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Sean Taylor has proven to me tha he's a headcase!

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Sean Taylor is back up to his usual antics, this man is a cerified headcase. He really needs to get his act together, if he expects to last in this league!

What am I talking about?

First, he leaves the Rookie Symposium early. Then he fires his agent. Next he gets new agents, fires them and rehires his old agent! In training camp, he starts off with the number 36, switches to 37 and finally goes back to 36. He hurts his knee in training camp. Now, to add insult to injury, he switches to the clear visor, when he originally wore a tinted one! This is the last straw people, we definately should have picked up KW2 he's a much more level-headed player. This nonsense has got to stop!!

Sorry, I was just trying to predict exactly what the media was gonna have bad to say about Taylor this week. :D


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You got one thing right ssm - I'm getting pretty sick of reading through the predictable Sean Taylor "rough start" preamble to articles that sing his praises. I think I've skipped the first paragraph of the last twelve Sean Taylor articles I've read. Will people shut up already, and just give the man his props?

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Originally posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy

Sean Taylor is back up to his usual antics, this man is a cerified headcase. He really needs to get his act together, if he expects to last in this league!

What am I talking about?

First, he leaves the Rookie Symposium early. Then he fires his agent. Next he gets new agents, fires them and rehires his old agent! In training camp, he starts off with the number 36, switches to 37 and finally goes back to 36. He hurts his knee in training camp. Now, to add insult to injury, he switches to the clear visor, when he originally wore a tinted one! This is the last straw people, we definately should have picked up KW2 he's a much more level-headed player. This nonsense has got to stop!!

about Taylor this week. :D


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Originally posted by diego1115

:laugh: i clicked this thread ready to reply with anger....funny post

there is nothing they can say about this kid...he is awesome...can u say special???:point2sky

Me too. I thought to myself, "How the hell can someone still be talkin' sh*t about Taylor?" Then I read the post! :laugh: So, I say, Nevermind. :laugh:

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Not only that, but he's not living up to any of our expectations. I mean, COME ON, 2 INTs and 2 forced fumbles in 3 preseason games? The coaches are so pissed they started him the 3rd preseason game and.....

Wait....he IS living up to expectations and THEN some. Silly me. :D

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It is a very rare event when a safety is truly worth a top 5 pick in the draft. This man has the potential to be that once a decade type of player at safety. He posses the talent to reinvent the safety position.

I believe he will surpass Lavar as the "D"'s fan favorite and he will live up to the expectations of his draft status. While we are still waiting for Lavar to be that "LT" type of player. Taylor will be the next Ronnie Lott long before Lavar reaches his potential.

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Taylor is going to be really special. Most of the really special players are a little strange. Think back to your middle school and high school days as players of any sport. Sme of the players were cool and good athletes, but being a good athlete is what made most of the players on the team cool.

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Originally posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy

Sean Taylor is back up to his usual antics, this man is a cerified headcase. He really needs to get his act together, if he expects to last in this league!

What am I talking about?

First, he leaves the Rookie Symposium early. Then he fires his agent. Next he gets new agents, fires them and rehires his old agent! In training camp, he starts off with the number 36, switches to 37 and finally goes back to 36. He hurts his knee in training camp. Now, to add insult to injury, he switches to the clear visor, when he originally wore a tinted one! This is the last straw people, we definately should have picked up KW2 he's a much more level-headed player. This nonsense has got to stop!!

Damn!! SSM , just getting up not yet finished my first cup of coffee , trying to catch up with what happen last night ( missed game ) long story in itself !! I was ready to blast someone ,

good joke SSM , so since i can't blast ya , you have a blast -of -a birthday


Sorry, I was just trying to predict exactly what the media was gonna have bad to say about Taylor this week. :D


:mad: :mad: :cheers:
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