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Anybody Watching the DNC?


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Originally posted by Art

I think you don't know who the VP candidate was at the time, and I find this a real problem for you to admit. I mean, you've said you're a Reagan Republican, and you were posting liberal signs in yards years ago. Seems odd. The reason it's funny for me to post a Bush/Cheney sticker on Mondale's door is because he's a liberal and I'm a conservative. Your case is only funny if you're a liberal and the victim is a conservative. Which, of course, is precisely what we know about you.

Well Art, I wrote it down fast and I admitted I was wrong as soon as I say TC's post, to say I did not admit it is a false statement and to say I claimed to be a Regan Republican is also a false statement. I believe you have me confused with Thew, I am NOT a Reagan Republican and I have never been a Republican. I am conservative on a LOT of views, but that does not make me a Republican. I am liberal on a number of views as well and I am not a democrat either, although I am debating that point myself right now.

As for the signs, it was a joke for my buddy, similar to how you were going to post Bush stickers on Mondale's door. A practical joke with no political undertones or party affiliation involved, I was 17 and the first person I voted for WAS Bush in 92'. So I was NOT a democrat at the time, just busting on a friend's old man. He actually found out is was me a couple of years ago and gave me a phone call to harrass me (claimed he was the IRS and he was going to audit me.)

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Originally posted by jbooma

No it isn't. When his platform says they will lower the deficit and he will be bringing less money in and not cutting anything while trying to start universal healthcare. He is completely going against what he wants.

We haven't heard bush's plan to lower it, but Kerry's plan raises it with his pipedreams, you can't debate that.

Don't sit there and say Clinton did it, how is Kerry going to do it with bringing in less and still wanting healthcare??

Did you read my post? Do you understand the budget and how it works? We will cut the budget in half in two years, while still cutting middle class taxes, what is so hard to understand?

The money will come from coorporations and the top 2%, very similar to Reagans plan in 86', lest we forget. The plan Reagan had closed loopholes while allowing a tax cut, it actually increased revenues while giving a tax cut. This is a very similar plan.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Did you read my post? Do you understand the budget and how it works? We will cut the budget in half in two years, while still cutting middle class taxes, what is so hard to understand?

The money will come from coorporations and the top 2%, very similar to Reagans plan in 86', lest we forget. The plan Reagan had closed loopholes while allowing a tax cut, it actually increased revenues while giving a tax cut. This is a very similar plan.

Yes I do and raising corporate taxes is not the answer. First off you have to get the corporations to pay, we have a problem doing that here in VA. Second you think the companies are just going to let that happen?? Don't be surprised if benefits get more expensive at work etc... the employee will be paying in some form.

There is no way in he$$ that will cut the budget in 2 years and you know it so stop trying to think you do. Lets say for arguements sake it will turn out equally to what is coming in now. How can you be able to put universal healthcare on top of that. Do you think the big HMO's are just going to let his happen :laugh: :laugh: it is going to make the medicare bill look like an agreement to mow a yard for one year.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Yes I do and raising corporate taxes is not the answer. First off you have to get the corporations to pay, we have a problem doing that here in VA. Second you think the companies are just going to let that happen?? Don't be surprised if benefits get more expensive at work etc... the employee will be paying in some form.

There is a difference between raising corporate taxes and closing loopholes, under Reagan it was a great Idea, now it is poor for growth :doh:

There is no way in he$$ that will cut the budget in 2 years and you know it so stop trying to think you do. Lets say for arguements sake it will turn out equally to what is coming in now. How can you be able to put universal healthcare on top of that. Do you think the big HMO's are just going to let his happen :laugh: :laugh: it is going to make the medicare bill look like an agreement to mow a yard for one year.

I don't necessarily agree with universal health care, and i don't think it will fly, just a personal opinion.

You see, we have tohe power to negotiate with HMOs as a government, this is the ability the Medicare bill took away from the government, and it is also how to save face, let AMERICA negotiate a price for itself, you DON'T let corporations decide what the price will be the THROW government money on top of it. It's corporate welfare, I don't like it on the bottom and I don't like it on top either.

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Originally posted by chomerics

There is a difference between raising corporate taxes and closing loopholes, under Reagan it was a great Idea, now it is poor for growth :doh:

I don't necessarily agree with universal health care, and i don't think it will fly, just a personal opinion.

Now is he closing loopholes or raising taxes?? Moving overseas is loophole I would say the majority don't do right now. If he can make every company pay great, but I want to see how he plans on doing this. On top of that will he find away to make sure the company doesn't make the employee pay for it, this can be done by raising benefits, not matching on 401K's (which I see happening if he trys this), no more money for clothes or drycleaning, no more tuition reimbursement etc... You don't think the employee will pay if the company has to??

See we do agree. This is why I don't see anything he spoke about being reality last night, this is where he messed up.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Now is he closing loopholes or raising taxes?? Moving overseas is loophole I would say the majority don't do right now. If he can make every company pay great, but I want to see how he plans on doing this. On top of that will he find away to make sure the company doesn't make the employee pay for it, this can be done by raising benefits, not matching on 401K's (which I see happening if he trys this), no more money for clothes or drycleaning, no more tuition reimbursement etc... You don't think the employee will pay if the company has to??

See we do agree. This is why I don't see anything he spoke about being reality last night, this is where he messed up.

from gop.com

Raising taxes on the top income bracket: $477 billion over 10 years.

Returning the Death tax: $135 billion over 10 years.

Closing corporate loopholes: $46 billion over 10 years.

An increase of over $600 Billion dollars, not to bad huh. We can pay for a lot with that much money.

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Originally posted by chomerics

from gop.com

An increase of over $600 Billion dollars, not to bad huh. We can pay for a lot with that much money.

You forget to add 600 billion over 10 years, which means 60 billion per year and universal healthcare will cost at least 100 billion a year :D

not including the money the companies will make with getting rid of matching 401K and other employee benefits like tuition, don't think that won't happen if you make corporate american pay

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Originally posted by jbooma

You forget to add 600 billion over 10 years, which means 60 billion per year and universal healthcare will cost at least 100 billion a year :D

not including the money the companies will make with getting rid of matching 401K and other employee benefits like tuition, don't think that won't happen if you make corporate american pay

Don't count on health care being in the budget, it's a talking point, but i personally don't think he'll make a big deal out of it first. There are more important things to take care of. he learned from Clinton how to handle the issues and work with the house and senate, not against them. This is a valuable trait, something our current leader is sorely lacking.

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