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Need A Caption Eli Manning Version


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All that he and his whole family done for 2 weeks was cry and whine about going to SD.Why would they care who he plays for?as long as he is in the NFL that enough to make a person happy.I loved it when the crowd hollored Eli sukks Eli Sukks and to see the whole family look like dummys witch they are. I can't wait to see Lavar drop his ass for a sack.:gaintsuck

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Originally posted by JJredskins00

Eli: "Daddy I'm scared of this big city, all these people and noise make me scared."

Archie: Eli, why don't you come wth me BACK TO GREENBOUGH ALABAMA!" (Mississippi)

*Taken from Forrest Gump. If you haven't seen the movie, this might seem really stupid.*

I know exactly what you are talking about, good one JJredskins00! :cheers:

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