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Dems trying to suppress certain votes in FLA again.


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Once again the Dems want to make sure that they suppress certain votes in the state in their attempts to steal the election again.

You can count on the SCOTUS to weigh in on this shortly.


TALLAHASSEE - Ralph Nader's name was stripped from Florida's November presidential ballot on Thursday after a Tallahassee judge sided with the state Democratic Party and ordered the self-styled consumer advocate removed.

Secretary of State Glenda Hood sent out orders to Florida's 67 supervisors of elections to include seven presidential candidates on the Nov. 2 ballot - President Bush, Democrat John Kerry and five minor-party nominees, but neither the Reform Party nor its nominee, Nader.

Leon County Circuit Judge Kevin Davey, who issued a temporary injunction late Wednesday night to remove Nader from the certified ballot, agreed that the Reform Party is no longer a viable political organization and that its nomination of Nader did not meet state requirements.

He refused to rescind that order Thursday, but he agreed to take more testimony next week.

"I think I'm right," Davey said. "It's not a close call."

With a cast of Democratic- and Republican-allied attorneys crowding a Tallahassee courtroom, the two-day hearing was reminiscent of the 36-day courtroom battle triggered by Florida's contested presidential election in 2000.

This time around, the stakes are equally high, with the Florida Democratic Party seeing Nader as a potential spoiler who could take votes away from Kerry in the tight contest with President Bush.

Florida Democrats argued that Davey should bar Nader by contending that the Reform Party is not a viable party. They also charge that the Reform Party's nominating convention - held last month in Texas - was a sham designed only to allow Nader to qualify for the ballot in Florida and other states where, otherwise, thousands of petition signatures would have been needed.

"It's a farce," said Scott Maddox, state Democratic chairman. "It's as if you got a group of your friends, and got together and ordered pizza, and decided to nominate someone for president."

But Kevin Zeese, a Reform Party spokesman, said Davey's ruling is forcing Nader and the party to meet a new standard not required by Florida law.

"We had a legitimate nomination," Zeese said. "It's absurd to bring in a 'means test' now. They're saying we're not big enough, not rich enough. But we're legitimate.

"If there's justice, we'll get on the ballot."

Nader was certified for the Florida ballot on Sept. 1 by Gov. Jeb Bush, after winning the Reform Party's nomination only days earlier. The campaign now faces a legal struggle to get reinstated with a major hurdle looming Sept. 18 - the deadline for Florida to mail about 50,000 ballots to military personnel and other voters overseas.

The case is likely to wind up before the Florida Supreme Court.

Nader's initial certification came a day after the Aug. 31 deadline Florida had set for minor parties looking to appear on the November ballot.

Besides Bush and Kerry, presidential nominees from five other parties were included on certified ballots Hood sent Thursday to the counties.

They include nominees from the Libertarian Party, Green Party, Socialist Workers' Party, Socialist Party of Florida, and Constitution Party of Florida.

But even as Nader and running mate Peter Comejo were dealt a setback in Florida, the ticket won court rulings in three states Thursday, bringing to 26 the number of states on which his name will appear on the ballot, Zeese said.

Nader is the Reform Party candidate in seven states and listed as an independent elsewhere.

He has been barred from the ballot in four states, Zeese said. "But in every other state, we're in contention," he added.

Nader ran as the Green Party presidential candidate in 2000 and won nearly 3 percent of the vote.

In Florida, where President Bush beat Democrat Al Gore by 537 votes after a disputed recount, Nader received 97,421 votes - with officials from both parties saying most of those votes likely would have gone to Gore.

With Kerry in a tight race with Bush in Florida and several other battleground states, Democrats and an allied organization called "The Ballot Project" have worked to eliminate Nader from the ballot.

A group of four Florida voters, backed by the The Ballot Project, joined the state Democratic Party in seeking Thursday to bump Nader from the ballot.

"No question, I think that's where he takes voters away from," Maddox said of Nader's effect on the Kerry campaign. "But the bottom line is, we welcome anyone to the ballot, as long as they adhere to Florida election laws."

