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Wilbon chickens out


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I admit, I don't know what the protocol is at the Washington Post for who gets to cover what game, but I am disappointed that Wilbon didn't write an article about the Iggles after months of touting McNabb as the second coming.

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Originally posted by BDBuddy23

I'll definitly watch PTI today and see what he has to say.

Kornheiser is going to have a field day.

"They finally benched your boy Wilbon!"


"And it looks like our good friend Michael Wilbon boys and girls was at Tampa Bay this weekend due to rumors flying around that Rich Gannon might be reuniting with his old coach Jon Gruden. You ran Brad Johnson out of Washington now you ran him out of Tampa Bay!"

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No it's not Bufford

Vick almost got the NFC title game in his second year last year. ANd his receivers were....the Mummy Shawn Jefferson and Brian "I'm Tall" Finneran?!?!

And is Vick's D as talented and well-coached as Philly's?

of course not.

If they were good enough to get to the NFC Title game, they're good enough to win one more game, please.

McNabb is not a good QB, it's as simple as that. Didn't McNabb come back to a playoff team last year that did well without him? Vick's Falcons can't say the same, can they?

Sure, the receivers dropped balls, but they also catch many passes to the dirt or adjust to passes that are not lasers to the right spot.

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I can't blame McNabb for having the worst set of wide receivers in the league. He alone has won them three or four games despite that sorry lot of Wideouts.

I do agree though that the media tends to elevate his play and game to proportions he is not capable of playing on a regular basis. Farve he is not.

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Originally posted by Bufford Redux

I will never blame this game or season on McNabb.

This is 100% on Reid and their front office.

The simple fact is that Reid has now lost two straight NFC Championship Games at home .

His game-calling wasn't as bad as it was last year, but I have always faulted the Eagles (went to college in PA, had to watch them between 97 & 01) for not running the ball more effectively. Reid is always too tempted to go to the air because of McNabb.

The play-calling yesterday was atrocious in the final qtr. Backed up to your own 7 after failing to challenge the spot of the ball, Reid opted to run the ball out to the 20-yard line, chewing up clock. He continued to try to mix it up, presumably to protect Detmer somewhat - but it was as if he was trying to calm his players down with the play-calling with 6:00 minutes left in the game...a tact he should have taken sooner in the second half with McNabb still playing.

You're right that blame lies with Reid.

But, McNabb benefitted from an easier schedule as the season wore on and the excellent play of his backfield mates Staley, Westbrook, Buckhalter and Richie. All played a significant role in this team's success - as well as the defensive play-calling, which is always top-notch. McNabb is not Manning and I find that Manning's performance yesterday was a much bigger surprise than McNabb's.

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I think if Duece catches that perfect td toss early in the game, Duece doesn't run the wrong route leading to an int by Morgan at the goal line later, McNabb isn't crushed on a late hit, the other receivers hold onto the good tosses (like the one Thrash coughed up for another int), then the iggles probably would have won. The Carolina offense scored only 14 points - one actual drive (scoring on a fluky play where the ball is way underthrown and both pro-bowlers in coverage slip or turn the wrong way) and one on a very short field after an int - on that score Foster broke (5?) tackles to push it into the endzone. The iggles didn't lose because of McNabb being overated.

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Yeah, I noticed Wilbon's Mr. Sports Jounalist on assignment approach. No even a "passing" reference to the Eagles/McNabb flameout. No witty asides. Nothing. Whatever, the Eagles were lucky against Green Bay. I don't see the loss as McNabb's fault however. He has the worst receivers out there. In a way it's amazing they did so well this year, since this was probably the worst Eagles team in the last 3 years or more. (You can see the wheels beginning to come off this buggy.) With that in mind, McNabb is still a warrior in my book. But he's increasingly having to carry more and more dead weight.

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But his D isn't on the same level. And his O-line isn't either which impacts his run game.

Why are we making excuses for this guy?

McNabb isn't even on the same planet as Randall Cunningham.

Actually, it's kind of embarrassing comparing the NFC elite this year with even the wild card teams from the early 90s, late 80s.

McNabb is not a good passer--period. Even if you give him TO, he is not going to perform on the level people are expecting.

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I live with an Eagles' fan who honestly would agree with most of what y'all are saying.

It is mind-boggling that McNabb is the starting QB for the NFC in the Pro Bowl. But the conventional "wisdom" is that the leader of the top-seeded team patently must be great.

Daunte's team didn't make the playoffs, but I think in every single regard he is better than McNabb.

But that's not what's important. Winning in the playoffs is. And McNabb is about .500 at that task, while superstars Brady, Dilfer and Delhomme are, I think, undefeated.

Those guys wear the same stripes as stellar defenses, just as McNabb. So what's the difference? Offensive personnel and playcalling, I'd say. That's not McNabb's fault.

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Originally posted by Hitman56



I admit, I don't know what the protocol is at the Washington Post for who gets to cover what game, but I am disappointed that Wilbon didn't write an article about the Iggles after months of touting McNabb as the second coming.

Hitman, I think he meant the second coming of Kordell Stewart. Anybody remember that guy?

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Of course Manning deserves all the blame. He lost that game.

And so did McNabb. You can't blame his receivers for the bad throws and poor decisions. But McNabb is above criticism -- if you think he's overrated, you're a racist.

That box score must be racist too. It says he went 10-22 with 3 INTs and no TDs. Is the KKK keeping stats? Someone call Jesse Jackson to investigate!

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What makes people think that Duce ran the wrong route on that last INT? Because the omnipotent Collinsworth said so? I didn't realize he was in the huddle when the play was called.

Reid said that Duce ran the correct route, and I think he should know.

As for Wilbon, that is the first thing I thought of when I checked the Post website last night. No futher need of proof necessary that Limbaugh was right. While everyone is going overboard to blame the Philly WR's for their loss, Wilbon rights an article completely devoted to the fact that Manning was the SOLE reason the Colts went down.

Do you think he would have ever written that about McNabb? If McNabb had gone 0-40 with 19 INT's, Wilbon would have NEVER in a zillion years said the game was all his fault.

Rush was right.

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