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Is a super bowl team going to come from the NFC East?


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I think the NFC East is a strong division this year and is looking like its only going to get better over the next couple years. Is there a team this year that has a valid shot at the super bowl this year? Taking into account that:

1. Eagles switched up their offence a lot

2. My Cowboys still are a very inexperienced group in the postseason

3. The skins are working under yet another system.

Giants just don't have any shot.

If no one can do it this year what about next?

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My assestment on all 4 teams! Of course being an Eagles fan makes me believe they can overcome the hump. For 3 years we went to the NFCC Game with bite butt WR's, now we have T.O......kinda reminds me on the 76ers in the early 80's. They had Dr. J, but couldn't get over the hump until Moses Malone came along. 83 was theit year proving that in team sports, sometimes one man can make a difference!

Eagles- By far the best team in the NFC East. The only team that have a Star QB in a division searching for QB.

Defense:If the DL stay healthy, It could be one of the deepest, young, and talented DL in the NFL. It is definitely a Big IF , but if they do stay healthy they could cover up for the young corners and the adequate at best Linebacking core. Jim Johnson will also have alot tools to throw at the opposing offense if this DL stay healthy.

Offensively: this offense has a very explosive potential in them, but are they going to live up to it?. Begining with Mcnabb, who must display all phrase of his game and find a way to win the big game with alot of pressure on him, but he have alot of helped. First TO give mcnabb a huge playmaker that could run after the catch, Which this andy reid version of the west coast offense have been missing over the past several years. Young TE L.J Smith show some flash of a big playmaking ability and causing miss match for the defense, but he must show much more consistency in catching the football first. One of the surprise last year for this philadelphia eagles was Brian Westbrook, A dynamic playmaker, who could score on everyplays by running, catching, and returning kicks. This guys is a special player that could developed into a star in this league, but he seem to get hurt too often.

Special Team: This is one of the best units in football for the last 4 or 5 years. Leading them is one of the top 3 kickers in football David Aker. This is probably the most consistence phrase for this team , no matter when they win or lose.

Prediction: 13-3 , hard to find losses for this football team with their easy schedule. Thing that seem well for them is they will be facing some young qbs. Jim Johnson defense is rough on Young QBs. The only weak link is that this team must stay healthy especially Donovan Mcnabb, Westbrook, Kearse, and the rest of the DL. A return to their 4th straight NFCC Game wouldn't be a surprise, but if they played like they have for the last two years would be! Remember, they play best on the road so we all hope that a return to St. Louis in late Jan would allow the guys to play pressure packed football in someone else's backyard for a change.

Redskin- By Far the most Improved team in this division. Are they there, that another question, but they are heading in the right direction. Great Addition in Adding Portis,Brunell, Springs, Griffin, Washinton, and Sean Taylor. I think they have move pass the cowboys this years because now they got a pretty darn good coach, but it a big question is that will he be the same guy before retiring.

Defense: DL is a big question mark for this team, Griffin and Daniel could be steal and become good players for them, but that is left to see. Marcus Washington is a up and coming star linebacker. Lining up with Barrow and LAvar Arrington to make a very talented Linebacking core. Shawn Spings will have to replace Champ bailey who departed in the Portis trade. Spring definitely have the Talent, but the only reason he hasn't live up to his potential is he been injured prone, maybe moving back home will bring him some comfort. Sean Taylor is a Star that I believe is the best athlete in this draft. The redskin secondary should be good if Spring stay healthy. This defense will hold it own compared to past Reskins defenses, but they lack the speed on the DL outside to put fear in anyone's heart.

Offensive: Brunell move leaving me , I believe that Patrick Ramsey was begining to become a solid qb. I think that Ramsey struggle due to bad Offense Scheme that was coach by spurrier. The Offense was Predictable and putting too much pressure on the offensive line and QB. With gibb Offense and a proven running back in Clinton Portis this offense should score some point. They have Coles who might be even more dangerous with play action with a good RB.

Special Team: The should continue to improved with the addiction of tupa. This part of the team may need some spot jobs. But it shouldn't hurt them next season.

Prediction:10-6 or 9-7, This team have no where to go but up. I see this team as a playoff team if the chip fall right for them. If you think last year cowboys team improved dramatically, wait till you see this one under Gibbs.

