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Don't Panic Guys


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We are 1-1 big deal, so is Dallas so is NY we lost by 6 with 7 turnovers!!!!!!!! I can't believe that game was that close Tom most be drunk by now :laugh:

The Fox 5 guy was killing Portis since he was responsible for 3 turnovers (2 fumbles and bad block that resulted in the brunell fumble) and the touchdown that won the game for the Gmen.

Remember the Giants O only scored 1 td, we provided the rest for them. So it wasn't as bad as oldschool thinks, the sky is not falling. If portis concentrated more on the ball we win, it is the simple.

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10-6 is a maybe now , Tampa bay looked like garbage again today , we beat them barely =\ and the giants routed us today im still hopeful for a 10-6 but damn our offense gotta step up ...cant blame portis entirely his 2 fumbles hurt BAD but we had 4 INTS as well along with key dropped passes .....was a team effort in the loss

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I figured 10-6 too before today's debacle.

Now I'm thinking even 8-8 is a stretch. We've got a brutal schedule ahead and not too many cupcakes like the Giants left. And we couldn't even handle them. After Seattle did TB on all fronts, that Week 1 victory is looking less and less impressive...

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Originally posted by ~kriztalmeth~

10-6 is a maybe now , Tampa bay looked like garbage again today...

Yes, TB lost again today, but only by 4 points to the SeaTurkeys, a team that many analysts are projecting to be a Superbowl team. We beat them by 6 points in our house, Seattle beat them by 4 in their house. If you look only at that comparison, we don't look so bad.

Of course, Seattle is 2-0 and we are 1-1 after today's debacle. We need to get back to playing like we did last week, not this week. If we do that, 10-6 is not out of reach at all.

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Originally posted by ~kriztalmeth~

10-6 is a maybe now , Tampa bay looked like garbage again today , we beat them barely =\ and the giants routed us today im still hopeful for a 10-6 but damn our offense gotta step up ...cant blame portis entirely his 2 fumbles hurt BAD but we had 4 INTS as well along with key dropped passes .....was a team effort in the loss

The Giants did NOT rout us 2day. They really couldnt get out of their own way against our DE-fense. all their points came off of costly turnovers. this game boiled down to the 7 turnovers the redskins donated to the G-spots. I am still optomistic. This team will get better as they spend more time in the Gibbs system. I feel bad for Dallas now because they have a pissed off bunch to play next monday

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Originally posted by McMetal

I figured 10-6 too before today's debacle.

Now I'm thinking even 8-8 is a stretch. We've got a brutal schedule ahead and not too many cupcakes like the Giants left. And we couldn't even handle them. After Seattle did TB on all fronts, that Week 1 victory is looking less and less impressive...

am i mistaken or did seattle only win by 4 points...needless to say...we cant look at how other teams play other games b/c it has no relevance...any team can win on any given week...but NO team should ever win when they commit 7 turnovers!!

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Guest Xtrmskn04

I agree. Everyone appears to be in panic mode. I know this game was disappointing but remember a few things:

1) Our coach's name is not Norv or Steve. We still have a hall of fame head coach that knows how to get the most of his team.

2) Our offence needs to improve and stop turning the ball over. This can and will be fixed over the coming weeks. Noone should have thought this offense with many new parts and entirely different than last year offense would be off an running at full steam after week 1.

2) Our defense has been outstanding. They have basically given up only 3 points (some say 10 points) in two games. They will keep us in most every game.

3) The team gave the game to the giants. The skins did not get beat by a better team today. We turned it over 7 times and really were never out of the game.

4)We are 1-1. If we beat dallas next week, there is a good chance we will be at the top or tied for the division lead. Come on guys it early. People here seem to change with the wind. Last week everyone was up and now everyone is down. Remember Joe Gibbs' teams did lose games before and this years team will most likely lose more games this year. After every game we should not look to fire, bench or trade most of our players.

Finally, would people give Ramsey a break. Maybe we should do a poll of how many people would trade Ramsey straight up for Carr or Hearington right now. i wouldn't. Remember those guys have been tought by professional coaches for all of their careers and have been in the same system. Neither appears to me to be a definite upgrade over Ramsey. They both continue to make mistakes. Remember Ramsey played his first two years under basically college coaches, did not have as many starts as the other two QB's I mentioned and now is in a completely polar opposite type of offense with new coaches and everyone expects even more out of him because he is on our team. Also, Ramsey came into today's game down by two scores, when we had basically abandoned the run, and he was under constant pressure. Also the WR's continued to drop the ball. I will admit Ramsey should not have thrown 3 int's. However, did you see the list of other qb's today who had mutiple int's??? how about favre. Can you immagine people saying today after his mutiple int performance "man i would think by not he should stop making these rookie mistakes" or " we should trade or bench him". This is rediculous. He has started less than two years worth or games in the NFL. Remember testeverde when he was early is his career. How many people thought, he would be around this long.

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And here's another small bit of info for the people losing thier minds. If I understood the report right, this is the 4th time Gibbs has had a team give up 7 or more turnovers so it's not something that has never happened before. The most given up by the skins while he was coaching was 8 against the Raiders in 89.

Just about everyone felt that 10-6 would be the best you could hope for out of the redskins this year. Well the had to lose sooner or later and might as well get all the turnovers out of the players in 1 game instead of spread out over a bunch.

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Thanks Boom.


Time to pick our heads up & prep for monday night.

I think bugel will take care of the o-line, and byner will have a few words for portis. iI was happy to see betts in there after portis' fumbles. I think gibbs had a few words for his young franchise rb.

By the way, patrick ramsey is always jabbing his mouth at the coach (spurrier, gibbs)....I wish he would just shut his trap & listen to the coach.

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Originally posted by Aluadan

And here's another small bit of info for the people losing thier minds. If I understood the report right, this is the 4th time Gibbs has had a team give up 7 or more turnovers so it's not something that has never happened before. The most given up by the skins while he was coaching was 8 against the Raiders in 89.

I was at that game in the Coliseum. Painful . . . and scary given all of the fights in the stands with the a-hole Raider fans.
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Originally posted by riggins44

It's probable that the team read to many press clippings and was a little over confident. This may be what the team needs to stay focused the rest of the year.

Again, I say we beat ourselves with 7 turnovers.

I agree we beat ourselves, but I dont think it was a case of overconfidence. I believe this offense (the entire group) has a ways to go. Defense is usually the side of the ball that will show too much emotion and show the signs of a team that is full of itself. The D played well and under control, minus one play where Bowen got burned (surprised?). Gibbs said it weeks ago, this offense is rough, but give us back just two of the turnovers and the SKINS win. I cant wait to see which team shows up on MNF! We may not get perfection, but I'll bet it's night and day from what we saw today!


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As I said elsewhere, there were three years in which Gibbs either installed his system before and/or was adjusting to significant roster turnover: 1981, 1985 & 1989. We were 8-8, 10-6 and 10-6, respectively at the end of those years.

What's significant is that each of those those seasons was finished with us winning 6 of our last 8 games. In other words, the first half of each season saw us with a losing record and we improved as we went along.

It's going to be like that this year. So again, stop panicking.

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