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Al Qaeda Goes Regional: Basra, Riyadh Bomb Blasts Coordinated with Thwarted Chemical Strike in Amman

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

April 21, 2004, 11:42 PM (GMT+02:00)

Ruined nerve center of Saudi throne`s security mainstay

The horrifying homicide bomb blasts that hit four police facilities and two school buses in the British-controlled south Iraqi port of Basra and the Saudi General Security building in Riyadh on Wednesday, April 21 were part of a wider al Qaeda plot. In Basra, many children were among the 68 killed and hundreds injured, 5 of them British soldiers. From Riyadh, there are no official figures. Most reports speak of 9 to 12 killed and 125 injured. The combined death toll cannot be far short of 100.

DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources reveal that for the first time since the September 11 attacks in the United States, Osama bin Laden’s network is operating on a regional scale. Its original plot included Amman and the Adam border crossing from Jordan into Israel and the West Bank. These two targets were singled out for al Qaeda’s first chemical attack, which Jordanian security authorities foiled earlier this month when they intercepted one of the pickups loaded with explosives and poison gas containers after it crossed in from Syria. That capture led to more team members being apprehended.

In Amman, government buildings, a luxury hotel, the US embassy and thousands of lives were saved. The second part of the hit-team was to have attempted to cross into Israel through the Adam terminal. If it failed to pass through, the suicide terrorists were to blow themselves up and release the poison gas in the middle of the crowds of travelers and tourists to and from Israel that normally crowd the facility.

Jordan’s second anti-terror coup in less than a month took place almost unnoticed on Tuesday, April 20. A tip-off led security forces to a villa in the swank Upper Hashemi district of Amman. Three occupants opened fire on the officers and were shot dead. The bare facts of this incident were disclosed, describing one of the three terrorists as Jordanian and the other two as foreigners. DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources reveal exclusively first that not all the suspects were killed; between five and seven were captured, and second they were Iraqi guerrilla fighters.

This is the first time Iraqi insurgents have been captured outside their country on a suicide mission for al Qaeda.

If this discovery were not chilling enough, the information Jordanian interrogators gained from their Iraqi captives set alarm bells jangling in Washington, Jerusalem, Amman and every Western capital alive to the threat of non-conventional, multiple-casualty terrorism.

What they learned was:

1. The cell captured Tuesday belonged to the team that entered Jordan from Syria three weeks ago with three booby-trapped trucks loaded with explosives and poison gas containers. King Abdullah and his intelligence chief General Kheir estimated that their cargoes were sufficient to massacre 20,000 human beings.

2. The multiple strikes in Amman were planned for Wednesday, April 21, to coincide with the Basra and Riyadh bombings. But that was not all.

3. At the same time, toxic gas attacks were plotted for Israel or the Adam border terminal. There is no certainty that one last death truck is not still at large.

4. The most disturbing discovery for the Americans and Israel was al Qaeda’s new division of labor revealed by the chemical bomb team. It showed the network had departed from the methods familiar to US, Jordanian and Israeli intelligence. The terrorists who drove the trucks across the border from Syria into Jordan were not suicide bombers. Their job was to deliver the trucks to the Iraqis in the villa, who would then drive them on to targets and blow them up. Asked where they got their orders, the Iraqis replied from Saudi Arabia.

Instead of operating on a local scale with the help of local terrorist affiliates, Osama bin Laden’s network is for the first time striking simultaneously in a number of different countries using imported operatives. Their orders and tactics are dictated from inside Saudi Arabia; the technology, bomb cars and non-conventional substances rigged in Syria; the homicide teams, Iraqis. This new mode of operation extends the area of the Iraq conflict into other Middle East countries, including Israel, and provides the fundamentalists with a broad, regional war theatre.

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1. The cell captured Tuesday belonged to the team that entered Jordan from Syria three weeks ago with three booby-trapped trucks loaded with explosives and poison gas containers. King Abdullah and his intelligence chief General Kheir estimated that their cargoes were sufficient to massacre 20,000 human beings.

Don't you mean Syria? I'll bet the explosives and poison gas containers were paid for by the Syrian goverment. I think it's time to add them to the axis of evil and pound Damascus into a crater.

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I think he's referring to this part:

Asked where they got their orders, the Iraqis replied from Saudi Arabia.

