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Originally posted by chomerics

Funny, see how easy it is to call others "stupid" and "lazy", don't worry Stu, I'll "pray for you".

That was to make a point of doing to him (unfairly I might add) of what he was doing to the President. I suspect if one reads all the posts they will understand the context. I would suspect you would understand that as well.

I'll always take prayers and give some in return. Thank you.

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Here is a gem from President "Papa" Bush:

Remember Lincoln, going to his knees in times of trial and the Civil War and all that stuff. You can't be. And we are blessed. So don't feel sorry for--don't cry for me Argentina. We've got problems out there and I am blessed by good health, strong health. Jeez, you get the flu, and they make it into a federal case. Anyway, that goes with the territory.

What in blazes was he talking about?

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

[Also hopefully noted: I recognize that you never claimed perfection, and therefore I was just being silly. :)]

I realize that as well. Your profile says your are an author so I will be sure to proof my work a little better in the future to avoid you probing eye. That being said, I was raised in Bowie so I'm not sure there is much hope for me. But I am getting Chomerics prayers which is a start.:)

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Originally posted by Stu

Careful what you read on the internet or get in an email.


Fetal Matter

Claim: President Bush misspoke at a right-to-life rally and repeatedly said 'feces' instead of 'fetus.'

Status: False.

Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2004]

NEWSWEEK reports that President Bush, appearing before a right-to-life rally in Tampa, Florida on June 17, stated: "We must always remember that all human beings begin life as a feces. A feces is a living being in the eyes of God, who has endowed that feces with all of the rights and God-given blessings of any other human being."

The audience listened in disbelief as the President repeated his error at least a dozen times, before realizing that he had used the word 'feces" when he meant to say "fetus."

Origins: This item is nothing more than a fabrication which plays on President Bush's reputation for making verbal miscues — no such report about his speaking at a right-to-life rally and repeatedly misusing the George W. Bush word 'feces' in place of 'fetus' appeared in Newsweek, or in any other news publication. Moreover, according to the President's public schedule, on the date listed (17 June 2004) he was not in Tampa, Florida, nor did he appear at a right-to-life rally. (The President made a quick trip to Tampa on 16 June, but he was there only to deliver a speech about the military at MacDill Air Force Base. By the next day he was back in Washington, D.C., then he was off to the state of Washington for events with no connection to the right-to-life movement.)

We don't know if the coincidence was intentional, but this fictional anecdote echoes a similar tale told about a different president. In this case the president was Ronald Reagan, and his involvement with the gaffe was as a listener rather than as the speaker:

Perhaps the best of Reagan's one-liners came after he attended his last ceremonial dinner, with the Knights of Malta in New York City on January 13, 1989. The evening's m.c., a prominent lay Catholic, was rendered so emotional by the wine that he waved aside protocol and followed the President's speech with a rather slurry one of his own. It was to the effect that Ronald Reagan, a defender of the rights of the unborn, knew that all human beings began life as "feces." The speaker cited Cardinal John O'Connor (sitting aghast nearby) as "a fece" who had gone on to greater things. "You, too, Mr. President — you were once a fece!"

En route back to Washington on Air Force One, Reagan twinkingly joined his aides in the main cabin. "Well," he said, "that's the first time I've flown to New York in formal attire to be told I was a piece of ****."1

How much truth there is to this anecdote is difficult to determine, as multiple versions differ regarding the details of who made the embarrassing remark, how the blunder was worded, and how President Reagan supposedly responded to it:

Shortly before the president left office, Peter Grace, who chaired the Grace Commission to recommend efficiency in government, introduced Reagan at a banquet of anti-abortion advocates. It took a man like Reagan, Grace explained, to point out the simple truth that "all living people started life as feces." When some listeners gasped, Grace repeated himself forcefully: "Yes, even you started out as feces. And now dinner is served."2

[H]ow about this news report: "FECES RIGHTS. Appearing with Ronald Reagan at a New York anti-abortion gathering, Neil Bacon, chairman of N.D. Bacon Co., declared: 'Everyone who's for abortion was at one time themselves a feces. And that includes all of you out there. You were once a feces.'"3

Toward the end of his second term, Reagan attended a pro-life dinner at which businessman Peter Grace, who headed the Grace Commission on government waste, mistakenly spoke of the urgent need for laws that protect the life of "feces." The audience gasped, but Grace didn't catch on. "I was once a feces," he said. "You were feces." And so on. After the dinner Reagan was apologetically approached by the organizers of the dinner, who asked him whether he was embarrassed. "Oh no," he said. "But I'm afraid the feces really hit the fan tonight."4

Appearing with Ronald Reagan at an anti-abortion event in New York, Peter Grace reminded his audience, "Everyone who's for abortion was at one time themselves a feces."5

Fair enough--I'm busted. Thanks for pointing that out--my apologies--this time--to Mr. Bush.

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Originally posted by DCogan1820 saved my baby

It was funnier when his dad threw up in the Prime Minister of Japan/China's (not sure, sorry, no offense intended) lap.

And his inability to speak well does equate to lack of intelligence. Well-spokeness is usually an indicator of intelligence.

Verbal intelligence and public speaking ability are two very different things. You can’t judge a person’s intelligence by the way they speak in public, especially if the speech is prepared for them. Even if the speech isn’t prepared, you can’t tell much about intelligence based on speeches in front of crowds or cameras.

Having said that, I think public speaking is an important ability for a president to have, and Mr. Bush is sub par in that department.

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Originally posted by Nerm

Verbal intelligence and public speaking ability are two very different things. You can’t judge a person’s intelligence by the way they speak in public, especially if the speech is prepared for them. Even if the speech isn’t prepared, you can’t tell much about intelligence based on speeches in front of crowds or cameras.

Having said that, I think public speaking is an important ability for a president to have, and Mr. Bush is sub par in that department.

Now that is a relevant , logical, rational and objective comment on the President's speaking ability.

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Originally posted by Charles J. Cassell

Hey ! got news for youse guys. Old F. U. Cheney has really been running the country all along. Why do you think that in almost four years you've never heard or seen Bush and Cheney together? It's because the Repubs know that it'd be obvious to people who was really boss.

While this on the other hand is an irrelevant, illogical, irrational and nonobjective comment on the President's speaking ability.

Compare and contrast.

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Originally posted by Charles J. Cassell

Hey ! got news for youse guys. Old F. U. Cheney has really been running the country all along. Why do you think that in almost four years you've never heard or seen Bush and Cheney together? It's because the Repubs know that it'd be obvious to people who was really boss.


We here at extremeskins support the full integration of the learning disabled into mainstream society.

Glad to have you corky!

PS the short bus leaves at 8 sharp. That's when the little hand is on the eight and the big hand is on the twelve.


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