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NFC East lockerroom probs


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Is it just me or does it seem like all the teams in the NFC East except for the Skins are having problems in their lockerrooms?

Dallas - Bryant

Giants - Coughlin and his too tough regimen

Eagles - TO

The Skins are the only team that seems to be moving in a positive direction this off-season.

Just how will this translate into performance and success this season?

I, for one, believe this will be huge in the number of games won or lost. We all know that on any given Sunday a team can beat another. With squads so closely matched with player talent and the NFC East being so closely matched in coaching talent (Gibbs still has the advantage though), a lot of games are going to come down to who wants it more and which team has more unity to pull together and get rough and dirty to pull out a win.

The Skins have a clear advantage going into Training Camp it seems.

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Originally posted by f_dallas


Simply having a player with a repuation on their roster does not equal locker room problems.

I agree, he has had problems in the past but he is now in a situation where he wants to be in. Until he actually acts up, you can't really say anything, but the potential of something happening is definately there.

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Originally posted by panthro

Is it just me or does it seem like all the teams in the NFC East except for the Skins are having problems in their lockerrooms?

Dallas - Bryant

Giants - Coughlin and his too tough regimen

Eagles - TO

The Skins are the only team that seems to be moving in a positive direction this off-season.

Just how will this translate into performance and success this season?

I, for one, believe this will be huge in the number of games won or lost. We all know that on any given Sunday a team can beat another. With squads so closely matched with player talent and the NFC East being so closely matched in coaching talent (Gibbs still has the advantage though), a lot of games are going to come down to who wants it more and which team has more unity to pull together and get rough and dirty to pull out a win.

The Skins have a clear advantage going into Training Camp it seems.

Where Dallas is concerned, I don't really foresee anything coming from that that can't be solved before training camp actually gets started.

The Iggles' problem with TO will be an ongoing thing because of his "leon" attitude & possibly Jeff Blake, but I don't know how much that will translate into losses. Although, someone else said somewhere on a different thread that there is the potential for a Moss/Culpeper situation to brew in Philly. Probably won't be this year, but I could see it happening sometime in the next couple of seasons.

The Giants will probably not make it above 5-11 this season, but I would be looking for them to make some serious headway in the next couple of seasons. Especially once he gets rid of some of the troublemakers & whiners on the team.

The Skins are ahead of the game with Gibbs re-entering as HC of the Skins & the way the team has responded. They are excited, pumped, & ready to go. They are all positive about what is to come & seem to be enjoying themselves, which is the key. Will this translate into wins? God, I hope so. But we will just have to see what transpires from all this. There does seem to be a lot of bad press coming from everywhere in the East except here, so it has given all of us some good stuff to talk about, but whether all these things translate into wins or losses remains to be seen. ;)

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Originally posted by f_dallas


Simply having a player with a repuation on their roster does not equal locker room problems.

The fact that he has already whined to the press about trival BS (shorts, and not enough balls {inset joke} during practice) and training camp is still over a month away... sure doesn't bold confidence he has changed his ways...


Eagles Notes | Owens going national with views on dress

Terrell Owens is still not happy about the shorts.

The Eagles wide receiver is on the cover of the Sporting News issue that hits the newsstands today, and in the article inside, he once again pleads his case for shedding the shorts and wearing only tights at practice.

Owens showed up just in tights at his first official workout with the Eagles last month and was told by the equipment manager and assistant coaches that coach Andy Reid has a dress code that required shorts over the tights. Owens complied, but doesn't understand the rule.

"My biggest adjustment isn't the new team or the plays, but wearing shorts over my tights," he told the Sporting News. "What does that have to do with how I practice?"

The story said Owens spent the next several days walking by Reid and telling him that "these shorts suck." Reid reportedly laughed, but Owens truly doesn't like the shorts. "If I just have my tights on, I feel smooth, fluid, Spider-Man-like," Owens said. "I have given up a lot; for me to wear tights wouldn't be much. At least give me a little leash. I understand having structure, and I guess that is him making a statement. I don't have any problem with that, but it's a big adjustment."


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Originally posted by f_dallas


Simply having a player with a repuation on their roster does not equal locker room problems.

You mean aside from the fact that he has already complained about not getting enough balls thrown to him & then backtracks & tries to play it off like it wasn't that big of a deal? You are right, a rep. isn't any more than just that, but he has already added to his rep. in Philly simply by saying that.

Now, to me, that says that IF he continues to feel that way in the future, then this will translate into problems in the locker room & ultimately, on the field. But if it has been squashed & he doesn't do anything or say anything else that would lead people to believe that he is selfish, then it won't mean anything.

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The fact that he has already whined to the press about trival BS (shorts, and not enough balls {inset joke} during practice) and training camp is still over a month away... sure doesn't bold confidence he has changed his ways...

Come on, Bubba- you're reaching and you know it!

I would be less concerned with his shorts than the "locker room" problems that the Skins have had between Ramsey's agent demanding a trade this past off season, Portis and Iffy argueing over #26, or Arrington attacking Taylor and injuring him with that pie!

