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Whoopi Loses Slim-Fast Job Over Bush Bash


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*** NewsMax Article *****

Whoopi Loses Slim-Fast Job Over Bush Bash

Vulgarity-prone comedienne Whoopi Goldberg has lost her job as a spokeswoman for Slim-Fast diet products after customers expressed their outrage over her Bush-bashing routine during a Kerry-Edwards fund-raiser last Thursday where she compared President Bush to her genitals.

"Ads featuring Ms. Goldberg will no longer be on the air," Slim-Fast General Manager Terry Olson said in a statement, according to Reuters.

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In marked contrast to Sen. Kerry, who boasted that night that Goldberg and other performers represented the "heart and soul of America," Olson apologized to customers for Goldberg's remarks.

While Kerry and Sen. Edwards haven't personally addressed the controversy, Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, defended Goldberg the next day, telling a reporter:

"A lot of people are going to be angry [at Bush] - there's a lot to be angry about. It's a free country and people are going to express that anger."

A spokesman for Goldberg declined to comment on Slim-Fast's decision to terminate her.

I think this is rediculous: Although I think she was being rude and Nasty, she prefaced it by sending a picture of lip marks on her butt when they asked her for her material up front...

Especially when they havent released the tapes yet...

Slim fast is acting really too fast :doh:

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The only reason Slim-Fast has to pay Whoopi, is because she could help sell more product, she has now likely lost that ability.

It has nothing to do with a punishment for what she did, she simpilly became a liability. I'm sure Whoopi won't loose any sleep off this either.

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Ohhh stop purple turd killer...

I'm a conservative and totally believe in free speach...

Nice Global stereotyping though.. makes it easy to dispute..

That whole SS Hitler thing just never gets old to the Extremist though... You gotta believe it's just a tool to get some attention..

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So, does this mean that all the 'conservatives' think there should be retaliation against people, who, say, used the term "Hitlery" for ten years? Or, is that OK, but making (what I assume to be raunchy) jokes about Bush isn't?

Quick, admins, John Ashcroft needs a list of everybody here who read the post about "Lesbians Against Bush".

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This is what happens when you speak out against a conservative. Go to FreeRepublic and watch them as they plan letter campaigns to get people dropped by sponsors. They also find people involved in anti-war marches and call their places of employment (if they find it) and try to get them fired.

Big babies can't stand anyone that thinks different. I already posted a thread with them cheering about a women getting beaten for a painting in her art gallery.

Extremists are what they are. And while the "liberal" media shows us images of extremist liberal all the time, these freaks never get reported on.

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Quick, admins, John Ashcroft needs a list of everybody here who read the post about "Lesbians Against Bush".

Thats the funniest thing I've read this week... :)

Ohh and just to add a little common sense to the last couple of posts.

Extremists one way yell Hitler

Extremists the other way yell Fire Whoopi

The other 60% don't see an issue either way...

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If a company does not want to be affiliated with any single political party, religion, race, etc., and a spokesperson of theirs slanders someone/something such as the President, I'm all for them canning them. Whoopi has every right to bash Bush, but if Slim Fast feels that what she is doing will alienate those who like Bush, then there's nothing wrong with what they did. I'm not going to defend either side, but I know a lot of conservatives are sick of hearing the ultra liberals, especially celebrities, blame everything wrong in the world on Bush and the conservatives, and for liberals to say "well, the conservatives did it to Bill and Hillary" is a very weak arguement. I guess the days of hearing intelligent debate is long over, it's all name calling and the blame game coming from both sides, which, shocker!, only goes on from the comfort of people who share their views.

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I'm all for free speech... WHoopi had the right under the Constitution to say whatever she wanted about President Bush.

The Slim Fast Corporation also has a right to disassociate themselves from a spokesman that doesn't share their values and whos's comments or actions may or may not adversely effect the sale of their products.

End of Story!!!!

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Guest Matt Kyriacou

Freedom of speech is not without freedom of repercussion on the part of sponsors, employers, courtrooms, etc. To think otherwise is pure foolishness.

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Originally posted by Cskin

I'm all for free speech... WHoopi had the right under the Constitution to say whatever she wanted about President Bush.

The Slim Fast Corporation also has a right to disassociate themselves from a spokesman that doesn't share their values and whos's comments or actions may or may not adversely effect the sale of their products.

End of Story!!!!

Exactly. We're talking about a business arrangement here, so either side can do whatever they want within the limits of their contract. I'm sure Slim Fast was legally able to fire Whoopi, just like Whoopi had every legal right to say whatever she wanted.

Why on earth would this be a "liberals suck," "conservatives suck" issue?? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Cskin

I'm all for free speech... WHoopi had the right under the Constitution to say whatever she wanted about President Bush.

The Slim Fast Corporation also has a right to disassociate themselves from a spokesman that doesn't share their values and whos's comments or actions may or may not adversely effect the sale of their products.

End of Story!!!!

Thank you Cskin...

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Thats the funniest thing I've read this week... :)

Ohh and just to add a little common sense to the last couple of posts.

Extremists one way yell Hitler

Extremists the other way yell Fire Whoopi

The other 60% don't see an issue either way...

Thiebear you are dead on target here.

Slim fast is a company, not a political party. They have the right to use anyone they feel is appropriate to sell their product. They'd do the same thing if Whoopie had gained all of her weight back too.

Only the extremists on the fringe of both sides here are making a big deal out of this.

Election year does not mean that everything that even touches a campaign needs to be addressed as a right or left wing conspiracy. Sometimes we all just need to "get a life"!

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