do, so i will share this with you anyway....<br />-----------------------------------------------<br />Europe and many other countries either are or will be going to a National Identidication Card that you will need to buy food,gas,government benefits and so on.Most of this was due to 9/11 and other major terrorist attacks.<br /><br />They believe that it would make it impossible for them to enter our country with false paperwork,therefore providing safety among our/their people.<br /><br />The crazy thing is in our country they voted like 81% approving this.The bigger % being women!<br /><br />Europe is in the process of making this happen with Tony Blair leading the charge....and many other countries already have this system in progress.<br /><br />Why is this such a big deal?<br /><br />Some people believe this is the beginning of a "NEW WORLD ORDER"or a "ONE WORLD ORDER"or a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT"however you wanna put it!<br /><br />Some people are willing to do this for the safety of the American People.<br /><br />Only problem is,is that we will lose are civil Rights and a lot of other priveliges along the way!<br /><br />But,of course(us Cristians)have another view as well!<br /><br />IN B.C Rome in itself was Know as an "EVIL" Empire.A Babylon if you will.But,Before JESUS Returns;there will be another empire of the likes of rome and so on!<br /><br />some may consider that we are now in the tribulation period!<br /><br />Whats a tribulation period.<br />A man will come to rise during this period and will consider himself christ!He will have the power do what he wishes and how he wishes.The tribulation period is said to be for 7 years.<br /><br />This Man will also carry a number.On his head or is right hand.This number is of a beast (SATAN,Devil,Dragon)whatever you want to call it.<br />This number is 666!!!This man is the Antichrist!pretty much SATAN himself!If you dont know the definition of a satan well,imagine 9/11 happening everyday times 1000 or more!<br /><br />There is also what is called the RAPTURE!I personally dont know if this happens before the tribulation,in the middle or after.There are many opinions on that!But,the Rapture is when GOD takes the ones who are saved and believers in his word.There are movies that can help you understand more than what im saying like "Left BEHIND","Tribulation"or even the "THE STAND"if you will.<br /><br />Questions people ask!<br />Who is supposed to be the "ANTICHRIST"?<br />Well i dont know!I dont think were supposed to know,but i may be wrong!<br /><br />The reason why i made this topic was to let you guys know about this.<br /><br />Why would anyone be required to have "NIC"(national identification card)if they are from and was born here?Good question isn't it?<br />Why would we?<br /><br />I'll let you figure that out on your own!

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IMO I would put more stock in the "Orwellian" view than anything biblical.<br /><br />But in either case it does not take prescience to figure out human beings are flawed creatures of habit and emotions(especially women)<br /><br />Time and again we have traded our liberties for a sense of "security". This was warned about in the formation of our country (since our founders knew what happened in the historical accounts of other civilizations, hence, the "balance of power" in our govenmenatal model)<br /><br />but human nature cannot be denied.<br /><br />There is no shortage of those whom prey upon the weak-minded.<br /><br />Success breeds complacency.<br /><br />The complacent cannot be bothered by the cold fact of the corruption of power, and the threat of force.

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You already have a national identity card, two of them in fact.<br /><br />They are called your Social Security card (with your national identification number on it), and your drivers license (with another national number).<br /><br />If you've got credit cards then they too are national identification cards used by all manner of entities to track your habits.<br /><br />Who cares though?<br /><br />Who is tracking all that information? Who is watching YOU at this moment, and even if they were why would you give a rat's ase?<br /><br />The Snoids are making you paranoid, dude.

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Well, you guys go and rapture all you want, when I die I'm going to Valhalla, where I get to whore, booze, fight, sail, fish, wear furry clothing, and freeze my *** off for eternity!<br /><br />Your levantine shepherd god is ok, but I prefer the nordic variety.

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<disable PC Meter><br /><br />The afterlife where you get to frolic forever with 70 virgins wouldn't suck ... but apparently you have to be such an unredeemed @sshole during the earthbound phase to get there that it's reserved for relatively few. Thank God for that, anyways.<br /><br />I apologize to anyone who is offended by this statement, except for those at whom it was directed ... and my guess is most of them don't frequent message boards so screw 'um.<br /><br /><Re-engage PC Meter>

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Way to come out of left field, Ace. And I thought you were just about football. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" /> <br /><br />Mardi - your smilie message was funny as he11. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />-------------- edit:<br /><br />Holy $hit! I just noticed that this is my 500th post!<br /><br />At my current posting rate of 1.4 per day, I'll catch up with bulldog in about 12 years!<br /><br />That assumes, of course, that he stops posting.<br /><br />Fat chance of that!! <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[notworthy]" title="" src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ March 13, 2002, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: RedskinFan4Life ]</small>

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I have reservations about the USAGE of the NIC. But the overall concept is similar to a passport that everyone must carry. Bad news for guys like me who always seem to end up carrying my wifes License, Lipstick, CC, etc. Just one more thing with which to bog down.<br /><br />But to use to buy food, medicine, etc gives the GOVT and companies too much access to spending habits and vices. IE, do you really want the govt to know how much birth control you buy? Or Alcohol? Or fatty foods? How soon until they figure out a way to tax us based on the items we use rather than the amoount we earn or the amount we spend (another topic but my preferrence).<br />Those who buy cigarettes pay a higher tax than those that dont.

