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Is Eli Manning Overrated?


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Just wondering if anyone thinks Manning is overrated.

Is he a very good quarterback? Yes. Would he be considered the No. 1 overall pick with any other last name? I highly doubt it. By any measure, Manning, who completed 62.4 percent of his passes for 3,600 yards, 29 touchdowns and 10 interceptions, was no better than the fifth-best quarterback in the country last season (he actually finished 17th in pass efficiency). And that was a big step up from the previous two seasons, when his production wouldn't have merited inclusion in the top 20. You'd expect a "franchise" quarterback to have monster performances in his team's biggest games. Manning had his worst game of the season (16-of-36, 200 yards) in the Rebels' first-place showdown with LSU. He's a solid performer with a strong arm, but he simply doesn't dazzle you like some of his peers at the position in this draft. You could argue that he also didn't have as good a supporting cast -- can you name one Ole Miss receiver? But the Rebels were good enough to go 7-1 in the toughest conference in the country last season and only on a few occasions was it the direct result of Manning taking over the game

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I think he is undermining the entire reason for the Draft.

The 1st pick in the draft is given to the worst freaking team ever to set foot on the field the previous season.

Trading it away to another team for something that may help that team move up is a responsible effort.

But to have a player say they will sit out and not play sets that team up for failure and undermines the only reason for the draft setup... At that point every other team is offering them an empty gatoraid bottle and a smirk.

It's dissapointing but it is good reading :).

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Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Of course he is overrated. He is a very good QB. Probably one of the best in the draft this year, but he's not going to step in somewhere and lead them to a Superbowl next year.

It is the same type of deal as when there is some great baseball player in high school with a little brother who is not as good. The little brother will ALWAYS make the team, regardless of performance because the coaches are hoping to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

Perception is reality, folks.

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Eli Manning is a punk. That's what comes from being the baby boy. It is also what comes from the wonderful world of agents and their bright ideas. This has agent written all over it.

Manning and Condon are pukes. This beeatch is going to get smacked around so hard by the opposing D's. Now I hope to God the G-men do get him. Lavar would be able to remove yet another QB from the game.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I think he is undermining the entire reason for the Draft.

The 1st pick in the draft is given to the worst freaking team ever to set foot on the field the previous season.

Trading it away to another team for something that may help that team move up is a responsible effort.

But to have a player say they will sit out and not play sets that team up for failure and undermines the only reason for the draft setup... At that point every other team is offering them an empty gatoraid bottle and a smirk.

It's dissapointing but it is good reading :).

I couldn't agree more Thiebear. This whole "I won't play for the Chargers...I'll sit out this year and re-enter the draft next year" crap annoys the hell out of me. You cannot let the players dictate the draft. I hope the Chargers do select him...

Kinda funny that Archie is so pissed that San Diego made the media aware of this...he "thought it was a personal matter between the two side"...or could it be that now everyone knows your son is a spoiled brat?

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The hilarous thing is that the Manning camp believes he'll be more successful with the G-men. Now, I don't care who takes up the blue and white...no matter who the offensive co-ordinator is....Giant football always sucks the life and excitement out of players.

Then again, who knows? Maybe Manning is the type of guy that wants to throw 30 screen passes a game....

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This stuff goes on all the time, the difference is that we weren't supposed to hear about it.

Right now, the GM has everyone pissed at him. The Manning's are pissed because they talked to them in confidence and Maryt Schottenheimer is pissed because by making this public, the Chargers have lost their leverage for a trade. The GM is an idiot.

All you guys crying about what a punk he is, remember, LaVar did the same thing. So I guess LaVar is a punk too.

Ramsey's agent casued the stir that he did, so I guess Ramsey's a punk too?

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No he isnt ovrrated and the successful coached and gMs in the league broke down tape on his and pointed out the similarities between him and his brother and that he has more armstrength.

I dont blame him one bit for not wanting to go to San diego.

He isnt under contract which means he is free to do that because once he is signed he would have a life sentence to san diego.

The midgets with him at QB could be a dangerous team in 3 years since collins would start this year and its not like they are going to make it to the playoffs so why not get the franchise name QB when you can.

Remember Brunell spent the majority of his years under coughlin

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