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For those that attend Hog Fest:


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If the choice is between those two, I am FAR FAR FAR more in favor of the BALTIMORE 8:30pm game than a possible 4pm game in the middle of November.

It WAY too cold then, and like two years ago, there is still the chance that they could change it back to a 1pm game.

If youre gonna do this, I would recommend voting for the Baltimore game.

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Not dissing Hogfest, I had a blast last year, but wonder why you'd pick one of those two games? Cincy has a little extra interest with Lewis running the show, but even thats diminished now that SOS is gone. None of my business, but there are SO many other big time games to pick from, just curious why these two rose to the top?

Of course, I'm not involved in planning or helping with Hogfest, so its none of my business. Just wondering?

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They are trying to get an evening game for pre and post game partying purposes.

1:00 o'clock games are not as good for pre-game partying. Remeember Tom has a lot of crap to do to get it set up.

Same for evening games, Tom has to pack it up, plus no post game partying. And it's harder for the out of towners on taking off work, flying home etc.

Unfortunately the 4 o'clock games are all late on the schedule.

Not to mention with gibbs back, the Cincy game might be the easiest to get tickets for. Especially if they perform up to gibbs' standards. the Baltimore game, you might get a lot of blackbird fans trying to buy tickets. (Do they have a lot of fans? :laugh: )

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The Baltimore game is fine.

But if we do that one, Tom will not be coordinating it. He does not want to coordinate a night game under any circumstances because of all the work that has to be done after the game is over.

So does that mean those that want the 8:30pm game will coordinate it? Caterer, tables, chairs, tickets, the whole nine yards. And it all has to be inventoried immediately after the game, so no partying with the rest of us either.

As far as why those two games are the ones we picked, its because they are the earliest late games that are not on Monday Night.

And there is no way a 1pm game is gonna win a poll because no one hardly wants to have to get up that early to set up and all because of the partying on Saturday Night.

So, here are the only legit choices we had:

Sept. 27 Dallas 9:00 p.m. (Monday Night aint gonna win a Poll)

Oct. 10 Baltimore 8:30 p.m.

Nov. 14 Cincinnati 4:05 p.m.

Dec. 5 New York Giants 4:15 p.m.

Dec. 12 Philadelphia 8:30 p.m.

Now, I ran a poll already with those 5 games in it, and the two in the new poll each were on top, with the Cincy game winning by a HUGE margin. Here are the results of the original poll:

Sept. 27 Dallas 9:00 p.m. (MON) 7 / 12.7%

Oct. 10 Baltimore 8:30 p.m. (SUN) 11 / 20.0%

Nov. 14 Cincinnati 4:05 p.m. (SUN) 33 / 60.0%

Dec. 5 New York Giants 4:15 p.m. (SUN) 3 / 5.5%

Dec. 12 Philadelphia 8:30 p.m. (SUN) 1 / 1.8%

So, I took the top 2 and made a new poll because the Baltimore game was picking up some more interest.

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Thanks Rat...like I said, not ****ing about it, I understand from having attended last year that an incredible amount of work goes into it. Just wondered what the thinking was.

Now I know ;)

Truth is, every game from here on out is going to be a 'big game' and regardless of when Hogfest is, its a blast. TomSkinsfan does and those of you who help do a great job. Nothin' but love here :cheers:

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I can truly appreciate the coordination problem Rat. you know that. Especially after what we went through last year. But Tom does not have to do this alone. He does have help does he not? And many have volunteered. Sure many, includuing myself if necessary, would help if it came to that. I've done so before. Either way, I'll go. No problem. I'm just giving my preference. Also based on the fact that Tom won't be coordinating it and the apparent problems with anyone else doing so, why put Baltimore on the list? It would seem that those reasons given would negate any interest in that game as an option.

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Two Deli subs, favorite beverage of choice, chips, barbcue, and a game program in the shade,with aroma's all over. Nothing but a sea of burgundy and all this in the parking lot, even if I dont' go to the game, I can enjoy it all across the road from FEDEX!

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