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I am Officialy Retiring


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as the plane traker, after countless hours of watching little green dots move ever so slowly across the screen i have lost the enthusiam and the passion i once had. I realized it had gotten bad when i watched Redskin 1 go from d.c. to Seattle almost the whole time!! I basically was on the flight with them.

Well i appreciate everyones support and it kept me going as i began to tire and think the seach was hopless. Some individuals thought it was crazy to try and track a plane and some people had doubts. at 10:35 AM The Die Hard skins fans were alerted to a plane going to Tacoma international airport and people continued to doubt saying " no way is it going to go to Seattle and then come back for the Press Confrence" Oh but it did and for the first time WE the members of Extreme Skins had scooped the world !!! Its funny i post on many boards and only did that for Extremeskins because your like a second family .

The tracking is done as i want to regain the excitement of the unknown and i dont want to make Fatsqureli angry nor want John Clayton to get run off ESPN .

P.S. i would like to have a cool new avatar:D

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ITs funny because someone at another redskins site posted the link and that board was into it as well. I will as long as im alive continue the tradition and track Redskins 1 for the first 24 hours of Free Agency every year. It was boarderline crazy and obsessive but it was fun.

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