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Expedition will seek to find Noah's ark.


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Originally posted by Phat Hog

chomerics, are you the script writer for Monty Python ? :laugh:

I was actually thinking about putting

"I went round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away. "

into my rant.

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I saw that too Code. The "a pair of all the animals in the world" in reality meant the animals in THAT part of the world. Think about it... if they had the time to gather up all the animals of the world... computed by scientists as taking hundrends of years... how on earth did they feed them?

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Originally posted by Cskin

I saw that too Code. The "a pair of all the animals in the world" in reality meant the animals in THAT part of the world. Think about it... if they had the time to gather up all the animals of the world... computed by scientists as taking hundrends of years... how on earth did they feed them?

LOL.. no doubt... I thought that show was very well done and put the whole thing in perspective.

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The various religions are like different roads converging on the same point. What difference does it make if we follow different routes, provided we arrive at the same destination.

I wish all religions could be as accepting as Hinduism. Hinduism sees all other beliefs as valid because what Gandhi said is basically part of the religion. What really bothers me are people who say their religion is correct and all others are wrong. Its just stupid and ignorant. People who think that are the reason for many of the worlds troubles right now.

All religions are roads to God.

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Originally posted by miragv

What really bothers me are people who say their religion is correct and all others are wrong. Its just stupid and ignorant. People who think that are the reason for many of the worlds troubles right now.

Of the top of my head I can only think of one group of people that believe theirs is the only way to heaven and that's Christianity. So then I ask you. Why do you believe Christians are the reason for many of the worlds problems?

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People who believe that their religion is the only way are the reason for many of the worlds problems. That is becuase they force their beliefs on others, they colonized many regions to bring show them the "light", they dont really like people of other beliefs and in some cases hate them, and we all know what comes of hate. Just think about all that and maybe you will see where I am comming from.

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In the words of Martin Brody in Jaws "We're going to need a bigger boat!"

People can't actually believe the Ark story. The boat would have to be the size of a large state... and you are going to round up all of those animals?

Good luck with that.

Hey, have all the faith that you want... but use your head!

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