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Never Had a gameplan?

Thinking Skins

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Jansen said before the game to Jacoby that "at least we had a gameplan" in response to Jacoby's question of how simple the gameplan was in the Hall of fame game.

Jansen continued, "we never had a gameplan for a preseason or regular season game under Spurrier"

I'm just saying WTF??? We paid 5 Million for this? I'm hearing this and I want to do Spurrier like Miami is doing RIcky and demand my money back!

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You could see this over the course of the season, particularly last year.

The plan for the Giants was the plan for the Bucs which was the plan for the Eagles.

Nothing seemed as though it was geared to exploit a weakness or really defend against a strength.

And half-time adjustments?


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Originally posted by wiggyman77

i have a hard time believing that... maybe jansen hates spurier for making the o-line look like midgets all year...

No, I believe it. Spurrier felt his offense was designed to adjust to and exploit any defense. There was no need to game-plan because the offense would simply react to whatever defense the opponent presented. I've also heard that Spurrier watched very little film of the upcoming opponent, for the same reason.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

No, I believe it. Spurrier felt his offense was designed to adjust to and exploit any defense. There was no need to game-plan because the offense would simply react to whatever defense the opponent presented. I've also heard that Spurrier watched very little film of the upcoming opponent, for the same reason.

That's sounds right to me.

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