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The Monster Squad


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Anyone ever seen this movie? It came out in 1987 I think, a year after I was born. I remember watching it when I was about 6 or 7 on HBO and I absolutely loved it..being one of my favorite childhood movies right up there with The Goonies, The Lost Boys, and Die Hard. Anyway, I rented it last night caus my friends and I were bored and needed something to do to pass the time..so we went to Blockbuster and sure enough the movie was there. Rented it and had alot of good laughs at the cheesy dialouge and crappy 80's style clothing, it brought back alot of memories..but yeah just seeing if anyone else thought this movie kicked as much ass as I thought it did back in the day?

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"Wolfmans' got nards!".....what a great 'kids' monster movie! I remember my younger sister watching that movie whenever it was on..I thought it was a great 'goofy' movie as well.....although I thought I was one of the only ones... LOL

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