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Trivia Question


How Do You Rate The Washington Draft So Far?  

167 members have voted

  1. 1. How Do You Rate The Washington Draft So Far?

    • Fantastic! I love what Gibbs and the FO has done!
    • Alright. I think Gibbs and the FO have done ok.
    • Gibbs and the FO could have done better.
    • Horrible! They have not addressed our DLine needs! Or got Winslow!
    • Jury is still out on a verdict.

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I think im going to try and post a new trivia question, at least one a week, or until somebody gets it, which ever comes first.

Heres the first one.....

Q: What Quarterback, has the highest winning percentage, in NFL history? note-Minimum of 50 games played

only post one guess at a time

I will check in periodically, and give credit, to the first person with the correct awnser

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Guest 979guy

Tougher than I thought. Where the he!l can you find such stats for the likes of Y.A. Tittle or Sid Luckman?...

Steve Young's a good guess, though. :)

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Originally posted by WallyG3

Kurt Warner?


I found it.

It's Roger Staubach at .746, Brady is .745 with 47 games started.




Nice work!! I think that's counting playoff appearances though.

As far as Otto Graham. . .105-17-4 but that's before the merger in 68' so i don't think he counts.


"According to the Elias Sports Bureau, only three quarterbacks with more than 40 career starts have a winning percentage better than .700. Roger Staubach was 85-29 (.746), followed by Brady (34-12, .739) and, of all people Montana (117-47, .713)."

A link from one of my "homer" sites. . .


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