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Possible Udeze Dillemma


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A while back there were rumors of a potential top 10 pick being injured. I believe I read in a thread today (within a posted article) that Udeze is that player and a torn labrum (shoulder) is the injury in question.

This makes me concerned about trading down for him as it seems he was the target of such a move in the draft. Of course there is talk of Will Smith (the fresh prince of Ohio State), but there have also been reservations that he is as sure a thing as Udeze.

I still think we need to address the D line, any potential injury to Udeze notwithstanding. How does this alter what the board members here think we should do.

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Udeze has shoulder surgery two years ago. He’s been cleared by doctors at the combine so it’s not to likely that he is the player in question.

I hope so. I'm no orthopod, but a torn labrum is a tough injury to overcome if memory serves me.

By the way, Oldskool, since you and I are two of the most vocal advocates of trading down for D line, who do you want with that pick should the Skins decide to go that route?

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Originally posted by bird_1972

By the way, Oldskool, since you and I are two of the most vocal advocates of trading down for D line, who do you want with that pick should the Skins decide to go that route?

I’d like to see Udeze in the first and Dockett or Washington in the 2nd if possible.

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