Cowboys- I think this team didn't make any dramtical improvements. First QB situation is still a washed. They have a chance at picking up a Top of the line running back in the draft, but they go for the future. Juluis might be a good RB, but he more of a question mark than Steven Jackson. If this was a moved because Bill Parcel think his team isn't that good and that it needed another year to contend than it is a great moved. It is possible.

Defense- This unit should be as good as last year. With the addition of Marcelus Wiley they should improve their pass rush. Terrance Newman has a year under his belt show develope in a really good corner. Bill Parcel Defense should be tough and stingy. Hope they have alot endurance because they be on the field alot with a bad offense.

Offense- They definitely didn't solve anything in my mind. RB still a ????? Steven Jackson might have been the answer, I think julius jones isn't going to make it. Te Witten is an emerging star at TE should give them a good weapon there. QB, what can i say Quincy Carter is a stiff, that was aided by Bill Parcel and Jay Payton scheme. NO doubt in my mind that this team will need to get a real QB before, I could give them respect. I don't know what to say but this offense is the worse in the division and they Traded a fast stiff wr for Slow big stiff wr.

Special Team: SHould be a good unit, base on Parcel alone. Parcell is too good of a coach to have a bad special team.

Prediction: 6-10, this team will come back to earth and probably will struggle with the improvement of the Redskins. Even if they draft Steven Jackson they might struggle to returned to the playoff. Maybe Parcell is thinking correctly in getting a first round pick from buffalo so he could get 2 top 10 picks next year.

Giant: Rebuilding years, They might give up alot for Eli Manning, but if he become a pro bowl qb its worthed. This team is going to get soem growing pain but they will manage to scare some teams on their schedule.

Defense- This defensive line is definitely getting old, how many more years can strahan have. Their Linebacking core is a make shift linebacking core that should be solid for them. Bright spot , this team have 2 nice young corners in Will allen and will peterson. This defense will have it bright moments and it bad moments. Definitely the worse defense in this division.

Offense: Eli Manning is a great pick up, If he 80 % as good as his brother the Giant should be happy. He has alot potential to be an elite qb definitely. He going to get some of his early greeting by the NFL. Tiki Barber is as dangerous rb as any rb in this division, but he must secure the football. Last years this offense turn the ball over too much, that must change. Ike Hillard and Amani Toomer is a good tandem of WR there is in this league. TE Jeremy Shockey is one of the most dominating player at his Position. If he stay healthy and take care of his foot , this Offense should score some points, and they should give some defense night mare.

Special Team: This Unit is very shaky, hope Tom coughlin will do something to helped this unit. It definitely going to need some work here

Prediction: 4-12, this team should win 6 games,but they won't! They have the scoring ability to out score some teams for wins. But they are not as far as people think from going back to the playoff, If Eli is going to become what he suppose to. A couple a DL and Linebackers help next year might do it for this team. Right now I think the Cowboys are in alot more trouble than this team.

Let me know what you guys think!

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The Eagles are a horrendous joke. Despite the many Eagles-Trolls that post on this site pretending to be Skins fans, they know the truth:

A. Rush was right.

B. Owens alone will not solve the crappy passing game the Eagles have.

C. Andy Reid is a worthless, big-game choker.

D. The Eagles lost too many starters on defense to stop the run and now they lost their best corners. Lito Sheppard? BWahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

If it weren't for the media constantly having orgasms over the Eagles, they would (should) be the most laughed at team of all time.

All of you troll-eagles fans two words for your upcoming season: Last Place.

:eaglesuck always have always will.

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It all comes down to knowing how to win. The eagles dont and Gibbs does. It is as easy as that. Now I am not saying that they will make the big dance this year but I will guarantee that the Skins go to yet another superbowl before the eagles. The eagles are in a very elite class with the Bills and the Utah Jazz except atleast the Bills and Jazz were able to make it to the games that mattered. Donavan McNabb superfan said it himself the Skins can go nowhere but up. The eagles on the other hand can only go down. I say the skins go 10-6 this season and let the players get a feel for the playoffs and then return and cause some damage the next two seasons.

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Who pretends that they are Skins' fans?

My screen name is Number 5.....huh....I wonder why?

You must been have been voted "ITTY BITTY HICK TOWN PROM KING"! I'll give you credit....at least you can spell!

All jokes aside....you are an idiot!

When have you ever posted something other than jibberish?

Most of your response to anything are.....




Is the extent of your football knowledge.....making remarks from the inside of a Miller Genuine Draft Bottle?

