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Michael Moore:One Man, Two Voter Registrations..........


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This may or may not become a problem for Michael Moore:


One Man, Two Registrations

Michael Moore simultaneously on voter rolls in New York, Michigan

JUNE 28--Prior to last week's Washington, D.C. premiere of "Fahrenheit 9/11," Michael Moore denied that the new documentary represents his de facto endorsement of John Kerry. "I am an Independent," the filmmaker told reporters. "I'm not a member of the Democratic party."

Which is not exactly correct.

New York City Board of Elections records show that Moore, 50, registered to vote in Gotham in 1992, checking off "Democratic" as his party affiliation (below you'll find a copy of his original registration form). He listed his address as the swanky Upper West Side building where he owns a multimillion dollar condominium (Moore's office is on West 57th Street). The filmmaker's New York registration remains active, though he has not voted since an October 2001 Democratic runoff election.

Now here's the good part: Moore is simultaneously registered to vote in Michigan, where registrants aren't even given the option of party affiliation (so he's not an Independent there either). According to Antrim County records, Moore registered last April from his lakefront spread in northern Michigan, where he reportedly splits his time, but has yet to vote in Michigan. He transferred his drivers license to Michigan from New York around the same time, though Moore has a Volkswagen Beetle registered from his Manhattan home.

We're sure this is some kind of innocent mix-up, that Moore forgot to cancel his New York registration before signing up in Michigan. Though, as a New York City voter, TSG can tell you it's hard not to realize you are registered, since a voter's mailbox is regularly bombarded with candidate mail, official voter guides, and Board of Election notices about upcoming elections and reminders about the location of your polling place.

On his web site, Moore asks visitors to take his "Pledge of Democratic Allegiance," which calls for them to register ten new voters this summer and spend one October weekend in a swing state. "The important thing is, if you live in a place like New York or Texas, you gotta head over to Pennsylvania or New Mexico," writes Moore, who provides a list of 18 states, ranked in order of importance, that could go either blue or red. He places Michigan thirteenth on that list.




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I don't really see the problem. In Ohio we don't register with a party, but during the primaries you can either get a republican or democrat ballot, nothing else. No third party ballots, nada.

At least this is how I'm told it works here, I just registered a month or two ago. I was registed in WV as an Independent.

So now, its either vote democrat or not at all(at least in the primaries). I'll never ask for a republican ballot.

Maybe its the same thing in Michigan?

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In MD, our voter registration is canceled when we change our license address, or atleast they ask you if you want to register at your new address. I always thought it was sneaky, because when you say yes, they take you off the old address, but what they don't say is you have to register again. I only found out when my roomate got stuff in the mail and I didn't. Still, actually canceling a voter registration is kind of foreign to me.

What I find more interesting is that he is so politically outspoken, but he hasn't voted since 2001.

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Yeah that check box certainly is more proof then the fact he endorsed Nader in 2000 and has attacked the democratic party in his movie and his books. But hey, what the hell do actions mean anyway words and paper work are all that matter.

Perhaps in 1992 he considered himself a democrat. He certainly hasn't been one since. Although this year he has stated he will support Kerry, but he's followed it up with something along the lines of 'because we can't risk another 4 years of Bush' Not exactly a ringing endorsment.

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