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The Skins need to also think about life after Gibbs.....

Tom [Giants fan]

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Ok, he just got here. I understand that and all of you are excited about the possibilities. And you should be. The next few seasons under Gibbs should be exciting and successful for the Washington Redskins and their fans.

Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

You guys have been suffering since he left the first time. How do the Redskins make sure that the same thing doesn't happen when he leaves again?

And you may say, "why deal with this now?" Well, it is going to be a reality probably within the next five years or so. The "dark years" as some of you have called it started when Gibbs left. How do you avoid the same thing from happening? What is going to make this different when someone else needs to take over the coaching reigns?

And there probably is no way to have an answer for this now. But I would think that some of you may have thought about this or will think about it soon. And since I brought it up, probably very soon. :D

Any thoughts or opinions about this or do you just want to deal with the here and now?

I did bring it up because I am wondering what the Giants will be doing after Coughlin. He signed for four years and could only be here for the four years. Coughlin was Wellington Mara's choice. If John Mara is running the team in four years, there will almost definitely be a new coach. This is what made me think of your possible situation too.

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Ok, he just got here. I understand that and all of you are excited about the possibilities. And you should be. The next few seasons under Gibbs should be exciting and successful for the Washington Redskins and their fans.

Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

You guys have been suffering since he left the first time. How do the Redskins make sure that the same thing doesn't happen when he leaves again?

And you may say, "why deal with this now?" Well, it is going to be a reality probably within the next five years or so. The "dark years" as some of you have called it started when Gibbs left. How do you avoid the same thing from happening? What is going to make this different when someone else needs to take over the coaching reigns?

And there probably is no way to have an answer for this now. But I would think that some of you may have thought about this or will think about it soon. And since I brought it up, probably very soon. :D

Any thoughts or opinions about this or do you just want to deal with the here and now?

I did bring it up because I am wondering what the Giants will be doing after Coughlin. He signed for four years and could only be here for the four years. Coughlin was Wellington Mara's choice. If John Mara is running the team in four years, there will almost definitely be a new coach. This is what made me think of your possible situation too.

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Excellent point...I have been thinking about this very thing. One of the things that brought Gibbs back was the state of the franchise. He is a Redskin. When he left the first time, he did it hastily. I think this time he will include an exit strategy, and he will remain part of the team in some capacity. Perhaps that means grooming and mentoring a young coach, Russ Grimm has been mentioned, I don't know. But my expectation is now he will be a part of this franchise for a long time, and there will be no abrupt ending. That alone spells relief in my mind.

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Excellent point...I have been thinking about this very thing. One of the things that brought Gibbs back was the state of the franchise. He is a Redskin. When he left the first time, he did it hastily. I think this time he will include an exit strategy, and he will remain part of the team in some capacity. Perhaps that means grooming and mentoring a young coach, Russ Grimm has been mentioned, I don't know. But my expectation is now he will be a part of this franchise for a long time, and there will be no abrupt ending. That alone spells relief in my mind.

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Guest 979guy
Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

Isn't it "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"?...

I myself am not sure as to the the "here and now" and the miracle-workings of one man back from long retirement. But if he pulls it off- Isn't THAT what we should think about and not what follows AFTER glory???

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Guest 979guy
Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

Isn't it "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"?...

I myself am not sure as to the the "here and now" and the miracle-workings of one man back from long retirement. But if he pulls it off- Isn't THAT what we should think about and not what follows AFTER glory???

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I thought about this yesterday and my thought is he will bring a good staff on that will be groomed to take over the position when he leaves and although Petitbon took over for Gibbs the first time, he was obviously the wrong choice.

I do remember back in January 1993 when Gibbs retired he said the reason we won was because of Petitbon. Not the exact words.

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I thought about this yesterday and my thought is he will bring a good staff on that will be groomed to take over the position when he leaves and although Petitbon took over for Gibbs the first time, he was obviously the wrong choice.

I do remember back in January 1993 when Gibbs retired he said the reason we won was because of Petitbon. Not the exact words.

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Why worry today what you worry about tomorrow?

That could be 5 or 6 years down the road and who knows what could happen by then?

I doubt on one of the greatest days in the history of Redskins football many of us want to spend any brainpower pondering what to do when Gibbs leaves again.

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Why worry today what you worry about tomorrow?

That could be 5 or 6 years down the road and who knows what could happen by then?

I doubt on one of the greatest days in the history of Redskins football many of us want to spend any brainpower pondering what to do when Gibbs leaves again.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

You guys have been suffering since he left the first time. How do the Redskins make sure that the same thing doesn't happen when he leaves again?

Simple. We clone Gibbs and keep him here forever

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Now, let's just assume Gibbs is successful because he was before and there is no reason to think he won't be again. What happens to the Redskins when he leaves?

You guys have been suffering since he left the first time. How do the Redskins make sure that the same thing doesn't happen when he leaves again?

Simple. We clone Gibbs and keep him here forever

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I've thought about this as well and my hope was that somehow we get Doug Williams in here as an assistant in a few years and groom him to be the future HC. I think that he is doing a really good job at Grambling and that experience would do wonders for him in making the transition to the head spot. I know that it is probably wishful thinking on my part, especially because of the job that he is doing but that would be the ideal situation in my eyes.

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I've thought about this as well and my hope was that somehow we get Doug Williams in here as an assistant in a few years and groom him to be the future HC. I think that he is doing a really good job at Grambling and that experience would do wonders for him in making the transition to the head spot. I know that it is probably wishful thinking on my part, especially because of the job that he is doing but that would be the ideal situation in my eyes.

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Gibbs will probably get a share of the team; when he retires. I'm also sure he will groom his successor. Gibbs will make sure the Skins are in good hands upon his second departure.

Thing is, lets worry about that in 2009. God Tom; are you worried already? That with Parcells and Gibbs- 2 proven winners; they will regulate your Giants to 3rd or 4th place? Coughlin couldn't get over the hump with the Jags.

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Gibbs will probably get a share of the team; when he retires. I'm also sure he will groom his successor. Gibbs will make sure the Skins are in good hands upon his second departure.

Thing is, lets worry about that in 2009. God Tom; are you worried already? That with Parcells and Gibbs- 2 proven winners; they will regulate your Giants to 3rd or 4th place? Coughlin couldn't get over the hump with the Jags.

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Let's not get carried away and give the Giants last place just because of the coaches. I am sure Coughlin will do quite well with the Giants and the talent they have. Truth is, any one of the four teams in the NFC East if they all do what they should during the coming offseason could end up in last or first as they will all be quality football teams.

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Let's not get carried away and give the Giants last place just because of the coaches. I am sure Coughlin will do quite well with the Giants and the talent they have. Truth is, any one of the four teams in the NFC East if they all do what they should during the coming offseason could end up in last or first as they will all be quality football teams.

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