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TO would help Philly more than any other guy they can bring in there, but:

(1) Philly won't do it -- they're too cheap; and

(2) TO's antics will not go over well in Philly if he doesn't produce big, so there's a big risk.

He has more than a fraction more talent than Key-yawn. He may be a big baby, but the reward's a lot sweeter.

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I can't believe that you people still measure a great player simply by his preformance on the field.

A great player is not only a great playmaker. He's a positive force in the locker room, and in the community.

Terrell Owens might be the best player in the NFL when he's out there catching TD passes, but he's so divisive in the locker room. He pretty much ran Rice and Mariucci out of town, he's trying to get the team to turn on Garcia. He has sideling tirades when the ball doesn't come his way enough for his liking, I fell really bad for the offensive cooridinator on the sideline being forced to bite his tongue.

If you want an example of a truly great player, look no futher than the Washington Redskins and Laverneus Coles. He proved early in the year that he is a legitimate playmaker and can be dangerous to opposing defenses. And he prooved late in the season that he is a team player and wants the team to do well. he went to the coaching staff and said that he wanted to help out in any capacity possible, including taking a cut in playing time and passes thrown to him

TO's only ideas for betting his team's winning is to get more passes his way and more chances to shine.

Coles is a better player and a better man than TO ever will be.

and i like it...

Call me a homer, call me what you want... it's the truth.

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Originally posted by Hogwash

So you're saying that you find a player throwing a temper tantrum on the sidelines in the middle of a game entertaining?

That's pathetic, and bush-league. The guy is Keyshawn with a fraction more talent.

TO has better hands, toughness, and much, much, much more speed than KJ. Owens can take a 5 yard slant and take it the distance, and that's after breaking several tackles. Randy Moss, KJ, or Harrison can do that.

I only wish the Redskins had players who threw tantrums on the sideline, or someone who showed some kind of passion or competitive spirit.

So who cares if a WR throws a tantrum on the sideline....


and nobody seemed to care around here when he did it.

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Well Hogwash, the Eagles have had a tight locker room for four years now. Every player supports every other player, the coaches, the organization, etc. What's it gotten them? Three straight losses in the championship game, twice when they were arguably the superior team.

The Eagles locker room needs some shaking up. The status quo is obviously not working. I wanted to see McNabb in Pinkston's face on Sunday. He's a professional athlete who may have cost his team a SB trip because he cut off his route.

What the Eagles lack is on-the-field fire. They sure are good at celebrating a 5 yard gain or a TD. That's not fire, that's excitement. They need the Mike Singletary look. If TO can provide that kind of focus, then bring him in, pay him, win the freakin' thing, then enter cap hell. At that point, who cares.

Will Reid do it? Make a brash, bold move? Not in a million years...

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Originally posted by Blazers21

Well Hogwash, the Eagles have had a tight locker room for four years now. Every player supports every other player, the coaches, the organization, etc. What's it gotten them? Three straight losses in the championship game, twice when they were arguably the superior team.

The Eagles locker room needs some shaking up. The status quo is obviously not working. I wanted to see McNabb in Pinkston's face on Sunday. He's a professional athlete who may have cost his team a SB trip because he cut off his route.

What the Eagles lack is on-the-field fire. They sure are good at celebrating a 5 yard gain or a TD. That's not fire, that's excitement. They need the Mike Singletary look. If TO can provide that kind of focus, then bring him in, pay him, win the freakin' thing, then enter cap hell. At that point, who cares.

Will Reid do it? Make a brash, bold move? Not in a million years...


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That's Hogwash,

TO complains when the ball doesn't come his way, when his team is LOSING!!!!

Jeff Garcia is a decent QB, but he's too small, and his arm is too weak. He didn't complain when Rattay came into the game and Lloyd and Streets were catching more TD's than he was.

Sorry, but LC is not a better player than TO is. Never will be, as much as I like do like LC.

The tirade during the Vikings game was very negative, but I see weakness in coaching and discipline as to why TO's situation hasn't been handled properly. TO should have been suspended for several games, by the 49ers for that tantrum. However, Dennis Erickson nor the OC have the intestinal fortitude to do so.

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What the Eagles lack is on-the-field fire. They sure are good at celebrating a 5 yard gain or a TD. That's not fire, that's excitement. They need the Mike Singletary look. If TO can provide that kind of focus, then bring him in, pay him, win the freakin' thing, then enter cap hell. At that point, who cares.

Well put. And they need 2 receivers. They should sign TO and draft someone like Devery Henderson (LSU) so McNabb actually has some real NFL weapons. I think, with the right coaching, TO could actually be an asset in the lockerroom -- I agree, though, that Reid probably shies away from that move. Also: it's not Philly's way to spend money. Sometimes that's shrewd sometimes it's just cheap.

They also need a QB coach -- McNabb's mechanics are worse than they were when he graduated from Syracuse. Not the main reason they lost on Sunday, but it's an issue.

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TO is a just an amazing spectacle of athletic ability, like LA at OLB. He's just amazing, I say if you can bring him in...why not. I agree with a post above...TO only goes nuts when his team is losing. Him is Philly would be a bad thing....I keep having flashbacks of that screen pass that he took back across the field making almost every Redskin defender on the field miss.. for a touchdown. I think it was two years ago....

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Originally posted by Rawdawg

TO is a just an amazing spectacle of athletic ability, like LA at OLB. He's just amazing, I say if you can bring him in...why not. I agree with a post above...TO only goes nuts when his team is losing. Him is Philly would be a bad thing....I keep having flashbacks of that screen pass that he took back across the field making almost every Redskin defender on the field miss.. for a touchdown. I think it was two years ago....

I keep having flashbacks of the 3 blocks in the back on that play.

If you want the kind of guy that is a distuctive force in the locker room, and some one who lack professionalism on the field, that's your problem.

I'm not gonna argue about it any more, the guy is junk...plain and simple.

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Well, I must say this.

Owens is loud and obnoxious, and he demands the ball. And when they DO give it to him, he does things like SCORE TOUCHDOWNS. Team is losing? He wants the ball? GIVE it to him. Do anything you CAN to give it to him.

He can utterly DOMINATE a secondary. He can physically beat them up.

Would i want him? Not with Gibbs here, although I believe Gibbs could handle him. Besides ,I think If Gardner would pull his head out he could be as dominant. Owens has more desire than Gardner, that is obvious.

I can never condone a player yelling at a coach on the sidelines. A player questioning his coach? Over by himself muttering and making it look bad on TV? sure, Gary Clark used to do it, in fact he had several shouting matches with St Joe himself on the sidelines, and he performed just fine.

Some guys use that kind of fire, feed off of it? Have any of you ever been playing a sport, basketball, football, even shooting pool, or whatever, and you get to talking sh*t and it actually elevates your game? You get better because it is psyching your opponent out, and psyching you up?

Well, If I were Dan Snyder, and I wanted to sign Terrell Owens, the first thing I would do is hire a guy to be an 'assistant wide receivers coach" whose job is to do nothing but stand there and let Owens holler at him if he needs to.

I think when he's on his game, he's the best WR in the NFL.

But it's all moot.

NIke's going to place him in Atlanta.


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Originally posted by Hogwash

So you're saying that you find a player throwing a temper tantrum on the sidelines in the middle of a game entertaining?

That's pathetic, and bush-league. The guy is Keyshawn with a fraction more talent.

You sure you guys aren't talking about Kellan Winslow, Jr.? Talk about a baby, albiet a big baby with game.

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