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Clinton Portis will be on Sportscenter's "Final Exam" tommorow


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Please excuse my ignorance. I'm mainly an NFL fan, and can't stand Sportscenter's format, so I don't watch much of it. What is Sportscenter's "Final Exam"? Is it at the end of the show, or is it a separate show? I'd like to see Portis's segment, but I'd prefer not to have sit through the rest if I can have an idea of when the Final Exam portion is.

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Originally posted by skinsnatsfan

Please excuse my ignorance. I'm mainly an NFL fan, and can't stand Sportscenter's format, so I don't watch much of it. What is Sportscenter's "Final Exam"? Is it at the end of the show, or is it a separate show? I'd like to see Portis's segment, but I'd prefer not to have sit through the rest if I can have an idea of when the Final Exam portion is.

its just a little segment scott van pelt does during the 6:00 Sportscenter. im not sure what time during the show. im not a huge fan of sportscenter either, but i watched some of it today and saw this "final exam" thing and happened to notice that they said portis would be on tommorow... ill probably just start watching tommorow and hope that portis comes on sooner rather than later.

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Originally posted by terpfan

its just a little segment scott van pelt does during the 6:00 Sportscenter. im not sure what time during the show. im not a huge fan of sportscenter either, but i watched some of it today and saw this "final exam" thing and happened to notice that they said portis would be on tommorow... ill probably just start watching tommorow and hope that portis comes on sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the info! I'll probably do the same. I'll try to keep my childish opinions at bay so that I don't miss the segment.

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Originally posted by skinsnatsfan

Please excuse my ignorance. I'm mainly an NFL fan, and can't stand Sportscenter's format, so I don't watch much of it. What is Sportscenter's "Final Exam"? Is it at the end of the show, or is it a separate show? I'd like to see Portis's segment, but I'd prefer not to have sit through the rest if I can have an idea of when the Final Exam portion is.

I feel ya. I can't stand how they make you wait through the other "sports" to get to football. I think Final Exam is towards the end of Sportscenter.

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Originally posted by Mittens

I feel ya. I can't stand how they make you wait through the other "sports" to get to football. I think Final Exam is towards the end of Sportscenter.

Yep. Then they tease you with a couple minutes of football and it its off again on the sports news rotation. I just haven't been able to keep myself from changing the channel. I'll probably end up taping it and fast forwarding through it. Why work on my patience when I have a VCR!

But it's great to know that Portis will be on it. Hopefully he's not quite the person that that article made him out to be.

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Portis is not a bad guy at all. Like you all have said, he is ****y as hell, but it's not like he lets all that get in the way of his performance on the field. I've kept up with Portis since back when he played for Miami (like that was a long time ago or something), and I've seen several segments on him here and there. He's definitely a character, (i.e.- wearing pink furry hats with a 3-piece suit and taking him mom to his senior prom), but he's an absolute stud of a runningback and thank God he's in Washington.

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theres one thing being ****y and confident, then theres another in being a ****y a** like Meshaun and TO or Sapp. Riggins was a lovable ****y guy, heck, a lot of the old redskins were. I hope we get those kinda players again.

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