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Easter Bunny attacked by church actors trying to make point about Easter and Christ


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I admit, I am a conservative, but I am also not religious, and sometimes, some of the folks who do go to chruch go a bit too far

Case in point:


Actors Whip Easter Bunny at Church Show

GLASSPORT, Pa. (AP)--First, the Passion of the Christ. Now, the torment of the Easter Bunny?

It may not have been as gruesome as Mel Gibson's movie, but many parents and children got upset when a church trying to teach about Jesus' crucifixion performed an Easter show with actors whipping the Easter bunny and breaking eggs.

People who attended Saturday's show at Glassport's memorial stadium quoted performers as saying, ``There is no Easter bunny,'' and described the show as being a demonstration of how Jesus was crucified.

Melissa Salzmann, who brought her 4-year-old son J.T., said the program was inappropriate for young children. ``He was crying and asking me why the bunny was being whipped,'' Salzmann said.

Patty Bickerton, the youth minister at Glassport Assembly of God, said the performance wasn't meant to be offensive. Bickerton portrayed the Easter rabbit and said she tried to act with a tone of irreverence.

``The program was for all ages, not just the kids. We wanted to convey that Easter is not just about the Easter bunny, it is about Jesus Christ,'' Bickerton said.

Performers broke eggs meant for an Easter egg hunt and also portrayed a drunken man and a self-mutilating woman, said Jennifer Norelli-Burke, another parent who saw the show in Glassport, a community about 10 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

``It was very disturbing,'' Norelli-Burke said. ``I could not believe what I saw. It wasn't anything I was expecting.''

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It's people like this that make it so much harder for people like myself to worship...or at least to tell other people that I do. It's like that saying "Please Jesus, save me from your followers...."

How much more out of touch do the leaders of the church have to be? I mean, you think the people who already were attending an Easter show about Christ...needed to be reminded Christ was the reason for Easter?

And even if they did....and even if the Easter Bunny was supposed to be irrevant...is the right way to deal with someone like that to whip them? Is that the way of jesus? Sounds like the way of the people who made a horrible mistake by crucifing him.

Talk about missing the point and screwing the message up...and this is a church!! I don't know if I'm more angry or sad at this....

And don't even get me started on the "Passion"...man it's a rough time to believe in God.

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I am a religious person and Easter is very important to me. I believe in Jesus and I believe He died on the cross for me and 3 days later rose from His grave.

I also believe little children should have the pleasure of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.

Sometimes I just shake my head in wonder and think to myself........what were these people thinking.


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Originally posted by fwo40

It's people like this that make it so much harder for people like myself to worship...or at least to tell other people that I do. It's like that saying "Please Jesus, save me from your followers...."

How much more out of touch do the leaders of the church have to be? I mean, you think the people who already were attending an Easter show about Christ...needed to be reminded Christ was the reason for Easter?

And even if they did....and even if the Easter Bunny was supposed to be irrevant...is the right way to deal with someone like that to whip them? Is that the way of jesus? Sounds like the way of the people who made a horrible mistake by crucifing him.

Talk about missing the point and screwing the message up...and this is a church!! I don't know if I'm more angry or sad at this....

And don't even get me started on the "Passion"...man it's a rough time to believe in God.

"Out of Touch"? How out of touch is Easter with Jesus? "Easter" is named after a Roman Goddess of Fertility named Eoster (not sure about the spelling, but you get the idea). Rabbits and eggs are symbols of fertility that were associated with the Roman Goddess.

Also, I'm sure you noticed that Easter never falls on the same Sunday two years in a row. That's because it is based on the time of the Pascal moon, which dictated when the Roman Holiday celebrating Eoster's return (after winter) was supposed to be.

So what does "Easter" have to do with Jesus? Ancient church leaders who were attempting to adopt Christianity into Roman life merged the anniversary of Jesus' memorial and death with Eoster's holiday. They thought that if people could have faith in Jesus and still have their "celebrations" that the people would be more accepting of Christianity. A similar thing was done with "Christmas" which began as "The Feast of the Unconquerable Sun" celebrated yearly on December 25.

The last supper, or memorial, took place on Nisan 14, by the old Jewish calendar. Jewish days went from sundown to sundown.

This year, Nisan 14 was last Sunday/Monday, beginning on Sunday evening when the sun set and ending on Monday at the next sunset.

I hope that you found this interesting.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

"Out of Touch"? How out of touch is Easter with Jesus? "Easter" is named after a Roman Goddess of Fertility named Eoster (not sure about the spelling, but you get the idea). Rabbits and eggs are symbols of fertility that were associated with the Roman Goddess.