Instead of operating on a local scale with the help of local terrorist affiliates, Osama bin Laden’s network is for the first time striking simultaneously in a number of different countries using imported operatives. Their orders and tactics are dictated from inside Saudi Arabia...

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Originally posted by miragv

We really do not need to invade or bomb any more countries. What we need to work on is imporving our image around the world so that we arent the target of terrorists.

Yeah, we went far with that before 9/11:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Sarge

Yeah, we went far with that before 9/11:rolleyes:

Well, who do you want, Syria or Saudi Arabia?

"Nuke em' all, let Allah sort em' out:evil:"

Sarge, if we went into Saudi OR Syria, I'd have no problem with it, Iraq's the one that sent me over the edge.

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Originally posted by miragv

We really do not need to invade or bomb any more countries. What we need to work on is imporving our image around the world so that we arent the target of terrorists.

I deally I agree with you. You seem to have more knowledge of the muslim world than me. I ask you a serious question: What is it that terrorists want? What would make them happy? I don't seem them ever satisfied? Send me a PM cause I probably wont read this anytime soon. Cheers.

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Originally posted by Sarge

Care to name a few?

The one below seems to be....

I see racist anti-Islamic posts and anti-Arab posts everyday. Its just not right to be racist.

Originally posted by chomerics

Well, who do you want, Syria or Saudi Arabia?

"Nuke em' all, let Allah sort em' out:evil:"

Sarge, if we went into Saudi OR Syria, I'd have no problem with it, Iraq's the one that sent me over the edge.

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Originally posted by sonsofwashington

I deally I agree with you. You seem to have more knowledge of the muslim world than me. I ask you a serious question: What is it that terrorists want? What would make them happy? I don't seem them ever satisfied? Send me a PM cause I probably wont read this anytime soon. Cheers.

It would be absurd to bow down to their demands, there is no way we will do that. I dont know what to do. We are never going to turn our backs on our ally Israel so the problem basically will not end. As long as Israel is our ally we will have this anti-american problem in the middle east.

I know the first instinct of someone reading this is going to ask me if I want us to end our friendship with Israel......and no, I dont want us to do that. The only suggestion i have is to end the double standards we employ, we also need to stop aiding dictators, that goes against what we believe in.

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Originally posted by miragv

The one below seems to be....

I see racist anti-Islamic posts and anti-Arab posts everyday. Its just not right to be racist.

It was supposed to be sarcasim as AtB said. Being a racist was one of the last things I ever thought I'd see someone accuse me of on this board.

As far as the racist stuff on the boards, it's free speech. They have the right to spew off their views just as much as you do yours. Call them on it if you want, but next time make sure it actually is a racist comment your calling out. ;)

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Originally posted by chomerics

Well, who do you want, Syria or Saudi Arabia?

"Nuke em' all, let Allah sort em' out:evil:"

Sarge, if we went into Saudi OR Syria, I'd have no problem with it, Iraq's the one that sent me over the edge.

Both need it, but I'd rather do saudi arabia first. Syria is like a consolation prize

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We really do not need to invade or bomb any more countries. What we need to work on is imporving our image around the world so that we arent the target of terrorists.

Spoken like a true Liberal... appease... appease... negotiate.. and wait for 9-11 Part Deux. We'll be actively trying to improve our image while they plan to kill as many Americans as they can.

What's next? Forcing Christan churches to broadcast the "call to prayer" immediately following the "call to service" church bells? Put Golden domes on all of our churches?

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Originally posted by Sarge

Both need it, but I'd rather do saudi arabia first. Syria is like a consolation prize

Saudi Arabia has pissed me off more than once. We KNOW they sponser terrorism, yet we turn the other cheek against these sleaze balls because they have oil. There have been a number of instances in which SA has flipped us the bird, yet we continue to deal with them with kid gloves. I think your good ole buddy Bush has too many ties with the Saudi Royals for anything to happen.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Saudi Arabia has pissed me off more than once. We KNOW they sponser terrorism, yet we turn the other cheek against these sleaze balls because they have oil. There have been a number of instances in which SA has flipped us the bird, yet we continue to deal with them with kid gloves. I think your good ole buddy Bush has too many ties with the Saudi Royals for anything to happen.

It doesn't help that they have billions invested in our economy. IF we whack 'em, they'd pull it out of the banks and all.

Unless, of course, we freeze their assets and stop monetary transfers that originate in the middle east

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