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Do we even have a 3rd receiver..


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I watched a couple of other games and it dawned on me, why dont we throw to our third or fourth receiver.. I remember Ricky sanders catching a few balls, but I haven't even seen thrash or jacobs even near one...I saw vinny killing the browns with Bryant and Glenn in the 3rd spot, so why doesn't gibbs try to get thrash out there for a ten yard out im sure he can get open....httr...

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Gibbs 1st priority is to protect the QB so he keeps extra people in to block so there are fewer receivers out on a pattern. It's a bad sign when a Gibbs team gives up 4 sacks. It's like a team that routinely sends 4-5 people out giving up 8 sacks. When 2 sacks are recorded by Fred Robbins who had 4 sacks in 4 years before yesterday's game I think you have to wonder about what kind of job was done by the OLM across from him and that would be Dockery.

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