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To the management...

Heavy Jumbo

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Thankya thankya..

But no way do I trump the coach..

Man,, i tellya,, for the last 11 years whenever I called the Redskins head guy "coach" i always felt as if I was cheating on my wife or something.

Just a dirty awful feeling.

Nice to have the real COACH back in town.

Man oh man is it nice.


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I'm just hoping that some of these new members aren't the worst kind of fan, and that's the dreaded FAIR-WEATHER FAN. I hope that if things don't go perfectly right off the start under Coach Gibbs that they won't run off and hide and not continue to support the team. If you happen to be one of those people, then do us all a favor and don't waste our time coming around here. Otherwise, to the true diehards I say WELCOME!!

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