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Go to work tomorrow... or not?!


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LOL, dude, I can't believe that last week you didn't look up the schedule for the NFC/AFC Title games and didn't request it off specifically!

That's what I did--I told them during football season(though I ended up working on most Sundays anyway) to not schedule me during a certain time---they got women for that.

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It's apauling what America's youth has come to in the work ethics dept. Such tough choices. Do I blow off the day to watch the Championship games, and cause others to cover for me, making their day go worse. Do I go in, and catch highlights and read up on the board after work.

When I was in my mid 20's, this was a no brainer.

Blow the day off you putz :laugh: :laugh:

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I work for the cable company and I work in a call center, taking repair calls for cable boxes and cable modems. I work 230-1100pm... so, you see the dilemma. I called in sick, laid on the snob story, and all as well.

I work weekends, and it's nice to have at least one weekend day off, and this is usually how I have to do it or schedule a vacation day. I've been there for about seven months, it's probably going to be up to a year or so before I get *1* weekend day off... Missing football games this year wasn't all that great, and with the great year coming up, looks like it's going to happen again.

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I was scheduled to work from 10:00am to 10:00pm today/night. I called last night and left a message on my sup's voicemail -- "I won't be in tomorrow....have some personal matters to attend to". But see....I just put in my two weeks notice last week b/c I'm starting a new job. So I don't care if they fire me anyway. I pretty much said that in the message too -- "Please call if there's a problem...if I don't hear from you I'll be in tomorrow." The best thing about it is that I've got over 50 hours vacation time, which they pay you for when you leave. So I can go to work...I can blow it off...I can do whatever I want to do and get PAID for it either way.

LOL. I love not giving a fig about a job. It's so liberating. This past week I've treated the job about like that guy from Office Space. It's great!

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I don't miss big games because football is way more important then work. Stay home and watch the game.

Think about it. How many championship games will you ever see in your life? How many days of your life you will give to an employer? No contest.

A co-worker found out she has breast cancer this past Friday. She said that she is not afraid but wishes she had taken the time to smell the roses along the path of life and regrets letting all the chances to do so slip away. Don't make the same mistake.


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