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Cicadas in SOMD


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Originally posted by stackman

They will only run into Mercedes, BMW's and Porsche's, nothing cheaper.

Originally posted by stackman

They will only run into Mercedes, BMW's and Porsche's, nothing cheaper.

Originally posted by Frunobulax

And maybe the smartass variety will make it up your way. :D

Not like I didn't take a shot at myself also.? Chill

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I can not speak for the rest of Southern Maryland, but if you think Waldorf is a haven for mullets, rednecks, and iroc camaros you're sadly mistaken. Are there rednecks here? Sure there are some, but no more than any other town.

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Originally posted by Frunobulax

The sight of high hair, tatoos and beer breath probably scares them off.:laugh:

"Waldorf, Maryland -- where men are men and women are, too."

and stoned-washed 'Mom' jeans!

....ooh! here's a good one.....

while they drink their 10 oz Budweisers!

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I love these threads, im not looking forward to the cicadas as ive never experienced them before. My house was built in 1989/1990, so we may be somewhat fortunate in that there will be slightly less. I just like these threads though, its like 'holy crap, man the battlements, the enemy's coming'. Anyone have any good ways to kill cicada's, im willing to fight them here.

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Originally posted by Hobo

Anyone have any good ways to kill cicada's, im willing to fight them here.

Carry a badminton racket at all times.

Seriously, the most you'll have to worry about is one or two bumping into you. It's not like you have to wear a helmet to ward off the constant cicada bombardment :D

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Originally posted by The Rejuvenated Fitzman

Seriously, the most you'll have to worry about is one or two bumping into you. It's not like you have to wear a helmet to ward off the constant cicada bombardment :D

Exactly. I realize I'm dating myself here, but this will be my third invasion, and it's not that big of a deal. It gets noisy, you may get bumped into by one, but the worst for me is after they're gone and all the "crunching" everywhere you go....

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Waldorf's not that bad...

St. Mary's is the WVA of Md. Seriously I think some rednecks must float down the river and end up there.

Honestly, Waldorf's not built up like some areas, but in no way is a 'redneck place'. Or maybe you've never been to the deep south... so have no comparison.

I live in La Plata, and though quiet, it has some nice communities.

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