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Weeds. The Bane of my Existence. (help)


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I've got this horrendous weed problem in my yard. Its a runner of some sort, and it tastes very sweet. I have a friend who used to eat it when he was growing up in Penn. (don't ask me why)

I cannot get rid of this thing. Its resistent to this one pesticide I bought, and Roundup only slows it down... it only kills the top foliage, while the runners below laugh at me silently.

Here it is:


Does anyone know what this crap is and how I should proceed to eradicate it from my yard?

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Sheep's Sorrel is actually conisidered a healing or medicinal herb. it has been used as a cure for for certain cancers, and is quite effective. Used in combination with certain other herbs(essiac)it has been sort of A secret cure for cancer and other ailments.Has A very good track record.

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Well, I attempted to track down the weed by posting that same photo on a plant bbs. It was blowing up with several responses in minutes. Someone suggested Red Sorrel. Now I'm hearing Sheep Sorrel.

Whatever. I just want it dead.

Thanks, Dane for the link. I can't wait to take some of that Glyphosate to its little weed runner ass(es)... there's more than one. :silly:

Oh, and DH - you know how online communities go - you can never predict what your users will do. :thumbsup:

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I bought some woody brush killer to take out briars and poison oak patches-- comes in a bottle of concentrate that you are supposed to mix with water and use in a sprayer. However, I discovered that it is Gardener's Napalm when used full strength in liberal amounts on things that won't die. Much, MUCH more effective than Roundup.

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