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Faith in our talent


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I have seen nothing but negative energy about our current players. I know that we will most likely drop players/obtain new players, but this is rediculous. All I see is: so and so is a moron... so and so commited "x" penalty in "x" game etc, etc. If you remember, everybody thought all these players were great in the first 2 games. The reason these guys lapsed into what they are today is a compilation of many things (poor play calling, lack of discipline enforcement by coaches, and frustration that just evolved into the endless pit of dispair that I am sure these players felt near the end of the year). I know that these guys committed penalties, made mistakes, etc, But this is where we have hope: Gibbs has always been known for refining rough or even "poor" players into superstars (he even dragged people off the street!)

Have faith in our boys. They now have the leader and the father that they needed. PLEASE STOP BASHING THESE GUYS. THEY ARE HUMAN JUST LIKE US!!!

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I have seen nothing but negative energy about our current players. I know that we will most likely drop players/obtain new players, but this is rediculous. All I see is: so and so is a moron... so and so commited "x" penalty in "x" game etc, etc. If you remember, everybody thought all these players were great in the first 2 games. The reason these guys lapsed into what they are today is a compilation of many things (poor play calling, lack of discipline enforcement by coaches, and frustration that just evolved into the endless pit of dispair that I am sure these players felt near the end of the year). I know that these guys committed penalties, made mistakes, etc, But this is where we have hope: Gibbs has always been known for refining rough or even "poor" players into superstars (he even dragged people off the street!)

Have faith in our boys. They now have the leader and the father that they needed. PLEASE STOP BASHING THESE GUYS. THEY ARE HUMAN JUST LIKE US!!!

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Clearly Gibbs stock in trade was getting the most out of his players, especially guys that other teams thought wouldn't amount to much. However some of the guys on our roster are beyond hope even for Gibbs. I'm thinking specifically of Ware, (Effing) Phlegmister and some of the "saviors" we signed at DT last offseason like fatboy Chase. Cliff Russel and Trung Canidate are probably agoner too.

As for the rest of the roster, I expect Gibbs will do what he's always done. That is, getting them to perform better than their supposed best while accentuating their strengths and covering for their weaknesses.

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Clearly Gibbs stock in trade was getting the most out of his players, especially guys that other teams thought wouldn't amount to much. However some of the guys on our roster are beyond hope even for Gibbs. I'm thinking specifically of Ware, (Effing) Phlegmister and some of the "saviors" we signed at DT last offseason like fatboy Chase. Cliff Russel and Trung Canidate are probably agoner too.

As for the rest of the roster, I expect Gibbs will do what he's always done. That is, getting them to perform better than their supposed best while accentuating their strengths and covering for their weaknesses.

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well its not saying much but that was YOUR best post ever...your absolutly right....


flemister did show up the last few games and didn't drop any noticable balls.

Barker is great in preseason and practice.

Betts well...he's forgiven...his arm remember

chamberlain is deticating his offseason to getting into every down shape

moore, who got injured early was great in 2002 and everyone forgot

dalton and chase were frequently our only hope for a pass rush in the final 6 games

taylor jacobs...might just need a few years like mccants did...

and I could keep on going.....I'm not making excuses for each of our " NON-SUPERSTAR" players just having faith....maybe a new coach is all we needed..with proper training we could have 5-6 probowlers next year..maybe next year we'll be the sleeper team to show up out of knowhere...who knows....all we can do is sit, watch, and pray snyder doesn't sign anyone stupid...

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well its not saying much but that was YOUR best post ever...your absolutly right....


flemister did show up the last few games and didn't drop any noticable balls.

Barker is great in preseason and practice.

Betts well...he's forgiven...his arm remember

chamberlain is deticating his offseason to getting into every down shape

moore, who got injured early was great in 2002 and everyone forgot

dalton and chase were frequently our only hope for a pass rush in the final 6 games

taylor jacobs...might just need a few years like mccants did...

and I could keep on going.....I'm not making excuses for each of our " NON-SUPERSTAR" players just having faith....maybe a new coach is all we needed..with proper training we could have 5-6 probowlers next year..maybe next year we'll be the sleeper team to show up out of knowhere...who knows....all we can do is sit, watch, and pray snyder doesn't sign anyone stupid...

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thanks king - like you mentioned I am not trying to make excuses for anyone, but there are definite situations. Some people like betts, moore, flemister, etc were injured alot of the season. Some people were just ignored for the past couple years because they don't fit into spurrier's offense/defense therefore no real playing time, therefore there was not productivity there and people automatically hate them. Oy!

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thanks king - like you mentioned I am not trying to make excuses for anyone, but there are definite situations. Some people like betts, moore, flemister, etc were injured alot of the season. Some people were just ignored for the past couple years because they don't fit into spurrier's offense/defense therefore no real playing time, therefore there was not productivity there and people automatically hate them. Oy!

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People are forgetting that the same Cowboys team that went 5-11 last year went 10-6 this year, with MOSTLY the same talent.

Parcells is evaluating current talent, yes, but I think he also has some faith in the core of the team.

And we have a better QB which will make up for some shortcomings in other areas.

And I think our RBs are better than Dallas. And our offensive line, and our LBs---and our CBs, though not our safeties. And our WRs(Galloway wasn't much this year and Bryant drops more passes than Gardner)

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