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Wilbon - are you kidding??

The Diehard

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:puke: Wilbon is the biggest joke going when I talk to ANYONE that knows anything about sports and reads the Post. I watch him and Tony while I work out at the "Y" and can't believe the nonsense they spew about sports. They are like a sports "reality" show. And what about Tony's combover - give me a break. These two guys are losers and I could care less about what they say about the Skins. I listen to Merrill Hoge and Sean Salisbury - these guys know what they are talking about and love the decisions the skins have made and are 100% behind the Portis trade.

Guys - this week sucked but we are going to make some other teams week suck as much. Let's let Joe "coach em' up" this week and se what happen's next week!!

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you may not like them but tony and mike talk to everyone on their show, heck jaws was a regular :)

there is a reason why tony used to get the best people on his radio show (hopefully it will be back soon) and now on PTI, they are respected and know more then your buddies at the Y :laugh:

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I stick to my stance on Wilbon and Kornheiser and my buddies at the "Y" are there to work out not to listen to these guys. I also listen to Golic on the Mike and Mike show and he likes what the skins are doing. Wilbon and Tony are bandwagon guys - anything for the ratings. C'mon you guys - you can do better!!

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Tony and Mike know football but more importantly they completely understand DC and how the fans interact with the teams.

Salisbury Steak and the rest of the ESPN folks who "break it down for you" - rarely give any real insight into the game. They are just part of the ESPN hype machine. Your team wins one week they are gods, they lose the next they are bums.

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Originally posted by The Diehard

I stick to my stance on Wilbon and Kornheiser and my buddies at the "Y" are there to work out not to listen to these guys. I also listen to Golic on the Mike and Mike show and he likes what the skins are doing. Wilbon and Tony are bandwagon guys - anything for the ratings. C'mon you guys - you can do better!!

If you live in PA then I assume you don't see the local redskins report with Wilbon then, he is pretty good on that with Riggo and George Michael.

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jbooma - my point is that Wilbon is a notorius Bears fan and Chicago supporter and I don't care what he thinks about a team that he is PAID to cover or report on. Now Riggo and the Comcast guys (Doc Walker, Donnie Warren, Tre' and the rest) are different. Wilbon is interested in Wilbon - and that's the truth, deal with it.

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Originally posted by The Diehard

and the fact that I live in Pa has nothing to do with it. I live in the middle of Eagles, Steelers, and Ravens country and support the skins 100% - not as easy as you boys in DC have it.

if you are not watching his other show on the skins then it does, because you don't get the whole picture

second you don't want a reporter who is fan covering the team, that is why wilbon is good because he has an open mind on the team, a fan will slant the truth, wilbon doesn't, take for instance last year when they stunk he said so all along unlike tony who was a spurrier fan refused

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Originally posted by The Diehard

jbooma - my point is that Wilbon is a notorius Bears fan and Chicago supporter and I don't care what he thinks about a team that he is PAID to cover or report on. Now Riggo and the Comcast guys (Doc Walker, Donnie Warren, Tre' and the rest) are different. Wilbon is interested in Wilbon - and that's the truth, deal with it.

And? Wilbon has said again and again that the Redskins are not his team. His team will always be the Bears because that's his childhood team, I respect that. He's also not paid to only cover the Redskins but since he works for the Washington Post he writes a lot of stuff about them.

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Originally posted by JoeSkins

I'll tell you who i don't like.....Joe Buck.

I thought the Buck and Leon commercial was pretty funny, though! :laugh:

Buck's not too bad as long as he stick to play-by-play. He really stumbles when he tries to help out with the color commentary.

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

Wilbon is as far from a "bandwagon guy" as you can get! Unless the bandwagon is in Chicago.

So true, when I was a kid I never understood why every other article in the Post sports section was about Michael Jordan. He's a huge Chicago fan, but I still respect him and he knows a lot about sports and is a great writer.

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Some people on this board flip flop, and only like whatever columnists, analysts, or commentators that compliment the Redskins. Anytime a guy writes anything bad about the Redskins, there are people here who automatically hate him. Stop being such homers, Wilbon and Kornheiser are obviously more knowledgeable than any of us that's why they have their own TV shows and are celebrities throughout the country. Also they bring a certain chemistry to the table when they are together that brings some laughs. Lighten up, every single person who says something not 100% complimentary of the Redskins isn't a trader, and isn't an idiot.

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