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Assuming Ramsey starts....will Parcells


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Oh you can bet they will blitz and have 8 in the box, just like NY and tb. If you can't make them respect the pass thats what happens. Our running game has had troubles getting started because of 8/blitz. Ramsey will have to pass to run, not run to pass.

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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

Ramsey gives us a better chance if Dallas stacks the line, because at least he can stretch the field with his arm. Brunell's Waffle-arm just ain't cutting it. Defenses are daring him to throw deep and he just can't do it. We're becoming very one-dimensional with Brunell in there...and Portis is suffering because of it.

Finally, a someone who knows what they are talking about.

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If i were Bill Parcells, I would be blitzing 90% of the time against Patrick Ramsey. Patrick is a nervous reck in the pocket. I still don't think he has recovered form the horrible beating he took last year. He never seems to make the right decision and he was not accurate at all on Sunday when the recievers actually got open. Two of those interceptions he threw (the one and the end zone and the one wehre he got flushed out and just heaved it downfield) were horrendous decisions. Those were passes a pee-wee quarterback doesn't even make. I think we are in trouble if Patrick starts on Monday. It is going to take him a few games to get comfortable again.

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We all know Gibbs has won three Superbowls with three different quarterbacks, none of them being anything spectacular. That would lead me to believe that Gibbs is a master of putting together a gameplan that takes the pressure off the quarterback. Gibbs will unquestionably do everything he can to make the gameplan as simple as possible for Ramsey. With the way the defense has played, there is no reason Ramsey needs to go out there and throw for 300 yards and three touchdowns. Gibbs knows that if the offense doesn't make many costly mistakes, they are going to have a good chance to win the game.

I expect Ramsey to have a solid game, better than most people expect. If Ramsey can just be solid and hit a few receivers down the field, it will open up the whole offense, especially for Clinton.

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Ramsey did make Dallas pay on a few of the blitzes IN Dallas last season. Remember when Roy Williams nailed him on the blitz, but it was also a TD pass? The problem was Spurrier's offense had no plan to protect Ramsey, EVER so, he would just blitz on every damn play. Against the Skins that strategy will lose favor very fast.

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