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US Olympic B-Ball...


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Originally posted by afkidd

so...did they suck on purpose in the first couple of games?

Yes! They did! That's exactly why they sucked because they were sucking on purpose!! It wasn't the fact that they hadn't been together as a team for that long and were still forming chemistry! They were just unmotivated millionares who lived the thug life! Disgrace! Root against them.

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Just occurred to me that this may not be about the USA Basketball team. Hasn't NBA ratings been dropping heavily the past few years? Now that could be a race thing too... I don't know, but it seems that the basketball love in the US is more in the college game and that we're in that part of the cycle where the pros are suffering. I think this is intensified because this is the US team and the Olympics, but the feelings being expressed here may have to do with people getting turned off by the NBA itself...

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by Kilmer17

If I hate players on the team (not all, but the majority) why isnt that a good enough reason?

Because, IMHO, there are certain things that should transcend your hatred of the players. IMHO, patriotism and loyalty to country fit.

I personally dislike all of the players that you mentioned for the exact reasons that you mentioned, but I still want my country to do well and hopefully take home the gold.

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I HATE Allen Iverson for many, many reasons. Such as the way he got a free ride from the Govenor because he was a good basketball player, how he complained to the press that his coach was making him practice, how he put down women and gay people on his rap record, the horrible example he sets for America's youth who idolize him, his possee, his arrests for speeding, illegal weapons, aggravated assault, drug possession, etc.

But ironically the only thing I like about the guy is how he accepted an invitation to represent his country as an Olympian when so many other NBA players turned it down.

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