The way you constantly bash the Eagles, you seem like you once were an Eagles fan who got so pissed off at their past failures that you jumped ship and now have nothing but negatives to say!

People like you make me :puke: !

Not only are you ignorant, but you appear to have as much football know-alls of a pair of Michael Strahan Gym Socks!

Put a cork in it!

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A lot of the Eagles fans that post here have been registered members of this board a lot longer than you, so who is the joke?

Did you just get a computer or just start rooting for the skins, cause this place isn't hard to find.

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Originally posted by luapgibva

It all comes down to knowing how to win. The eagles dont and Gibbs does. It is as easy as that. Now I am not saying that they will make the big dance this year but I will guarantee that the Skins go to yet another superbowl before the eagles. The eagles are in a very elite class with the Bills and the Utah Jazz except atleast the Bills and Jazz were able to make it to the games that mattered. Donavan McNabb superfan said it himself the Skins can go nowhere but up. The eagles on the other hand can only go down. I say the skins go 10-6 this season and let the players get a feel for the playoffs and then return and cause some damage the next two seasons.

Yeah...I did say that the Skins can go no where but up, but how can you honestly bet against the Birds? Our starting QB is in his 5th season.......defense that ranked 2nd in scoring last year without Vincent or Taylor (Lito and Sheldon started 12 outta 18 including playoff games together) for most of the season returns a healthy and stronger Dawkins, dropped from averaging 33 years old to 24 years old, added Kearse and have a fully healthy DL.

An offense that has gone to the last few playoffs without a legit #1 WR just landed 1 and will have 2 major youngsters (LJ Smith and Westbrook) a year further into the system.

I'm not here to toot our horns or nothing......the Skins are a very talented team, but for the Eagles to be just walked over as if they don't have a legit chance to make it 4 straight titles and make another stop at the NFCC Game is silly. You make it 3 years without a WR, a fastball DL, and not being able to stop the run......now we have a WR, a fastball, and a healthier DL.

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i cant see the eagles at 13-3. while i am not bashing mcnabb he is not an accurate qb and when he is off so is the whole offense. that will probaly account for two loses. with their d i can see them failing keep up with a hot offense for at leaat one game maybe two and then you have to account for just getting beat by a team thats not as good, it happen to every team. that brings my total of loses to 4-5, and that not acounting for any injuries.

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The iggles have continuity so I dont see them falling to the cellar this year.

However another postseason disapointment could be the beginning of a downward spiral.

I can see the skins finishing 2nd with a 11-5 record and the pokes at 9-7 or 10-6, while the midgets hand a top 5 pick to the chargers.

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looking at the NFC EAST i'd have to say i can see the eagles and skins possibly going 9-7 or 10 -6 , they both play the same teams this year and the afc north is not gonna be a cake walk for either team , as much as i hate the crows there still a top 5 defence to contend with and the bengals are coming on with marvin lewis as HC.

but no matter the skins should make the playoffs with a record like that . when they do the coaching will carry them the rest of the way , thats what JG does best COACH!!!

dallas should come back to earth when the season starts and finish 8-8 while the giants are rebuilding and probly get 4 wins

anyway the

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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Number 5:

I think you are fair in evaluating all other teams except the eagles. I personally think the redskins will do better than your predicted number, but I can't say your predicted number of win s for the redskins is outrageous by any stretch. I do wonder how your defense can be viewed as solid when you will be relying on a very young secondary with unproven players at the skill positions. I also wonder how you can arrive to the conclusion that your D-line should be good when healthy, they were mediocre at best last year and everybody ran on them like crazy. I know you blame injuries for this; but the aspect of your defense that has been criticized most in the past three years has been your d-line and the linebacking core. The eagles do have a fairly easy schedule, but you will once again be playing in the NFC Beast, no more 4 guaranteed wins off the skins and giants. I think our division is going to go very deep into the playoffs again. I'm not sure the eagles will be the team to go to the super bowl, or any other team in our division, but it's certainly possible because all of the teams now have talent and good coaching. As for an explosive offense, you guys definitely helped yourselves with the addition of TO, but you lost big when Staley left. He was the Rock of the three-headed-monster. No teams fear the remaining two RB's. At this point the season is going to tell the truth about all the teams.