How about Arrington claiming that Snyder robbed him of $6 million?

Trivial stuff that doesn't matter? Yeah, turns out it's not tough to find on any team.

EDIT: I'm not excited about TO running his mouth, but that's what he does. I certainly don't believe this has caused a locker room issue and I know none of you believe that either.

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If there's one constant in the NFL, it's that a player never changes his stripes even though he changes teams.

Every problem player I can think of, or injury prone player I can think of, or "potential only" labeled player I can think of, has always changed teams with hopes of shedding their former label. Only to find it has followed them after the dust settles from their move.

This is my guarentee. T.O. and his coach will bump heads sometime during the season. The Eagles are not going 16-0 as much as every fan would like their team to. And come the first couple of losses, T.O. is sure to come out and state the obvious problem. The team isn't revolving around him.

I really think the pressure is on to win it all as it was with the Skins in 2000. And if the Eagles can't keep that standard, things will get messy with T.O. at the center of everyone's water cooler talk. Or in this case internet talk.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Come on, Bubba- you're reaching and you know it!

I would be less concerned with his shorts than the "locker room" problems that the Skins have had between Ramsey's agent demanding a trade this past off season, Portis and Iffy argueing over #26, or Arrington attacking Taylor and injuring him with that pie!

How about Arrington claiming that Snyder robbed him of $6 million?

Trivial stuff that doesn't matter? Yeah, turns out it's not tough to find on any team.

EDIT: I'm not excited about TO running his mouth, but that's what he does. I certainly don't believe this has caused a locker room issue and I know none of you believe that either.

none of those Redskins flair ups were by players with a history of discord, and attitude problems. Second none went "to the media" to air out their disagreements.

If you go to the press already about petty problems... what's he going to do when he is really pissed?

"Come on, Bubba- you're reaching and you know it!"

reaching? :laugh: I just stated facts. nothing more nothing less.

lets me ask a hypothetical question...

"if" TO for whatever reason, turns on McNabb during the season as he did Garcia last year in San Fran,... do you honestly believe it will not cause problems that may trickle on to the playing field?

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reaching? I just stated facts. nothing more nothing less.

Bubba, what facts are you stating? You make it sound like TO called a press conference to "air his grievances" about wearing shorts over his tights?

What he actually said (in a pre-sceduled interview in response to a question that was asked of him) was the biggest adjustment in Philly has been wearing shorts over his tights.

You stated his quotes as facts, but you know that there is not a locker room problem because of them. Therefore, you are reaching and you know you are reaching.

"if" TO for whatever reason, turns on McNabb during the season as he did Garcia last year in San Fran,... do you honestly believe it will not cause problems that may trickle on to the playing field?

If that scenario plays out, I believe it will certainly have a trickle down effect.

The Eagles will not let a situation like that destroy their season, but if he were to turn on Mcnabb publicly, it would definitely hurt the team until it was corrected.


Let me ask YOU a question, Bubba...Do you believe that there is a problem in the Eagles locker room right now due to TO, as the title of this thread implied?

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Bubba, what facts are you stating? You make it sound like TO called a press conference to "air his grievances" about wearing shorts over his tights?

What he actually said (in a pre-scheduled interview in response to a question that was asked of him) was the biggest adjustment in Philly has been wearing shorts over his tights.

You stated his quotes as facts, but you know that there is not a locker room problem because of them. Therefore, you are reaching and you know you are reaching.

If that scenario plays out, I believe it will certainly have a trickle down effect.

The Eagles will not let a situation like that destroy their season, but if he were to turn on Mcnabb publicly, it would definitely hurt the team until it was corrected.


Let me ask YOU a question, Bubba...Do you believe that there is a problem in the Eagles locker room right now due to TO, as the title of this thread implied?

Is there a problem right now? Yes his name is TO, has he caused any major problems yet. No.. but you can bet there are team mates already wondering why he has whined to the press about trivial matters... that should stay in house.

Yes I did state facts, he choose to use the interviews to whine about his displeasure over petty matters. That is just something that coaches and teammates don't look favorably over. He has stated he has changed, Philly is not San Fran, he has no problems... but within his first two mini-camps, he has already started his media whining.

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This sh*t just keeps getting better and better. First it's the tights, then it's not enough balls, then tights again.

Outsiders advice to T.O. - shut your pie hole and play you half a sissy whiner.

Outsiders advice to Andy Reid - cut him now or face the dissention among the ranks in the locker room.

The wrath of the whiner is coming.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Is there a problem right now? Yes his name is TO, has he caused any major problems yet. No.. but you can bet there are team mates already wondering why he has whined to the press about trivial matters... that should stay in house.

Yes I did state facts, he choose to use the interviews to whine about his displeasure over petty matters. That is just something that coaches and teammates don't look favorably over. He has stated he has changed, Philly is not San Fran, he has no problems... but within his first two mini-camps, he has already started his media whining.