While Democrats look to scuttle Nader's candidacy, he has been embraced by Florida Republicans, who obviously see him as a potential weapon against Kerry.

Nader's national campaign manager, Theresa Amato, attended Thursday's hearing after desperately working the phones to find a Tallahassee lawyer to represent the candidate.

In the end, she found Ken Sukhia, a former U.S. attorney appointed by President George H.W. Bush, who also provided legal representation to the current president during Florida's 2000 recount.

"I don't have a political litmus test for a lawyer," Amato said, adding that Sukhia had been recommended to her, but not by the Florida Republican Party or its associates.

Hood's office also called in legal reinforcements Thursday - hiring Pete Antonacci and George Meros, two Tallahassee lawyers with ties to Gov. Bush and the state Republican Party.

During the hearing, Hayden Dempsey, an attorney representing the Florida GOP, also looked on.

"What happened to the old Democratic mantra that you have to count every vote?" Dempsey said. "They seem to what to use that only when it fits their purposes."

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I am literally amazed that the Democratic Party is willing to trash the perception of themselves to the general voting public, just to unfairly disallow a competetor to enter the race. I can't believe they get away with it!

Who can't see through this fog to the real, unbiassed truth? The Kerry camp is scared to death of anyone having an option to vote for others when they must vote for Kerry.

I normally put the libertarian party as the viable option for conservative and moderate voters. I know I havnt seen the Bush camp fighting the nominations of Budnarick.

Lastly, I hate the fact that the republicans have also stooped to helping Nader get on as a response to the Dems fighting him.

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That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It appears to me that Nader has met the qualifications required to be allowed on the Florida ballot. Why Florida democrats are scared of him I have no idea. There will be a few voting for him but most people who voted for Nader four years ago don't want to see Bush back in office so they are going to vote for the candidate that has a chance of beating him. In my opinion, this is just going to piss off Nader supporters in Florida who may have voted for Kerry. What the hell is wrong with the state of Florida? :doh:

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Yet another example of the Dems doing something in the midst of a campaign that will come back to bite them.

Youre dead on correct J, there's not a single person who was going to vote for Nader this time that will now vote for Kerry. Those people will vote for another 3rd party candidate and the Dems will look petty and pathetic.

But let's remember this next time a lefty claims the GOP is trying to suppress votes.

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Originally posted by J33Edwards

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It appears to me that Nader has met the qualifications required to be allowed on the Florida ballot. Why Florida democrats are scared of him I have no idea. There will be a few voting for him but most people who voted for Nader four years ago don't want to see Bush back in office so they are going to vote for the candidate that has a chance of beating him. In my opinion, this is just going to piss off Nader supporters in Florida who may have voted for Kerry. What the hell is wrong with the state of Florida? :doh:

I don't blame you for being upset. I think you are right and now the Nader supporters will pull the "Any but Kerry" line as a result.

On a very positive note, I am very encouraged in the tailgate these last couple of days. There really seems to be real outrage at the looneys in both parties and it's reflecting in here.


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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Yet another example of the Dems doing something in the midst of a campaign that will come back to bite them.

Youre dead on correct J, there's not a single person who was going to vote for Nader this time that will now vote for Kerry. Those people will vote for another 3rd party candidate and the Dems will look petty and pathetic.

But let's remember this next time a lefty claims the GOP is trying to suppress votes.

I've been saying it for years. It's not even about the disagreements(well, to a degree) it's about honor.

I just notice a difference in how the two major parties fight.


I've noticed a difference in the level of demagoguery and direct address of the issues.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

I just notice a difference in how the two major parties fight.

Yeah one calls peopel asking if they would vote for a candidate that had a black love child, supports a party that claims to hate them (nader), and labels a triple amputee war vet a traitor for opposing their politics.

I notice the differences too.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

The reform party qualified under Fla law. Then chose Nader as their candidate. The Dems are arguing that the Reform party is not a viable party, so they didnt deserve a ballot spot.

And found a Liberal Judge to back them up.

What are the qualification standards?

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Originally posted by Destino

Yeah one calls peopel asking if they would vote for a candidate that had a black love child, supports a party that claims to hate them (nader), and labels a triple amputee war vet a traitor for opposing their politics.