Also, I'm sure you noticed that Easter never falls on the same Sunday two years in a row. That's because it is based on the time of the Pascal moon, which dictated when the Roman Holiday celebrating Eoster's return (after winter) was supposed to be.

So what does "Easter" have to do with Jesus? Ancient church leaders who were attempting to adopt Christianity into Roman life merged the anniversary of Jesus' memorial and death with Eoster's holiday. They thought that if people could have faith in Jesus and still have their "celebrations" that the people would be more accepting of Christianity. A similar thing was done with "Christmas" which began as "The Feast of the Unconquerable Sun" celebrated yearly on December 25.

The last supper, or memorial, took place on Nisan 14, by the old Jewish calendar. Jewish days went from sundown to sundown.

This year, Nisan 14 was last Sunday/Monday, beginning on Sunday evening when the sun set and ending on Monday at the next sunset.

I hope that you found this interesting.

Yes, I did find that interesting

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Originally posted by fwo40

"Please Jesus, save me from your followers...."

finally something worth praying for!

i guess next year this assembly will do the same thing with Santa Claus, right?

and they can sing Cartman's version of "Oh Holy Night" so all the children can be reminded about the spirit of XMas:

"And, O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

It is the night of our dear Savior's b-b-b-birth.

O holy night! The something something distant

It is the night with the Christmas trees and pie.

Jesus was born and so I get presents.

Thank you, Jesus for being born."

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This definitely falls in the "What were they thinking?" category.

An easter bunny being whipped for the sins of the world is offensive no matter how you look at it.

Conservative, evangelical Christians that I know merely tolerate the whole easter bunny thing as a cultural reality. They know that there's no logical connection between the mythical bunny and the reality of the ressurection of Christ.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

"Out of Touch"? How out of touch is Easter with Jesus? "Easter" is named after a Roman Goddess of Fertility named Eoster (not sure about the spelling, but you get the idea). Rabbits and eggs are symbols of fertility that were associated with the Roman Goddess.

Also, I'm sure you noticed that Easter never falls on the same Sunday two years in a row. That's because it is based on the time of the Pascal moon, which dictated when the Roman Holiday celebrating Eoster's return (after winter) was supposed to be.

So what does "Easter" have to do with Jesus? Ancient church leaders who were attempting to adopt Christianity into Roman life merged the anniversary of Jesus' memorial and death with Eoster's holiday. They thought that if people could have faith in Jesus and still have their "celebrations" that the people would be more accepting of Christianity. A similar thing was done with "Christmas" which began as "The Feast of the Unconquerable Sun" celebrated yearly on December 25.

The last supper, or memorial, took place on Nisan 14, by the old Jewish calendar. Jewish days went from sundown to sundown.

This year, Nisan 14 was last Sunday/Monday, beginning on Sunday evening when the sun set and ending on Monday at the next sunset.

I hope that you found this interesting.

Actually, I did already know most of this...the point of my post is that nowadays Easter is largely associated with Christ no matter how it began. Christianity "conquering" the Roman empire was no small feat...and subsquently it did begin to take over old pagan holidays.

To Christians (the people performing this little play) of course Easter has far more to do with Christ than the Easter Bunny..you have to grade these things on a sliding scale....Messiah...or Bunny...hmmm....

In this instance the church in question is way out of touch because it is preaching to the converted (one of Christianity's greatest flaws)...these people in the audience know that Easter today is for Christ...they don't need to have their fun ruined by bashing a secular figure.

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Originally posted by Blondie

I am a religious person and Easter is very important to me. I believe in Jesus and I believe He died on the cross for me and 3 days later rose from His grave.

I also believe little children should have the pleasure of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.

Sometimes I just shake my head in wonder and think to myself........what were these people thinking.


Me too. I'd bet these people would be shocked to learn that Jesus wasn't crucified on the date(s) that we celebrate Easter. Easter, however, is a springtime celebration because its message of renewal works well with similar pagan celebrations.

Likewise, Christmas appears by most accounts to have been totally misplaced in December. It's nevertheless celebrated there because it coincided with the Roman-originated celebration of Saturnalia.

These were practical concessions the church made to its members who wanted to continue to honor their traditional celebrations, and I have no problem with that as long as the underlying Christian message is not lost.

These guys in this church are simply idiots, and maybe zealots.

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Originally posted by AJWatson3

i was taught those things too. and no, i don't speak for everyone, but it is pretty obvious. christmas has become a time to help out the economy by showering your loved ones with gifts. it's almost as phony as thanksgiving.

Don't start dissing Thanksgiving. :nono:

Thems there are fighting words. :box:

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