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I believe the east will beat each other up. Split Games. Yes, even the Giants. That gives everyone three losses at minimum. The eagles offense did get a playmaker and they do have a young bright spot running back, and Potentially a good tight end. What people better realize is that the east is going to be a running division. Parcells, Gibbs, and Coughlin will play field position and control the clock with running, keeping the opposing offenses off the field and their own defenses on the sideline. The only maverick to this is Reid. Reid is a passing nut.

This stubborness leads them to losing games when other coaches see this weakness.

I see it this way.

Eagles 11-5

Skins10-6,11-5 ) I think Gibbs will start strong. He does his best coaching when back against the wall.



The Redskins or the Cowboys will beat the Eagles if they meet in the playoffs. Gibbs and Parcells are masters at this. This is not even a comparison to the rest of the division. Not spectacular wins. Running the ball, field position, controlling the clock, no turnovers. Keeping the eagles offense off the field.

The Redskins line stinks. They will get pressure through schemes.

They will stop the run which I am more concerned about that than pass rushing. We will be fine.

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The NFC East has avery good chance of producing a Super Bowl teams. Like other people have mention, we have three teams that can be legitimate playoffs teams (yes, even the Cowboys).

The NFC was surprisingly weak last year, and it has not really gotten any better outside of the NFC East. This is obvioulsy a benefit because we don't have to play a lot of those good teams in the AFC to get to the big game.

However, this is still the NFL and anything can happen. With the parity that now exists, any team from any conference can win it. Our conference has just a good shot as the others.

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Originally posted by kappaluvacee

As for an explosive offense, you guys definitely helped yourselves with the addition of TO, but you lost big when Staley left. He was the Rock of the three-headed-monster. No teams fear the remaining two RB's. At this point the season is going to tell the truth about all the teams.

1st - Staley was far from the rock of the three-headed monster! Westbrook was the leading rusher, Buck had more attmpts and TD's! Staley was relieable and all, but far from the rock! As far as no team fearing the other two......ask the Giants who they fear (westy).ask the Cowboys who killed them last season....(Buck)

Our two running backs might not be feared like Portis will be, but one thing they do is put you in bad match ups! Westbrook is little but can run up between the tackles with the best and Buck is a bigger back who excels at going around the corner. Staley's leadership will be missed more than his productiviy on the field especially when you consider that before his holdout, before training camp.....he was listed behind Buck and Westy already!

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If you look at the short term success the Eagles have had it has come largely at the expense of a very weak NFC East... going back to when the Cards played in the division. They have had the luxury of one, two, or three additional wins per year that other teams in their respective divisions have not.

Can't and don't hold this against them.


This year should prove different. I think they will be lucky to beat the Giants twice, and probably now split with both the Cowboys and Redskins.

Eagle losses have come in large part out of the division, and as I just mentioned, it's easy to see that changing this year.

With that being said, I still see...

Eagles 11-5 (tops, maybe 10-6... struggle in playoffs with no home field advantage\bye week)

Redskins 9-7 (wildcard?)

Cowboys 9-7 (wildcard?)

Giants 6-10 (playing better in December)

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I don't think the Birds want a NO. 1 seed. Give us a #2! Why? The Eagles are just the best road team in football over the last 5 years! They can go anywhere and beat anyone.

Make no bones about it......we may split with the Skins and the Boys......but we will sweep the Giants!

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Originally posted by Number5

I don't think the Birds want a NO. 1 seed. Give us a #2! Why? The Eagles are just the best road team in football over the last 5 years! They can go anywhere and beat anyone.

Make no bones about it......we may split with the Skins and the Boys......but we will sweep the Giants!

Don't bet the house on sweeping the Giants. The first game I would not want to play is Washington or the Giants. You don't know what the offense/defense will look like. If the Giants beat you, it will be in the first game. Coughlin is too good of a head coach to make Manning beat you. He will run the ball, play smart defense. I talk to Eagles fans at work, they state "Jim Johnson will send the dogs for little Eli." You definately don't want to do that. This will play right into Coughlin's hands. They will just run day and night. Plus, nobody has tape on Eli. Tendencies etc., etc.,etc.

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Originally posted by jpgirth

Don't bet the house on sweeping the Giants. The first game I would not want to play is Washington or the Giants. You don't know what the offense/defense will look like. If the Giants beat you, it will be in the first game. Coughlin is too good of a head coach to make Manning beat you. He will run the ball, play smart defense. I talk to Eagles fans at work, they state "Jim Johnson will send the dogs for little Eli." You definately don't want to do that. This will play right into Coughlin's hands. They will just run day and night. Plus, nobody has tape on Eli. Tendencies etc., etc.,etc.

