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My brother in law was shot and killed on Christmas eve...


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My brother in law lives in VA and was down in NC with his roommate to visit his roommates family, and he ended up being shot and killed early Christmas eve, by his own roomate. 


He turned 32 in early December and leaves behind a 12 year old son, a 7 year old son, and a 1.5 year old daughter.


The investigation is still on going.




I have really been debating even posting anything about this, as I am not a fan of asking for handouts, but I have decided to do so for a few reasons.


1. It is definitely some way to help me personally cope with this.  I am not good with death and the only real close person I have lost before was my dad but that was in 2009.  My wife and her family have never lost anyone so close to them so this comes to a shock to all of us.  This also came after my family had to cancel our Christmas plans to hangout with both my family and her family, after my wife and son came down with covid on the 18th, and then I actually came down with it on the 23rd.  So I had to deal with hanging out with his family on Xmas eve while being covid positive, but we put that aside and I just masked up, keeping my distance as much as I could.


2. My wife's family is not the most well off family and the expenses for a sudden burial right after spending money on everyone for Christmas gifts is a lot more than most people just have sitting around.  The total cost of everything is going to be over $25k that suddenly has to come up with and it's tough for them.  My mother in law doesn't even work and is on disability as well, so the burden of this is being put on the 4 remaining siblings, my wife included, and of course we (myself included) is helping out as much as we can.  


And I am trying to help them out as much as I possibly can so I thought posting the gofundme here is at least me trying to get some more help for them.


That said, and I got approval from moderators about this, I am going to post a gofundme link that my little brother in law started before we even knew about the costs of this.  We thought it would maybe be around $10k but then we quickly learned that $10k may not even cover the cemetery cost - they are going to discuss that today but the funeral services costs alone are about $15k.  And the funeral home told them the cemetery portion should be around $10k.


I don't expect anyone or everyone to donate anything to this, but if you can, any little bit will help and I can assure you that myself and my wife's family will be forever grateful.  They have been so touched by how much they have already raised in the gofundme and it's going to help out tremendously as to what we already have in there.


Here is the link below, and again, thank you very much if you are able to help out any bit.



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