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Ramsey Fans: Read this and settle down


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I am pretty sure this article from the times has already been posted, so i am just posting the last 2 paragraphs...Ramsey will be here next season. Its from the "Redskins might trade for Brunell" article:

Ramsey has begun rehabilitating his foot and as recently as Friday morning spoke with Gibbs about resuming football activities. To this point, Gibbs has spoken about Ramsey as though he will be his starting quarterback.

"Patrick, he wants to get going with football," Gibbs said Friday. "And right now, the staff's not ready to get going. So I'm kind of having to throw some cold water on him and say, 'Hey, calm down a little bit.' But I think he's very eager, and we're excited about getting a chance to work with him."


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Originally posted by GSF

Or maybe by saying that he had to throw water on Pat Gibbs meant that Pat was no good and we should trade him...:rolleyes:


"we're excited about getting a chance to work with him."

I guess that means he is trading him also??

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Originally posted by BCS: BlindCanSee

Or maybe it wasn't water he was throwing. Perhaps Gibbs pulled a "Chapelle Show" type R. Kelly move on Sir Patrick.

Your allusion is over my head. Perhaps you could explain the “Chapelle Show” type R Kelly move…

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yeah we heard steve spurrier say he is coming back over and over and over

we heard dan marino just say on cbs he is not resigning then 24 hours later he resigned

we heard that bill parcell is retired again how many times

oh dont forget the big one we heard for 10 yrs gibbs will never coach again

you get the point what they say on friday will most likely change on saturday

so ramsey can be trade bait---

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Originally posted by bsmsss

yeah we heard steve spurrier say he is coming back over and over and over

we heard dan marino just say on cbs he is not resigning then 24 hours later he resigned

we heard that bill parcell is retired again how many times

oh dont forget the big one we heard for 10 yrs gibbs will never coach again

you get the point what they say on friday will most likely change on saturday

so ramsey can be trade bait---

Yeah we have heard Spurrier was going to quit over DW before the season

We were going to trade Gardner for TO

Spurrier was going to UNC, Nebraska, Florida....etc....

Miami wanted to fire Wandstat and trade for Spurrier

God only knows all the ones he blew about other teams.

:laugh: Mort is right more than most but he still is only correct about 30% to 40% of the time at his best. This one is just speculation on Morts part.

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Originally posted by bsmsss

mort didnt break story--len p did--his connection is vinny cerrato


mort stated before he said anything that it was len p story

Lenny broke the Skins interested in Brunell, Mort threw in the Ramsey trade stuff today.

By the way Lenny said the trade could happen by Tuesday, but no trades can happen before March. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Lenny broke the Skins interested in Brunell, Mort threw in the Ramsey trade stuff today.

By the way Lenny said the trade could happen by Tuesday, but no trades can happen before March. :rolleyes:

Thats correct but teams can agree to terms on a deal before March. The actual trade will not be able to be completed until then. It sounds like this deal is done why else would Gibbs be going to Jacksonville?

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Originally posted by jbooma

Thats correct but teams can agree to terms on a deal before March. The actual trade will not be able to be completed until then. It sounds like this deal is done why else would Gibbs be going to Jacksonville?

Nothing is done until the ink has dried on the contract :deal:

If the deal was done why would Gibbs need to go to Jacksonville?

Plus isn't it strange that Brunel couldn't join Snyders party at the SuperBowl because of league tampering rules. Now Gibbs is supposed to have a meeting with Brunel? :laugh:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Thats correct but teams can agree to terms on a deal before March. The actual trade will not be able to be completed until then. It sounds like this deal is done why else would Gibbs be going to Jacksonville?

The NFL's trading period doesn't start until March 3, but clubs can reach agreements during the moratorium. The earliest a deal can be officially announced is March 4. Redskins spokesman Karl Swanson said last night: "We don't comment on players under contract to other organizations."


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