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WTEM: Lavar impressed with his team after that loss


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Originally posted by jbooma

Lavar talking on the John Thompson show said he is even more impressed in his fellow teammates even though they lost. The fact they kept battling and battling means more to him then anything else yesterday. :cheers:

Sounds like Lavar from last season..........

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I'm very curious to see how the fans will be next Monday night. Always seems like Skins fans these days have no fight in them. As soon as we make one miistake, everybody goes "oh Lord, here we go again" and gives up. We loose a game, the 2nd game of the season and everybody panics.

Even though we stunk it up with the turnovers yesterday, I was proud to see the Skins didn't lay down and kept fighting. That to me, was different then the previous years and we'll be alright. We're bound to loose some games out of the 16 in the season, it's all good. Skins will turn it around, and if you don't believe, you're not a true Skins fan, and you definitely don't belong in the stands spreading your bad vibes.

Have faith :point2sky

I'll be at FedEx next Monday night, and I'm going to do my part.

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I'm very curious to see how the fans will be next Monday night. Always seems like Skins fans these days have no fight in them. As soon as we make one miistake, everybody goes "oh Lord, here we go again" and gives up. We loose a game, the 2nd game of the season and everybody panics.

Well how can you blame the crowd after these past 12 years?

The players have to give the fans a reason to cheer. A reason for hope.

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Originally posted by Kilmer

Well how can you blame the crowd after these past 12 years?

The players have to give the fans a reason to cheer. A reason for hope.

I understand that, but that doesn't make it right. You shouldn't live in the past and even though they're still a lot of the same players, it's a NEW team. And the new team shouldn't be judged because of the past different team.

Things aren't the same, things are different now. If you can't see that in the way the team plays, you're blind.

Put it this way, a lot of fans are not open minded about the team and have things that they expect because of the past, but it's a new day and you just have to be positive and see what happens.


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Originally posted by jbooma

Lavar wants the real 12th man to show up, he wants us to surprise him, that they need all the help they can going against Dallas.

You heard him boys and girls :point2sky :point2sky

:wewantd: :wewantd: :dallasuck

As long as there isn't a large infestation of Cowboys fans at FedEx Field next Monday night, I think the 12th man will indeed show up

:dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

I understand that, but that doesn't make it right. You shouldn't live in the past and even though they're still a lot of the same players, it's a NEW team. And the new team shouldn't be judged because of the past different team.

i dunno... against the giants they sure looked like the old skins to me. i'm not one of "the sky is falling" people but if they play anything like how they played yesterday against dallas then we are in for a really long season.

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Originally posted by Wicked99

i dunno... against the giants they sure looked like the old skins to me. i'm not one of "the sky is falling" people but if they play anything like how they played yesterday against dallas then we are in for a really long season.

See, removed all your preconcieved thoughts and ideas about the Skins, this is a new year and a new team.

If it were the "old skins", 7 turnovers and we would have lost by 183 points.

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Originally posted by Kilmer

Well how can you blame the crowd after these past 12 years?

The players have to give the fans a reason to cheer. A reason for hope.

I don't buy into that. If your half-assing it during the lean years, you're no better than a bandwagon fan.

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I have a perfectly good reason to cheer all the time no matter how good the team is:


**Note to all those at FedEx: If someone in front of you stands up to cheer the D on during a third down, PUHLEASE dont ask them to sit down because you cant see!!! This happened to me during the Tampa game and I didnt know what to say. Stand your a** up and cheer da**it!!

FedEx has never been as loud as it could be. Lets change that one week from today!!:point2sky

Also, if you have to do the wave, dont do it while the offense is on the field, thats just assanine.

Thank you, that is all.

Hail Skins

:wewantd: :dallasuck

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One game does not a season make. The more I hear LA the more I like. Whether that = wins on the field is yet to be seen. I felt we were going to win that game in the 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd, 4th, even 2 minutes left. We won't win them all and there will be another one or 2 :doh: games just like this to come. Hopefully not against the division. Whatever people guessed we would end up, record wise, 8-8/9-7/10-6 means we HAVE to lose some games.

It will take more than this game to get me upset. I can't wait for tailgating Monday afternoon at the game!!


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Without saying directly he admited that they (the redskins players) fell into what the media was saying about the giants players not wanting to play for Coughlin and thought it was an easy game, also said that Strahan even gave the game ball to Coughlin even though the media had them in conflict.

They need to get Norv and Spurrier out of their system!!!


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