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The Return of the Hogs!


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I think I'm still a little giddy about Gibbs coming back. I'm so pumped about the upcoming season, that I catch myself thinking about the Burgandy and Gold throughout the day, when I'm supposed to be concentrating on other things, like work.

There is really a lot to be excited about for us Skins fans. Winning games than losing, seeing Gibbs and Bugel on the sidelines, watching Williams' aggressive defense, Lavar becoming a monster on the weak side, Portis blowing by defenders, and Taylor laying wood on opposing receivers are all things I can't wait to see. I think the thing I might be the most excited about though is the return of the Hogs. The Skins have a ton of talent and beef on the oline that just has not been utilized properly in recent seasons. This line under Bugel is going to just dominate opposing defenses, mark my words. Samuels and Jansen will finally show how good they can be in this system. Dockery will develop into the human pancake machine, and Thomas, well he was already playing really well. Imagine how much easier it will be for him with the guys around him playing well. Raymer and Friedman are both capable leaders at center, and Rasby and Sellars are solid blockers, and Sellars brings a little bit of nastiness as well. This line is going to take smashmouth ball to a whole new level, and it's going to be a thing of beauty. Portis, Betts, Morton, and Rock are all going to be breaking off yardage in large chunks. The play action will be set up nicely, Ramsey will have time, and the offense will roll.

It's going to be a fun season ladies and gents. the hardest part will be waiting the next few months for the season to finally arrive! HTTR!

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Yeah i cant wait until the season starts....this fall is gonna be the amazing....i might actually scream at the TV in my happy voice, instead of being mad all the time. looks like gibbs is going to be the real deal also, devoting 100% of his time to this team. things around DC. and in all skins fans homes are starting to look up, may i be the first to say, LETS ROCK!

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Although I'm REALLY trying to stay humble this pre-season, I have to admit that THIS time it seems as though we really have the pieces in place. (At least on offense.)

For 4 years running now, we have made big moves in the off-season. Just like this year.

For 4 years now, we've dealt with new coaching staffs. Just like this year.

For 4 years now, we've had our high hopes snuffed as the league laughs as our spending errors bite us hard on the ass. HOWEVER.

It really just FEELS like we can do something this year. Not JUST because Joe Gibbs is here. In fact I think it may take him some time to adjust to the new NFL. I'm talking about other factors like Greg Williams, who can help us use our players FOR their talents, not in spite of their talents. I'm talking about sending Lavar arrington after quarterbacks again. I'm talking about Bugel and the peace of mind we can have just knowing that if our o-line doesn't start well, it doesn't mean they won't finish well. I'm talking about Clinton Portis.

And come on, guys! Mark Brunell AND Patrick Ramsey? Now THAT'S QB confidence.

Hope the d-line holds up and our CB tandem has enough for guys like Terrell, Keyshawn, and Amani. The NFC East is back.


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Originally posted by TheOtherGardner

....i might actually scream at the TV in my happy voice, instead of being mad all the time.

LOL...thats pretty funny...i found myself doing the same thing last year, and the year before, and the year before that...holy crap since turner's win against the lions in the playoffs!!! c'mon Gibbs make me happy again

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I agree....I was just looking at a calendar to see how I am going to keep busy this summer. But the real reason i was looking at the calendar was to see how much further away it is until opening day...CANT WAIt...

I do believe we will be a very effecient team by the third or fourth week...

as long as we are 2-2 or 3-1 by then...i think we have a heck of a chance to

make some things happen...

All skins fans are more excited that I can ever remember...

more than when gibbs was here before..

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Are you ready for some football, a monday night party!

Cannot wait for the season to begin, and apparently its all skins fans everywhere, not just here on Extreme.

So I hit up a club Friday night wearing my Skins hat, and $ people come up all giddy (well drunk too:) ) "Gibbs is back were gonna kick ass", "Let's hear it for the Redskins!" that kinda thing.

Actually felt kinda popular and/or cool for about 20 minutes until a hottie shot me down, destroying my ego, and restoring my normal level disrespect :)

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Originally posted by kameuh

So I hit up a club Friday night wearing my Skins hat, and $ people come up all giddy (well drunk too:) ) "Gibbs is back were gonna kick ass", "Let's hear it for the Redskins!" that kinda thing.

Actually felt kinda popular and/or cool for about 20 minutes until a hottie shot me down, destroying my ego, and restoring my normal level disrespect :)

Bro that is too funny:laugh:

But I know that GSF nailed it when he said the hogs are back. Ever since gibbs and company have returned I knew this was the one area of the team that would have the quickest turn around.

It's a sweep to the right. OHHHHH Sellars levels Coakley. Portis to the 45. Willams has him NOOO, he spins, Portis to the 50, 40, 30, 20 ,15, 10 , 5 TOUCHDOWN 23-10 :wewantd:

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The fact that we play the Buccaneers the 1st game hopefully will be an indications of how the O-line can dominate a game

The one major weakness of all those Buccaneer defenses is that they wear down if they stay on the field too long. I remember a stat back about 3 or 4 seasons ago that if they are on the field for more than 60 plays in a game, they wear down, and you KNOW Joe Gibbs is gonna run the ball as much as he can

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