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The government doesn't make me paranoid. It's too inept to make me paranoid.<br /><br />Case in point, the flight simulation school where two of the terrorists who crashed the planes on Sept. 11 learned how to pilot airliners, received on Monday notices from the INS clearing both of them to fly becaause they were legal immigrants. Never mind that they were terrorists, or even dead!<br /><br />Nope, the government doesn't make me paranoid one whit.<br /><br />But those little guys who live down in the sewers, the sewer snoids.... THOSE farkers make me paranoid!

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Terry:<br /><strong>Well, you guys go and rapture all you want, when I die I'm going to Valhalla, where I get to whore, booze, fight, sail, fish, wear furry clothing, and freeze my *** off for eternity!<br /><br />Your levantine shepherd god is ok, but I prefer the nordic variety.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Can I go with you???????

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"The afterlife where you get to frolic forever with 70 virgins wouldn't suck ..." - Om<br /><br />No, it wouldn't suck, but I wonder where the infatuation with virgins comes from? I'd take 70 experienced party girls over 70 virgins any day. Having experienced both at some point, MY opinion is that a romp with a virgin pales by comparison.<br /><br />You could make the point that virgins are safer in this day and age and that would certainly be true, but hell, if it's a FANTASY of the afterlife you can certainly stipulate that the experienced ones come clean ... if you will. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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I understand your thinking on this, Brave, but I'm not sure I agree. This is eternity we're talking about. I'm factoring in lots and lots and lots of time to teach, train, fine tune ... and then reap.<br /><br />Plus I've always been something of a Star Trek guy. That whole "where no man has gone before thing" just kind of works for me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Good point, Om. I guess, given enough time to train, I could come around to seeing your side of things. My impression was that there would be so many virgins that you would never run out, thereby not having enough time to teach and train. However, eternity and "not having enough time" doesn't really work together.<br /><br />Aw hell, neither scenario hurts much, does it? Unless that's what you're into, I suppose. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" />

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SKINSTHUG=I'm not sure what the other religions feel or what they think about what I just posted.<br /><br />All i was stating,is what's in the works as of this moment.<br /><br />Whether it means anything to any of you is your buisness.I dont have the right or authority to place any judgement on anyone here and i'm not!<br /><br />Unlike the terrorist and many people,I do believe in freedom of Religion.(I'ts my right,too.)<br /><br />What I do ask all of you here is this!<br />Was 9/11 meant to happen?What are the consequences?Why is their believe such a big deal that gives them the right to destroy human life?<br /><br />What religion would condone the destruction of human life?<br /><br />Were they just a bunch a crazy fanatics who would do anything for publicity?Or were they protecting something or someone?<br /><br />If there religion is absolutely wrong then what others are as well?<br /><br />Am i a terrorist cause i may not believe in your religion?<br /><br />Can every Religion be ok to follow without consequences?Or does it not matter?<br /><br />These are just questions i have even asked myself!<br /><br />I hate to do it,but here are examples!<br />--------------------------------------<br />If i was a huge dolphin fan,eagles,packers,colts as well as my redskins.Does that make me a redskins fan or a bandwaggon fan?(of course i'm not)<br /><br />My point is=we all love the redskins and despise pretty much everyone else!Right?<br /><br />Now the question is why?Well,we may live in DC,or we love there colors,or we are all very loyal,and so on!<br /><br />If someone said your not a true fan of the redskins,how would you react?would you be offended?would you punch them?would you laugh?<br /><br />I'm just saying luckily were playing for the same team!cause if we weren't we would not have friendly posts,otherwise.<br /><br />Now I know Tom(giants fan)gets along well here!but ,i believe he once said he likes the redskins<br />so i guess he's tolerated!He also doesn't bash our team when he posts!does he?<br /><br />I hate going out to left field on this one,but i was just making opinionateing comparisons.<br /><br />I just hope one of us is right,cause someone eventually will win the superbowl!It's just a matter of what team your on i guess!We believe the redskins are the team to beat as i do!<br /><br />I believe christ is the team i also wanna play for!But,just my opinion!

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