I notice the differences too.

Well, not aware of the 'love child' issue, I didn't say all members of the Republican party are more moral, in fact, they are probably no better than their demo counterparts on a personal level(or in terms of hypocrisy.)

I'm talking about the general tack and talking points.

A triple amputee war vet was questioned on his stance but I don't think he was called a 'traitor.'

But I would say that the Homeland Security Department is a massive federal boondoggle. ;)

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

For the party or the candidate?

The party automatically qualified because it received a certain percent of the vote in the last election. So unlike other states, they did not need to collect signatures.

Did they? Because in the last election the Green Party recieved 3% not the reform party. How much did the "reform party" receive?

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Originally posted by Cskin

It doesn't matter what the qualifications are if the election committee allowed him on the ballot. Just more of the Liberal left doing whatever they can, at all cost, to win the election.

When the sate is run by the Presidents brother you bet your @ss the details matter.

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No, the challenge was made on two points.

1st- That the party is not "viable", though no one was wiling to define that. And there's nothing in FLA election law that requires such a thing.

2nd- that the party nomination was a farce, but again, there are no requirements in FLA law to support this.

This is a cut and dry case. The Dems were worried Nader would hurt Kerry and they found a sympathetic Lib judge to give them there way. The FLA Supremes will uphold it and the SCOTUS will have to step in again and ****slap the kangaroo courts in FLA again.

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Come on, Des, why even post on this thread other than to acknowledge that this is wrong.

And BTW, both parties have made it increasingly difficult for opposition to get on the ballot and put other roadblocks in their way. I'm opposed to that--PERIOD. I don't care who it 'hurts.'

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Originally posted by Destino

Perhaps I missed it but what is the Florida law regarding getting your name on the ballot? I didn't see it mentioned in the article.

Also it's nice to see Nader is still working for the GOP. The man sickens me.


Florida Statutes 103.021 Nomination for presidential electors

(4)(a) A minor party that is affiliated with a national party holding a national convention to nominate candidates for President and Vice President of the United States may have the names of its candidates for President and Vice President of the United States printed on the general election ballot by filing with the Department of State a certificate naming the candidates for President and Vice President and listing the required number of persons to serve as electors. Notification to the Department of State under this subsection shall be made by September 1 of the year in which the election is held. When the Department of State has been so notified, it shall order the names of the candidates nominated by the minor party to be included on the ballot and shall permit the required number of persons to be certified as electors in the same manner as other party candidates.


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Originally posted by Lothar of the Hill People


Florida Statutes 103.021 Nomination for presidential electors

(4)(a) A minor party that is affiliated with a national party holding a national convention to nominate candidates for President and Vice President of the United States may have the names of its candidates for President and Vice President of the United States printed on the general election ballot by filing with the Department of State a certificate naming the candidates for President and Vice President and listing the required number of persons to serve as electors. Notification to the Department of State under this subsection shall be made by September 1 of the year in which the election is held. When the Department of State has been so notified, it shall order the names of the candidates nominated by the minor party to be included on the ballot and shall permit the required number of persons to be certified as electors in the same manner as other party candidates.


edit: Found it just beneath your quotes via your link.

(B) A minor party that is not affiliated with a national party holding a national convention to nominate candidates for President and Vice President of the United States may have the names of its candidates for President and Vice President printed on the general election ballot if a petition is signed by 1 percent of the registered electors of this state, as shown by the compilation by the Department of State for the preceding general election

So did they get the 1%?

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Originally posted by Destino

I don't think that cover candidates just electors....

The candidates are printed on the ballot, and you vote for the candidate. That vote is in fact a vote for the elector who will vote for that candidate.

The ballot contains the names of the candidates. 103.021.4(a) refers to which candidates are allowed to place their name on the ballot.

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Originally posted by Destino

edit: Found it just beneath your quotes via your link.

So did they get the 1%?

There are 2 methods for getting a candidates name on the ballot - the petition signed by the 1 percent or being a "national party holding a national convention "

The petition is only required if you are not a "national party holding a national convention."

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