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Make sure to watch Kramer's piece on the Skins coming up. It will tell us a lot about what to expect today. My guess is since they talked to Smith, it won't be good smile.gif. It almost seems like this team is tuning out Marty like the team tuned out Lynn a few years back.

Lynn, of course, was famous for taking his defense on day one and telling them, "I'm here because you were ranked 27th last year." Someone on the defense immediately said, "Hey, I thought you were here because you were 3-13 last year."

But, Marty can win. I just worry he can't with a couple of crybaby vets who would prefer to have rub downs and hot tubs rather than working. Bruce Smith is going to wreck his reputation if he doesn't stop whining. I don't know what he's going to say today, but, it'll be worth watching.

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I find absolutely NO flaw with the manner in which Marty is structuring this team. I have no problem with any of the leadership he's attempting to show. I do have a problem with the manner in which he allows the offense to play, but, that's beside the point.

This feature is frightening. I had hoped for some more positive sign from this than I saw. In fact, I'm not sure I could imagine a more damaging and damning feature. Even Darrell Green is jumping on the anti-Marty ship, though, he did so in a slightly more political way.

What's so worrisome is the Hawaii 5-0 references. That's the first I heard of it and I thought it was just being made up, but the players confirmed it is there. Stuff in that locker room that is being said is making it back to Marty. And the former Chiefs he brought in are not trusted by their teammates who know someone is a snitch, and they are guessing it's the guys who've been with Marty before.

The bottom line is this team has a critical problem. Marty will do what Norv did a few years back, in cutting the "bad apples." You'll remember a faction of players who wanted Norv gone back then. All were dismissed in the offseason except Davis, who was a follower and not a leader of that movement. Marty has an insurgency on his hands. You didn't really see it today, but you will. The defense did everything it could. Mostly because the chief insurgent against Marty on the defense was injured. Offense is going to rebel against Marty though. And I'm not sure that's a bad thing given the total incompetence we show.

This piece was very troublesome though.


Doom is in the box.

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