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Thats it, ive got it


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Well after a lot of though, it has finally come to me. At 11:45 at night, after watching my Tar Heels take a tough loss to Duke, It has come to me. I have realized who we are going to take in the draft.

With the fifth pick.........and its tough for me to say this b/c I absolutely love Sean Taylor, but with the 5th pick we will trade back with Clevland, b/c they absolutely love Taylor too. We will get their first and their 3rd.

with their 1st we will take Kellen Winslow Jr.

in the 2nd we will take Darnell Dockett

in the 3rd we will take Julius Jones

and with our other 3rd we will take Marquis Hill

thats it folks

i will only change my mind about whats gonna happen about 100 more times from now until the draft. But for right now, that is it. Thats whats going to happen.

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Roy Williams was good in college and a beast for the Cowboys.

Jeremy Shockey was good in college and a beast for the Giants.

KW2/Taylor are being hyped to being as good and better than both of them.

You can't always find an impact FA safety or equivilant in the late rounds of the draft.

If the Skins are there and have the means, I would take either one. They will carry on and strive. The only way the Skins are going is up.

True impact playmakers don't come around often. Take the chance.

Carpe Diem.

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What's up peeps. That trade has a lot of potential but, I'm not sure Kellen Winslow Jr. is totally what Joe Gibbs looks for in a TE. He likes a pass catching TE but I think he is even bigger on a run blocking TE. Kellen is physical but w/ his size I don't know how good Kellen can block those big DE. Also his talents would be waisted if he isn't targeted as much as a Shockey or Gonzalez in the passing game especially since Joe likes to run the ball.:dallasuck

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Keep the pick unless there is a deal out where we can still get Sean Taylor. Hey, can anyone send me a link for the Joe Gibbs pic w/ the SB rings. I'm also looking for the pic w/ Joe's face in place of the horseman on The Lord of the Rings The Return of The King poster w/ the SB rings above the writing.

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I’d rather trade our #5 to Houston for their 1st and 2nd picks, #10 and #40. Then we could take

Udeze (DE) or Harris (DT) with the #10 pick,

Darnell Dockett (DT), Antwan Odom (DE) or Darrion Scott (DE) with the #40 pick,

Ben Watson (TE) or Greg Jones (RB) with our #41 pick.

With our 3rd round pick we should take Will Allen (S) or Jason Shivers (S). We should address the team needs in the order of their priority. With limited resources due to the salary cap, we need to draft for need first, trading down if the BAP is not at a need position when each of our picks comes up.

Of course, this is all subject to change depending on what FAs we get, but getting 3 good DLs is our top priority.

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Originally posted by MidPennSkin

I’d rather trade our #5 to Houston for their 1st and 2nd picks, #10 and #40. Then we could take

Udeze (DE) or Harris (DT) with the #10 pick,

Darnell Dockett (DT), Antwan Odom (DE) or Darrion Scott (DE) with the #40 pick,

Ben Watson (TE) or Greg Jones (RB) with our #41 pick.

With our 3rd round pick we should take Will Allen (S) or Jason Shivers (S). We should address the team needs in the order of their priority. With limited resources due to the salary cap, we need to draft for need first, trading down if the BAP is not at a need position when each of our picks comes up.

Of course, this is all subject to change depending on what FAs we get, but getting 3 good DLs is our top priority.

I don't think Odom or Dockett will be around at #40.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

we can always find an impact safety via free agency or later on in the draft.

WHO? A Roy Williams, Ed Reed-esque player doesn't come along that often, and you can't just pick up a Harrison in FA every year. Taylor is a lock at #5, and if he is still there and we pass him up, I think we are making a huge mistake.

It is much easier to find a TE in the later rounds of the draft or via FA than a legit, play-making safety. I'll not argue the D-Line argument, but that CAN be sustained in the 2nd round (Dockett, etc). It's got to be Taylor.

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Why do people mention Ed Reed and Roy Williams to support their point?

They were taken in the same draft! And not only that, it IS easier to find safeties or you couldn't move slow or aging CBs over to FS and have them getting Pro Bowl invites, picks and fumble recoveries(Chavous, Williams, Woodson)

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Just because they were taken in the same draft doesn't mean that they aren't legit, shut-down safeties!

I mention those two to support my point because they do just that. Taylor was similar to those guys in college, and has the same potential and skills to do so in the NFL, just like Reed and Williams...

Taking used-up, old CB's and making them safeties is so risky, adn just because Corey Chavous had a good year, doesn't mean there aren't two or three Sehorns out there who can't play safety and are a liability.

Aeneas doesn't deserve to be in the ProBowl anyway...along iwth Champ...the NFC's secondary is gonna get lit up in the pro-bowl!!

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Depending on the coin flip and which pick value table you use, the 5th pick may be worth more than just a 1st and 3rd. Squeeze a 2nd rounder in there and maybe we'll have a deal.

Yes, I wasnt sure on this. B/c I wasnt real sure if trading down from 5 to like 8 would be able to land us another 2nd rounder. But if that is possible then lets go through those options. So if we trade our first to cleveland for their first and second I say we go like this.

1st Round- KW2

2nd Rounds- Darnell Dockett

(Clev) 2nd Round- Marurice Clarett- I know this is going to cause some arguements, but the guy has insane power, I'd take him! He's a winner, never lost a game in college!!!! hahaha

then with our 3rd we can take Marquis Hill, but as you all said he probably wont be aroudn that long, so we can take that DT out of North Texas, I forget his name right, but he looked real good to me when i saw him play in their bowl game.

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I say trade with houston get their # 10 and #40...take Udeze(if he is there) if not than take Harris....at 40 take Dockett if he isn't than take the next best DE/DT....with the 41 pick take that huge tightend from Georgia. Than the rest of the draft we can take projects....if Clarett is there in the 5th round or so...I say take the chance...but not before....he is too much of a headache to pay him a lot.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I say trade with houston get their # 10 and #40...take Udeze(if he is there) if not than take Harris....at 40 take Dockett if he isn't than take the next best DE/DT....with the 41 pick take that huge tightend from Georgia. Than the rest of the draft we can take projects....if Clarett is there in the 5th round or so...I say take the chance...but not before....he is too much of a headache to pay him a lot.

I like your ideas, however I don't think Dockett is going to slip to the second round. He really impressed scouts at the Senior bowl and is now widely predicted as a late first round pick. I like Watson from GA and think a third round pick would be a value pick for us. I'm surprised to see so many people sleeping on Udeze. He had 16.5 sacks this year (albeit in the pass happy PAC-10) but he was dominant in the Rose Bowl. He was in Navarre's hip pocket virtually the entire game. Based on how pathetic our pass rush was this past year, I would think most fans would welcome Udeze with open arms. Although I agree that he can probably be had lower than the #5 slot.

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