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Respect for the Office... an appeal


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I think that the President deserves respect... even more, I believe that the office of President deserves respect. I don't believe that a sitting president should be immune from direct criticism whether he is a war or peace time President. Still, name-calling is wrong and the liberals and democrats who use this tactic demean themselves and their country (mind you, this is not evidence of unamericanism).

Similarly, I believe other elected offices deserve some modicum of respect. Should we be calling Senators "idiots?" Should Supreme Court Justices be called thieves or shills? I think it is hypocrisy of the worst sort that those who scream anti-american if anything is said negatively about Bush are often the same ones who say the lowest and most derogatory things about Senators and House members on this board. I believe that these offices deserve respect. Criticize the actions, criticize the history, and trends of these men and women but leave off on the name calling. Leave off on the demonizing and overgeneralizing.

Don't know if this is a topic I should even bring up, but it has been in my head for a few weeks now.

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i think that over time the deceptive, manipulative, and selfish actions of many american politicians has really hurt any chance of them getting this kind of respect.

they are all most interested in getting elected and selling their vote, not representing their constituents and what is best for them.

maybe you'll construe that as demonizing and overgeneralizing, but i see it as true.

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no, I think that's a fair assessment. Many/Most politicians get seduced by power or money. What bugs me is when they label someone... idiot, or coward, or jerk. It's really just the third grade stuff that bugs me. The anti-american label being applied to a Senator also bothers me. Actually, the fact that it seems to be so easily applied to anyone with a conflicting view troubles me a lot.

Brooklyn, an idiot if I remember correctly is defined as someone with an 80 IQ. Do you think any politicians are really idiots? They may act idiotically at times, we all do, they may vote for things that you violently disagree with, but that doesn't make them idiots.

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i hear you burgold, about how so many seem to resort to playground bully name-calling and all that crap. hell, if you've been in the tailgate long enough you have seen it from both sides, typically partisan spew up and down.

and it is very scary that dissent seems to border on treason now. it's actually a goddamn shame.

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i think one of the main reasons other countries are laughing at us because we don't respect the office

it doesn't matter to me who is in office you still have to respect them, unless they are found quilty of something

we have the freedom to disagree but we shouldn't be trying to embarass the office as much as we do

funny thing is if Bush came to your work, town, home, etc... would you act like a fool and berate him in person, no you would shake his hand just like everyone else who meets him.

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honestly i wouldn't shake his hand. i have absolutely no desire to meet him. but i wouldn't go and heckle him either. he has done nothing in my opinion to command respect.

i was the same way when clinton came to williamsburg many time. he would chopper in to a small airport < a mile from my home. i never had any desire to meet him.

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I think Bush's handling of the events in the weeks immediately following 9/11 deserve not only respect but commendation. As much as I believe he's made mistakes in many other areas I do think that he perservered and did very well helping to rally America through a really tough time. Irregardless, I think the there are certain offices that should have built into them a little civility from the people. I think Judges, Presidents, Justices, Generals, priests, rabbis, and even Senators deserve to be treated with a little deference.

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