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A Happy/Symbolic Funeral Sunday at FedEx?


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1 hour ago, Rocky21 said:

Great to hear from you kleese.


No parade ‘til it’s done.  

You know, there should be a Super Bowl- type parade WHEN AND ONLY IF Synder sells controlling interest of the team.   Right through Georgetown.  And somebody on here should plan it.  I would, but I'm too lazy.

Edited by Csup
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We're going to the tailgate....then getting in the truck and leaving.   Should be able to catch most of the game from our living room.

****ing sucks that it came to this.   What ass-hat in the organization thought that honoring Sonny Jurgensen would be a good idea in front of a stadium packed full of Dallass fans?  Just when you think that they couldn't screw the pooch any more, they do this.   I feel bad for Sonny....

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On 1/2/2023 at 6:08 PM, kleese said:


We've discussed this before, so if I've used this example already please forgive me-- but one of the nerdiest things I do is watch old games on youtube-- sucker for nostalgia. One thing that stands out is that we (the royal "we") probably adhere to a lot of revisionist history when it comes to football (and probably everything) of the past. Was watching some games this year and was reminded that I'd totally forgotten about the "QB in the grasp" rule they instituted in the 80's-- I think they did away or revised it several years later. But it was crazy. I would say the whistle was blowing WAY earlier than it does now-- the roughing calls weren't as sensitive, but they were blowing the whistle dead almost every time a defensive player touched the QB. And the refs were all really old, slow, and made some absolutely egregious calls-- significantly worse than what we see now. I've said this before-- I miss a lot of that stuff, just because I miss being a kid, that time in my life, a time in the country when technology hadn't take over, etc. I don't necessarily think the football was better. The QB play certainly wasn't. 


This is a great point, and I agree. My love of the 1980s and early-1990s era of football is 98.5% because of the fact that I was a child during that time and everything (football, Christmas, movies, life) just felt bigger and more magical. Oh, and because my team was awesome during that time. 


But the game wasn't better. The players weren't better. I romanticize that time period and I always will, but I watched an old game a while back (maybe Redskins vs. Cardinals) where the Skins scored in the final 2-3 minutes to take a slim lead and the remainder of the game played out as though they had a 46-point lead with 12 seconds left. Not just the on-field play, which had the Cardinals running around like crazy, but the announcers essentially acting like the result was a foregone conclusion and Gibbs had done it again, etc. It was amazing watching that through the eyes of 2020s football where even bad teams can efficiently exchange a couple scores in that amount of time. 


The funny thing is, the Cardinals actually got within range for a very long (but not unmakeable) FG attempt and the announcers were eventually like "you've got to be kidding me" about the prospect of a team marching 40ish yards in a couple minutes with a timeout or two and the 2-minute warning. They, of course, missed and RFK went ape-****. Because the Skins ruled the 80s. 

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8 hours ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


This is a great point, and I agree. My love of the 1980s and early-1990s era of football is 98.5% because of the fact that I was a child during that time and everything (football, Christmas, movies, life) just felt bigger and more magical. Oh, and because my team was awesome during that time. 


But the game wasn't better. The players weren't better. I romanticize that time period and I always will, but I watched an old game a while back (maybe Redskins vs. Cardinals) where the Skins scored in the final 2-3 minutes to take a slim lead and the remainder of the game played out as though they had a 46-point lead with 12 seconds left. Not just the on-field play, which had the Cardinals running around like crazy, but the announcers essentially acting like the result was a foregone conclusion and Gibbs had done it again, etc. It was amazing watching that through the eyes of 2020s football where even bad teams can efficiently exchange a couple scores in that amount of time. 


The funny thing is, the Cardinals actually got within range for a very long (but not unmakeable) FG attempt and the announcers were eventually like "you've got to be kidding me" about the prospect of a team marching 40ish yards in a couple minutes with a timeout or two and the 2-minute warning. They, of course, missed and RFK went ape-****. Because the Skins ruled the 80s. 

1980’s RFK 10

Cardinals 0

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