Yep, and regardless of why he is whining, that stuff should not be talked about with reporters. But that's TO. Needing the spotlight as often as he can get it. There is no reason why a player on any team should be complaining to the press on any level about petty crap like that. Ultimately, that CAN disrupt locker room chemistry in the long run.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Come on, Bubba- you're reaching and you know it!

I would be less concerned with his shorts than the "locker room" problems that the Skins have had between Ramsey's agent demanding a trade this past off season, Portis and Iffy argueing over #26, or Arrington attacking Taylor and injuring him with that pie!

How about Arrington claiming that Snyder robbed him of $6 million?

Trivial stuff that doesn't matter? Yeah, turns out it's not tough to find on any team.

EDIT: I'm not excited about TO running his mouth, but that's what he does. I certainly don't believe this has caused a locker room issue and I know none of you believe that either.

believe me or not but i followed the 49ers for years and this

( Owens) was part of there demise , he is good no question there, but if anyone thinks that because he 's changed teams that things will be differant they are sadly mistaken and do not know to much about people in general . unless Owens has been attending some sort of anger management classes the trouble is not to far behind . :rolleyes:

:gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck :ravensuck

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Originally posted by panthro

Is it just me or does it seem like all the teams in the NFC East except for the Skins are having problems in their lockerrooms?

Dallas - Bryant

Giants - Coughlin and his too tough regimen

Eagles - TO

The Skins are the only team that seems to be moving in a positive direction this off-season.

Just how will this translate into performance and success this season?

I, for one, believe this will be huge in the number of games won or lost. We all know that on any given Sunday a team can beat another. With squads so closely matched with player talent and the NFC East being so closely matched in coaching talent (Gibbs still has the advantage though), a lot of games are going to come down to who wants it more and which team has more unity to pull together and get rough and dirty to pull out a win.

The Skins have a clear advantage going into Training Camp it seems.

I heard CP wasn't well liked in Denver or Miami, and he sure seems like a bad character guy in interviews and such:2cents:
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Originally posted by f_dallas

So, to paraphrase, you are saying that TO has not caused any major locker room issue?


go back and re-read my posts again :laugh:

The Philly locker room is like a powder keg. by it self and no threat of fire... harmless, but TO is sitting atop the barrel and has already stuck a couple matches.... and he has potential to be a flame thrower.. that could blow a locker room clean apart.

Since Philly is already in a fish bowl, they don't need any problems to intensify the pressure,.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Is there a problem right now? Yes his name is TO, has he caused any major problems yet. No.. but you can bet there are team mates already wondering why he has whined to the press about trivial matters... that should stay in house.

Yes I did state facts, he choose to use the interviews to whine about his displeasure over petty matters. That is just something that coaches and teammates don't look favorably over. He has stated he has changed, Philly is not San Fran, he has no problems... but within his first two mini-camps, he has already started his media whining.

from your own wjla :

portis jersey

Running back Clinton Portis is wearing No. 6, and he's not happy about it at all. Receiver James Thrash is stuck with No. 3, although he's fine with it for now. Quarterback Tim Hasselbeck switched to No. 4, respectfully stepping aside so newcomer Mark Brunell could have No. 8.

...now, I ask you, did a reporter ask questions and then write his story... or did Portis take it to the media.... ?? Either way, it certainly didn't stay in house....

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but at no time since the trade has Portis gone to the Sporting News to ***** about what he has or hasn't got. I can think of $50 million reasons to shut his mouth and play the game. It's called being a professional, something T.O. will never grasp.

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believe me or not but i followed the 49ers for years and this

I iknow that last year, Owens was a very big reason why the 9ers had a lousy season- Garcia was, too (followed in 3rd place by injuires).

PRIOR to last season, I would say Owens was more a part of their success.

The salary cap is what tore the 9ers apart and they able to become competitive again pretty quickly MOSTLY because TO emerged as one of, if not THE best WRs in the game for those 3 years or so.

I thinki that the Eagles were banking on being able to deal with TO because of the leadership they have on their team.

The 9ers had a void, there- no one who could stack his stats next to TOs and say "I'm as big of a superstar as you, I've been here longer than you, and this is how we do things"

Will they be correct? I have no idea....this could easily blow up in the face of the Eagles.

All I'm saying is I don't think these incidents could be creating waves in that locker room right now, which is what this thread origonally implied.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

So, to paraphrase, you are saying that TO has not caused any major locker room issue?


Twas my point.

Well, while I agree that TO has not caused any MAJOR problems (and may NEVER cause major problems), it's just fascinating that TO's rep. preceeds him & he starts living up to it before training camp even starts. It's not the big things that always start trouble, but the little things that mount up & BECOME big. I'm not in any way stating that TO is going to continously be a problem, but once again, if this kind of thing does keep happening & he continues to complain about minor junk like the shorts, then it could start causing major locker room problems in the future.

Aside from the shorts, tho, there is still the issue of him complaining about not getting enough balls thrown his way. That has the potential for serious problems down the road. How should Mitchell & Pinkston feel about that? I know I'd be pissed if someone came to my team & started complaining like that, joking or not. Especially before the season even got started, much less, training camp.

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