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OT: Article defending Philly fans


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Hey guys. Here is an article that does a decent job of defending Philly (not Eagle) fans. <br /><br /><a href="http://www.sportstease.com/mikemissanelli/corner.htm" target="_blank">http://www.sportstease.com/mikemissanelli/corner.htm</a><br /><br />Apparently Mike had that bum Wilbon on 610WIP to discuss his article in the Post and tore him up. I missed it unfortunately. I think this artile was spurred by Wilbon's article though...

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Actually Wilbon pretty well destroyed him so the Philthy idiot started calling him names and referring to him as "cuz". Wilbon called him a punk and hung up on him.<br /><br />What a laughable article. Yeah sure Philly gets it, its the rest of us who dont. Puhlease.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 15, 2002, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Kilmer17 ]</small>

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I'm surprised Wilbon called the little whiners in the first place.<br /><br />That article was BS. No way were the fans booing Kobe simply because LA beat Philly in the finals last year. I doubt that was on many minds that night. And EVEN if it was, LA beat 'em fair and square so to act like that would STILL be poor sportsmanship.<br /><br />Jerks.

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Even their journalists are morons. I myself am a journalist, albeit I am a police writer for a little hometown newspaper. Even though this guy is a DJ, this crap should have never been published. Nearly every post on this MB is better than that "piece of journalism."<br /><br />His arguement that Kobe was booed for wearing a Lakers jersey was incredibly idiotic. I didn't hear frickin Gary Payton getting booed ferociously when he hit a shot. <br /><br />My brother moved to Chicago, but when he comes back to Fredericksburg for a visit, will I yell at him and throw him out? Good God, no! <br /><br />And what's sad is that this guy is one of the smarter ones.

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Ok, before I reply I don't want this to degrade into a shouting match. Hopefully we can all keep this level headed... we're all Skins fans after all. Also, I want to make it known that although I find nothing wrong with Philly fans booing Kobe, I wouldn't have done it personally. <br /><br />Now, I'd admit this isn't a masterpeice article, but the author (who doesn't write for a living by the way) could have some valid points. <br /><br />I'd still like to know why it is so wrong to boo? Everyone keeps arguing that Philly fans suck, but no one can put forth a legit argument for what is really so wrong with it? <br /><br />Brave, why don't you think they where booing him because he is a Laker? I don't think they would have booed him had he been a Golden State Warrior. <br /><br />OrangeSkin, what do you mean by your Gary Payton remark? I don't think the SuperSonics have any type of rivaly with the Sixer, do they? <br /><br />Oh well, just trying to get to the heart of the matter...

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Mike - I was using Gary Payton as an example. I didn't hear any huge amount of boos for any other player. Why didn't they boo Michael Jordan or Alonzo Mourning if it's all about "hated rivals"? They booed him because he is Kobe Bryant, not because he plays for the Lakers. Had this not been the case, they wouldn't have booed when he was recieving the MVP trophy. <br /><br />And I find nothing wrong with booing. I love hearing boos, especially if they're directed toward an opposing team. But Kobe came back to his hometown and gets booed simply because he puts forth his best effort for a team other than the Sixers every night. These are the fans that booed Santa Claus and cheered Michael Irvin's career ending injury. I'm all for booing the Cowboys, Giants, and even the 'Skins. Have at it. I just find it classless to boo when an individual is undeserving of that type of abuse.

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Gotcha Orange, but I think the slant of the article is that Kobe is the guy on the team that just beat the Sixers in the finals a few short months ago. <br /><br />It would be like booing E. Smith (hypothetical here) at a pro-bowl game held in D.C. when he just rushed for 3 td's in the Conference championship to beat the Skins a month prior. <br /><br />But, I think your point is that it's a decency issue with you. Well taken.

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In addition to the fact that if the pro bowl were held in DC and Emmit got the MVP, the DC crowd wouldn't all stand up and boo and hiss especially diuring the award ceremony. The worst they or just about any other crowd in the country would do would be to not applaud the kid. <br /><br />Hell Mike, the Philly fans even booed their own MVP QB at his own draft. They boo EVERYTHING all the time, not when it's appropriate. Booing can certainly have it's place, but it's like anything else edgy...it has a time and a place. <br /><br />The Philly fans don't have their reputation because of Washington columnists and fans, they have done things time after time after time and have things like a jail and on duty magistrate and police force that no other stadium or team does. These aren't coincidences. <br /><br />Most Philly fans when asked about it are quite proud of the reputation and the behaviour, not matter how extreme. You seem to be the exception to the rule, not vice versa. That might be a bit unfair and a bit of a generalization, but that's it the general perception nationwide, and many Redskins fans have gotten personally educated as to just how true all of these things are. <br /><br />If that isn't enough specifics then the list goes on and on with thing like kids getting spit on and violence. It should be abundantly clear to you by now though, if not, I submit you're just never gonna get it. But good for you for sticking up for your home.

