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Is anyone else concerned about Coles' injury?


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I am very concerned about the injury. Remember--turf toe is what essentially ended Deion's career. (Which shows that almost anything can be a force for good or evil.) Someone (I wouldn't be surprised if it were ASF) posted last year that this injury would permanently eliminate Coles' burst off the ball. I don't know if that's entirely the case, but I am very worried about Coles' performance this year.

Here's to hoping. :cheers:

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

ATB it was ASF who made that post. I am too lazy to look it up but we blasted him of course. But yeah ASF has been declaring gloom and doom for Coles since the first Dallas game last year

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If memory serves, deion was also double timing it with Baseball and Football and this could easily have led to the turf toe being worse, and to this day I'm not convinced it ended his career as much as slowed it down. Concerned? No I have no idea of the severity of the injury and it could very well be that the insert brought up earlier is as much a preventative measure as anything else. Now, when coach Gibbs comes out and say Coles may not be starting or playing as much because the injury isn't healing like they thought it would/should, then yep. I'll hit the concern button.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I think what should also worry you is, if Coles really has a problem with his foot, the 20 lbs. he has gained in muscle can't help. This sounds like David Boston II. I know it won't be but he is having foot problems and is putting on muscle weight. That isn't a good combination.

When did Coles gain 20 pounds? Are you sure you're not talking about Taylor Jacobs?

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Wonder why he didn't get the orthotic sooner?


If you suffer a stress fracture, both the upper and the lower surfaces of your foot will be tender, and you may have some swelling. You will need to get an x-ray of the foot, and sometimes even a bone scan, to confirm the diagnosis.

A stress fracture needs rest for four to six weeks to allow the fracture to heal. Crutches are necessary only if you feel severe pain when you walk. Casting is usually not necessary. However, you will need an orthotic to redistribute your weight so that the bone doesn't crack again when you return to activity. Early use of an orthotic will give you relief while the fracture heals.

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I was very concerned as I was sure that LCs stats were significantly worse in the second half of last season than the first half.

The raw comparison is (receptions, yards, YPC):

1st half: 46 658 14.3

2nd half: 36 546 15.2

Ten fewer catches in the last 8 games, 12 yards per game less but a yard higher (and 15 YPC at that :notworthy)

He had 11 for 180 vs Atlanta which really skews the stats (ergo DeAngelo Hall 1st round pick for Atlanta). He also didnt scratch in the last Dallas game with Ramsey out.

Turf toe is nasty and and is cause for concern but my worry meter isn't pegged anymore...

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