This is comical......

1- Eagles have always excelled at pounding rookie QB's. Their coverage schemes are confusing to young signal callers. (Notice i haven't mentioned the blitz) Their shifting of formations is confusing. (Notice i haven't mentioned the blitz) And then there is the blitz. (There, i mentioned the blitz)

2- In order to run the ball effective, I bleive you need to have an effective OL. Last time i checked, the Giants didn't have one. Word on the Giants board is that they are going to pound Dayne at the middle of the Eagles line. Well, let's see......Simon is a Pro Bowler, Walker will be a Pro Bowler this year.....gras and Thomas are both healthy and then there's Rayburn. Then you have Sim who will have a line in front of him to allow him to flow like he did in October when he was named the Defensive player of the Month.

The way to beat a rookie QB is the way the Eagles play defense. Stack the line of scrimage....dare you to beat them over the top, if you have the time and options! Either way.....you will get blitzed....blitzed....blitzed....and blitzed some more! And wait till dawkins starts creeping up to the line of scrimage........

Only one rookie QB in the last few years has even looked the part of wanting to challenge our secondary.....and you guys have him on the BENCH!

FREE RAMSEY! Regardless of what SKINS fans say. All Ramsey needs is a line to protcet him and this kid could be a legend......and that's coming from an Eagles fan!

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Originally posted by Number5

This is comical......

1- Eagles have always excelled at pounding rookie QB's. Their coverage schemes are confusing to young signal callers. (Notice i haven't mentioned the blitz) Their shifting of formations is confusing. (Notice i haven't mentioned the blitz) And then there is the blitz. (There, i mentioned the blitz)

2- In order to run the ball effective, I bleive you need to have an effective OL. Last time i checked, the Giants didn't have one. Word on the Giants board is that they are going to pound Dayne at the middle of the Eagles line. Well, let's see......Simon is a Pro Bowler, Walker will be a Pro Bowler this year.....gras and Thomas are both healthy and then there's Rayburn. Then you have Sim who will have a line in front of him to allow him to flow like he did in October when he was named the Defensive player of the Month.

The way to beat a rookie QB is the way the Eagles play defense. Stack the line of scrimage....dare you to beat them over the top, if you have the time and options! Either way.....you will get blitzed....blitzed....blitzed....and blitzed some more! And wait till dawkins starts creeping up to the line of scrimage........

Only one rookie QB in the last few years has even looked the part of wanting to challenge our secondary.....and you guys have him on the BENCH!

FREE RAMSEY! Regardless of what SKINS fans say. All Ramsey needs is a line to protcet him and this kid could be a legend......and that's coming from an Eagles fan!

This is comical. You base analysis on Simon and Walker and Simoneau who were giving up a gazillion yards rushing.

I guess all rookie qb's are the same in your estimation.

How you beat the blitz is to run the ball. I believe the Giants oline is good enough to run the ball with Dayne and Barber.

This team will be radically different under Coughlin, more disciplined.

My post is not about your team. It's about the Giants and how you can't prepare for what you have never seen.

If you can't see past your own homering, that's comical.

I wouldn't want to play the Giants in the first game.

Thomas is healthy, for how long?

When Dawkins creeps to the line of scrimmage...that will leave one or both Toomer 6'+ and Hilliard6'+ one on one with 5'10'cbs.:laugh:

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Run blitz, maybe?

the Eagles have more than 1 type of blitz.

Its a fact that Simon and Walker played waaaaaaay too many snaps. Thats where I can base my observation on that. As far as Toomer and Hillard, last year they didn't have great games against Lito or Sheldon and that was with Collins as QB. Most Giants fans have the same fear. In fact, many of them would rather have Collins starting against us.

As far as homering, if saying actual facts is homering.......sorry, I guess i'm a homer.

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Nice post #5. I think you are being a litle too optimistic over the Eagles. I don't think their schedule is easy and I expect 5 losses. I see the Skins starting slowly and finishing 9-7, maybe contending for a wildcard. The Cowboys will have a very good defense again and I see them finishing 10-6 in battle for second place with the Skins. The Giants quit last year. This year I believe they will still have a "next year" mindset and will thus fare poorly. My guess is 5-11.

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