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The State of DC Sports


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I don't live in D.C., but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the Wizards and Capitals can't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the Redskins. D.C. sports revolves around Redskins football. Thus, with the return of Coach Gibbs, I'm gonna argue that the state of D.C. sports is currently better than its been in a long while. Can you imagine how lame the sports scene would be there if Ray Rhodes was our coach right now?

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STOU of DC Sports:

Terps: The only hope right now, even though they are young

Wiz: The making of a good young team, when arenas is healthy they play much better. Trade Stack, he doesn't want to be here and Huges is just as good. Brown is starting to make some noise.

Caps: Stink, playing better with the new coach, but have to get rid of Jagr

Redskins: ?? Who knows what to expect, excited though that Gibbs is back but the team has a lot of holes

Expos: Check back in 2005

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I have a blind homer attitude towards all of them.

Wizards have a good young corp but are scewed until kwame comes around and they get a big man at Center.

Caps stink now, but man do they have some prospects. Ouellet, Semein, Eminger, & Sutherby give us a good corp with a high draft pick (possibly two with the upcoming lockout and the 2nd best set of propects in Portland accoridng to Hockey Futures.

But the Skins have Gibbs back baby!

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Originally posted by Skeletor The Invincible

With a small exception for the Caps a few years ago, we're talking Philadelphia style badness here.

The only thing bad about Philly sports in the last 10-12 years or so is that none of the teams have won a championship.

Sixers were in the NBA finals and actually beat the Lakers once. :)

Flyers have played in the finals, but they usually choke in the firsst or second round each year.

Phillies have had a couple of winning seasons and a WS appearance in '93. They have a great shot at the playoffs this season. They have been the worst of the Philly pro teams.

Eagles have been up and down in the last ten years but made the playoffs in '92, '95 '96, '00, '01, '02, '03. Of course they haven't capitalized on this, but it still gives fans hope. You've got to be in the playoffs to compete for the championship, and the Eagles have been there 7 times in 12 years.

This is definitely not comparable to the state of DC pro sports in that same period of time. All the Philly teams have marquee players who play like marquee players. Still, I'd trade it all for 1 SB championship or another WS title. ;)

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Ugh. I have to agree with the distinguished gentleman from Philadelphia.

Not only have we not won any championships, but our teams, all of them, are perennial jokes of their respective leagues.

The Bullets/Wizards are the standard by which suckiness is measured in the NBA. They ARE the Arizona Cardinals of basketball.

The Caps had one fluke year where they stumbled into the finals as the #4 seeded team in the East and then got crushed by the Red Wings. Nowadays it's breaking news when they don't lose two games in a row.

No baseball. Kiss my tuchus, MLB.

The Redskins ... well, we all know about the Redskins. Gibbs' return has literally saved this city's sports soul and given us SOMETHING to look forward to.

But for the past ten years sports in this town have been a total joke.

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The Caps are consistently the best team in this city over the last decade. Unfortunately, no one (including me) cares. I went to game 6 of the Caps-Lightening playoff series last year--the DECIDING GAME. The stadium was less than half full. You know how much I paid for my ticket? $11.00. Tickets to Game 6 of a hockey playoff series could be had for $11.00 and they couldn't come close to filling the place. This will never be a hockey town.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that if the Wiz were ever good for a couple of years, they would develop of solid following. Hiring Eddie jordan was a step in the right direction.

I HATE Philly...the teams, the fans, everything. But...they root for their teams as hard as anyone. They also boo more than anyone...but they show up for the games, unlike Caps and Wiz fans. You have to give them that.

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The Wizards will never be good. Hockey doesn't matter. Bud Selig will continue to jerk us around until he can extort the most money from any area. The Terps have been great (but don't really count because they are not DC). Georgetown is looking better this year.

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Caps playoff games are almost always packed. The game you are referring to is an an abberation to whick Leonsis has complained bigtime about. he was forced to schedule the game on Easter Sunday at 2pm which prevented people from going. Had you been to game 3 or 4 it was darn near a sellout and the series agst Pitt two years ago was sold out for every game

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I agree with Blazer21, How can you compare the Philly Teams to the DC teams. I know I'm a die hard Eagles hater and Skins fan but if you think DC sports are better than Philly your nuts. The Phillies have by far been the worse team in Philly for a while. But with Thome and his homeys, look out this year. We got 2 closers and a slew of talent. The Sixers have been in the playoffs for the last few years and did make the finals. If it wasn't for Shaq beating up on Dikembe we might have made it close. The Flyers are the Flyers, we always choke but at least they give us hope.

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Originally posted by StevieInferior

Had you been to game 3 or 4 it was darn near a sellout and the series agst Pitt two years ago was sold out for every game

Darn near a sellout? IT'S A PLAYOFF GAME! And I went to the final game of that Pittsburgh series...it was about 45% full of Penguins fans.

Hey, I wish more people in this town cared about hockey. There are some great, dedicated Caps fans...there just aren't many of them.

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