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I think you are all missing the point. The philly fans didn't boo him because the lakers beat the sixers. They booed him because the comments he made after game 2 of the finals before going to philly for games 3-5. I am going to tear there hearts out when I get back to philly. and I am not a philly kid...I just spent some time there growing up......I am a laker kid.....So here he denounced there city......then he comes back wearing a philly jersey " his dad's by the way".....that combo is what pissed them off....add to it that he did come back and rip there hearts out was just icing on the cake. I do not agree with the booing at the all star game...at any other game I can see why they would. Most skin fans have to much class to boo a player at an all-star game no matter how justified they might be. It is not the proper forum.

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Dress Kobe in a friggin Santa Claus suit, hand out D cell batteries at the door, and see if he can make it from goal line to goal line in the Vet stadium. He'd dodge the thousands of batteries raining down on him for the first 90 yards, but at the last minute he'd hit a pothole in the turf and land flat on his face. Toast.

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Good points by Tommy and Counter... and some comic relief from Hierge:)<br /><br />I would like to comment on the McNabb issue... for the record it was a busload of morons that where recruited by a 610WIP morning show (the morning show is the 'wild and crazy' show on 610, not the normal real sports talk that you get in the afternoons and evenings.) These guys (infamously dubbed the "Dirty Thirty") where primed by the show to boo anyone who was drafted that was not R. Williams. Whereas the booing was wrong and completely inappropiate, it was not directed at Donovan nor did it represent the general Philly fan population. In fact, there was much to do on that radio station for months about the inappropiatness of the act. Many fans called and complained, and the general feeling was that it was completely wrong!

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Santa Claus was booed because the fan who wore the outfit was drunk and scraggly and I guess the fans didnt like the way he brought down the image of Kris Kringle.<br /><br />Kobe was hated when he decided not to attend Lasalle or Villanova, go the FA route and return to philly and of course telling philly fans that he was going to rip their hearts out during the NBA Finals and then doing it didnt help either.<br /><br />He got Booed, he'll get over it and it should help him become less thin skinned.<br /><br />The Fans still suck though

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"...nor did it represent the general Philly fan population"<br /><br />Yea but Mike that is always the reaction in Philly whenever a nasty incident takes place. It happens so much that at one point ya gotta step up and say that maybe it is a lot more indicative of the Philly mentality than you or the other "adults" in Philly want to admit. Like I said before, you are the exception to the rule, not the norm.

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CounterTre,<br /><br />Agreed and never disputed that Eagle fans are that way. <br /><br />But the general sports fan base of the area (reaching deep into Delaware and NJ also) are not that way. This includes Sixer, Flyers, and Phillies fans. A distinction needs to be recognized between Eagle fans and the rest of the community. Aside from the Kobe debacle, you don't hear a peep regarding the other teams concerning these type incidents.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 17, 2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: MikeB ]</small>

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I drove up to the Philly area yestreday morning and heard the replay of the segment of the WIP "Morning Guys" show when they had Wilbon on....apparently they had him on the day after Missanelli did. The conversation was pretty good, with the WIP crowd getting to explain more about why Kobe is disliked in Philly and Wilbon explaining that he didn't intend to question the passion of Philly fans, but that the passion sometimes gets in the way of rational thinking.

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Who said hired? Those fans were in fact recruited and primed to boo by 610 WIP. It's fact and no one disputes it except you. <br /><br />What's with the word "peeps" my brother? You frontin'? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by MikeB:<br /><strong>What's with the word "peeps" my brother? You frontin'? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">peeps = people, duh, you know internet talk, right?<br /><br />and , why do you comment on "my brother? you frontin'?".....what are you saying ?.....is that a racist comment ??<br /><br />Typical Philly fan , Right ?

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by NavyDave:<br /><strong>Santa Claus was booed because the fan who wore the outfit was drunk and scraggly and I guess the fans didnt like the way he brought down the image of Kris Kringle.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The version of this story that I've heard goes like this: Going into the halftime intermission, the Eagles were getting killed by whomever it was that they were playing that Sunday, when the unlucky fellow dressed up as St. Nick came riding out onto the field in his red and green sleigh. The Philly faithful, clearly in no mood to welcome the Christmas Spirit into their hearts at that time, began pelting the poor ol' sap with snowballs.

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