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Republicans Plan Push for Elimination of IRS


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*********** www.drudgereport.com story *************



A domestic centerpiece of the Bush/GOP agenda for a second Bush term is getting rid of the Internal Revenue Service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

The Speaker of the House will push for replacing the nation's current tax system with a national sales tax or a value added tax, Hill sources tell DRUDGE.

"People ask me if I’m really calling for the elimination of the IRS, and I say I think that’s a great thing to do for future generations of Americans," Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert explains in his new book, to be released on Wednesday.

"Pushing reform legislation will be difficult. Change of any sort seldom comes easy. But these changes are critical to our economic vitality and our economic security abroad," Hastert declares in SPEAKER: LESSONS FROM FORTY YEARS IN COACHING AND POLITICS.

"“If you own property, stock, or, say, one hundred acres of farmland and tax time is approaching, you don’t want to make a mistake, so you’re almost obliged to go to a certified public accountant, tax preparer, or tax attorney to help you file a correct return. That costs a lot of money. Now multiply the amount you have to pay by the total number of people who are in the same boat. You can’t. No one can because precise numbers don’t exist. But we can stipulate that we’re talking about a huge amount. Now consider that a flat tax, national sales tax, or VAT would not only eliminate the need to do this, it could also eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) itself and make the process of paying taxes much easier."

"By adopting a VAT, sales tax, or some other alternative, we could begin to change productivity. If you can do that, you can change gross national product and start growing the economy. You could double the economy over the next fifteen years. All of a sudden, the problem of what future generations owe in Social Security and Medicare won’t be so daunting anymore. The answer is to grow the economy, and the key to doing that is making sure we have a tax system that attracts capital and builds incentives to keep it here instead of forcing it out to other nations."


Wouldnt be my 1st choice, but it is my 2nd....

Right now the IRS code is sooo out of hand its rediculous.. Nobody can figure it out, including the IRS....

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

I will now join the multitude on this board proclaiming that you don't understand how "liberal" and "conservative" are used in modern-day politics. :)

If you took a poll with voters today most would put republicans as "conservative" and democrats as "liberal", are they wrong, who knows?? That is up for interpretation.

For a sitting president to go out and in his plan try to get rid of another government agency (IRS) is very amazing.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Praise the Lord. I have wondered what the hell these guys have been waiting for. Republican Congress, Republican President, this tax code should have been changed.

Unfourtantley Bush may not even get the chance to do this. Should have been done in 2001

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Originally posted by phanatic

I've been calling for this, FOREVER!!! A flat tax would double our economy in ten years as well as creating a multitude of jobs, not to mention, erroding the power bases from BOTH parties and creating a more diverse voter base.

The time is now. Let's push this one through.

Vote, fair tax!

This isn't a flat tax this is a national sales tax. If you look at the percent of income spent the curve is completely reversed. Middle class and low class will pay a higher percentage then the rich.

When this gets out Bush will lose in a friggin land slide.

Hey Mr. Poor man your milk is going to cost 10 bucks, vote Bush. Woohoo!

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Originally posted by Destino

This isn't a flat tax this is a national sales tax. If you look at the percent of income spent the curve is completely reversed. Middle class and low class will pay a higher percentage then the rich.

When this gets out Bush will lose in a friggin land slide.

Hey Mr. Poor man your milk is going to cost 10 bucks, vote Bush. Woohoo!

It's called a step TOWARDS a fair tax. I would rather MOVE IN THE DIRECTION of this than wallow in a society that has nothing to offer.

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While I don't believe this is out of line in any respect for a "conservative" I would think the attractiveness of simplifying our tax system would find supporters across the political spectrum.

The hard part will be the details but I will hope for a simple approach with NO deductions possible. This will create a more equitable system for paying taxes, eliminate administrative overhead and make the masses more sensitive to changes in their taxes. Look how excited we get over the change in gas prices. (Still would rather have a flat tax though.) Such attention to taxes would be healthy for the country during a time when both parties like to hand out the goods. But then again who knows?

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:from bondage to spiritual faith;from spiritual faith to great courage;from courage to liberty;from liberty to abundance;from abundance to selfishness;from selfishness to complacency;from complacency to apathy;from apathy to dependency;from dependency back again to bondage.

--Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (1742-1813) Scottish jurist and historian

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Originally posted by phanatic

It's called a step TOWARDS a fair tax. I would rather MOVE IN THE DIRECTION of this than wallow in a society that has nothing to offer.

It's a giant step towards idiocy. A national sales tax punishes the classes that CONSUME their income. That would be the middle and the poor that live check to check. You will in fact be taxing them a MUCH higher percent then the rich.

Also you will have a gaint reduction in comsumption of non essential purchases. Bad news for a huge number of small and large business.

But hey making the rich feel loved is FAR more important.

Like I said ABB would get monsterous over night.

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Originally posted by Destino

This isn't a flat tax this is a national sales tax. If you look at the percent of income spent the curve is completely reversed. Middle class and low class will pay a higher percentage then the rich.

When this gets out Bush will lose in a friggin land slide.

Hey Mr. Poor man your milk is going to cost 10 bucks, vote Bush. Woohoo!

I wouldn't go that far, at least IF any of this is true, the tax would be something creative, you know something Kerry has a problem with :)

We all know about universal healthcare, but we all don't know about other methods instead of an income tax :)

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Originally posted by phanatic

Thanks, smart guy. Some of us actually exist in "real time". Here's an idea. Stop pretending you've reached the pinnacle of liberal elitism, you have a LONG way to go.

Don't get smart if you can't take wing nut.

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Originally posted by Destino

It's a giant step towards idiocy. A national sales tax punishes the classes that CONSUME their income. That would be the middle and the poor that live check to check. You will in fact be taxing them a MUCH higher percent then the rich.

Also you will have a gaint reduction in comsumption of non essential purchases. Bad news for a huge number of small and large business.

But hey making the rich feel loved is FAR more important.

Like I said ABB would get monsterous over night.

Like a $10 gallon of milk? Priceless!

Afraid of a plan that would render a good portion of these political discussions, mute?

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Originally posted by Destino

Don't get smart if you can't take wing nut.

What would be your solution to the inevitable social security crisis? Tax the rich to the tune of sixty percent? it's already been proven that taxation will do NOTHING to solve the bubble created by the baby boomers.

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Originally posted by phanatic

Like a $10 gallon of milk? Priceless!

Afraid of a plan that would render a good portion of these political discussions, mute?

Do you have any idea of the kind of class warfare such a plan would unleash. let me explain something to you. The bottom 50% of the US makes less then 29k a year. Can you grasp the simple concept that increasing the price of PRODUCTS to those that currently pay non or very little tax would create much more discussions and not less?

You call me the elitist, while you make it clear you haven't pulled your head out and blinked the real world into focus.

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