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Just put our youngest on the bus


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My wife and I just put our youngest of three kids on the bus this morning. It was with mixed emotions. Pride that our "Baby" was growing up, and a bit of sadness, that well....., um.... our "baby" was growing up. :cry: (Homeschoolers keep your comments to yourself Thanks)

It was pretty cool. Her big Sis was with her the whole time, she's in fourth grade. So I think that she was comfortable enough. Not to mention that she is a wonderfully intelligent child. Takes after her mother, Thank God ;):laugh:

Just thought I'd share :)

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I'm in the calm before the storm now.... School starts Tuesday here in SE Va. For the next 2 weeks, my phone will not stop ringing, all I will hear about is fights on buses, buses overcrowded, kids having to walk to far to bus stops, rude bus drivers etc....

I hate school opening.

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My kids started school a couple of weeks ago(school starts early in GA). My son just turned 4 and is in preK. He is the smallest kid on the bus. It was a little spooky watching him get on the bus the first time being so small, but so far he loves it. My wife was a little sad, but the peace and quiet helped her to get over it pretty quick.:laugh:

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

My only child starts Kindergarten on Tues...It is going to be a very mixed emotion day...I know how you feel

If anything like my first one going to kindergarten it will be emotional. I hated like heck for my daughter, looking to me for support, seeing me well up. As soon as I dropped her off I called my wife, she asked, "How did she do", I said "fine", she said" You sound like a wreck". I said "Yeah, pretty much"

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