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Fat B@stard from ESPN


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Seems to me He is responding to his scoop given to Glazer who initially reported it.

Now he will turn on us.

I remember when he used to hate us before the Spurrier years, and now he hates us again. Good.

Pretty trashy article, however, he does bring up points. Gibbs might fail. You guys have to consider it. If he does, however, I will fully believe that the Redskins are cursed. If Gibbs can't win here, we're doomed.

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Seems to me He is responding to his scoop given to Glazer who initially reported it.

Now he will turn on us.

I remember when he used to hate us before the Spurrier years, and now he hates us again. Good.

Pretty trashy article, however, he does bring up points. Gibbs might fail. You guys have to consider it. If he does, however, I will fully believe that the Redskins are cursed. If Gibbs can't win here, we're doomed.

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Riggins is flat wrong and I think even Riggins knows it. Gibbs will be given a huge length of rope before fans actually start to forget. Maybe if he is 5-11 next year and if we start 0-3 the second year fans will realize the dream may not be as good as we'd hoped. But it will take a tremendous amount to turn on Gibbs.

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Riggins is flat wrong and I think even Riggins knows it. Gibbs will be given a huge length of rope before fans actually start to forget. Maybe if he is 5-11 next year and if we start 0-3 the second year fans will realize the dream may not be as good as we'd hoped. But it will take a tremendous amount to turn on Gibbs.

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What a fat tub of sh!t !! Sorry, but Gibbs could go 0-16 two seasons in a row before I'd lose faith in him. Seriously, I mean it. Dude has earned the right to have a bit of extra leeway from Skins fans that would not be extended to any other coach.

Notice, we didn't say the game has changed that much because, as Dick Vermeil demonstrated after returning from a 15-season hiatus and Bill Parcells keeps proving in his various reincarnations, the same principles that he taught in his first coaching life still apply. His game-planning and preparation brilliance aside, though, Gibbs will discover that, if he tells LaVar Arrington to not free-lance so much, the results won't be the same as they were with, say, Monte Coleman.

At first glance, one would think that this part of the article might make some sense. However, I think LaVar and most of the others are sick of losing and will fall in line. As for the rest (Rod Gardner immediately comes to mind for some reason) I expect that LaVar and other team leaders will either get them straight or they'll be sent on their merry way.

Additionally, the team will benefit immensely from having a new sherriff in town. This sherriff won't be fazed by players trying to go over his head to the owner because the owner can't fire him and everybody knows it!!! A new day is dawning in Redskinland.

F U Pastabelly!!!:stick:

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What a fat tub of sh!t !! Sorry, but Gibbs could go 0-16 two seasons in a row before I'd lose faith in him. Seriously, I mean it. Dude has earned the right to have a bit of extra leeway from Skins fans that would not be extended to any other coach.

Notice, we didn't say the game has changed that much because, as Dick Vermeil demonstrated after returning from a 15-season hiatus and Bill Parcells keeps proving in his various reincarnations, the same principles that he taught in his first coaching life still apply. His game-planning and preparation brilliance aside, though, Gibbs will discover that, if he tells LaVar Arrington to not free-lance so much, the results won't be the same as they were with, say, Monte Coleman.

At first glance, one would think that this part of the article might make some sense. However, I think LaVar and most of the others are sick of losing and will fall in line. As for the rest (Rod Gardner immediately comes to mind for some reason) I expect that LaVar and other team leaders will either get them straight or they'll be sent on their merry way.

Additionally, the team will benefit immensely from having a new sherriff in town. This sherriff won't be fazed by players trying to go over his head to the owner because the owner can't fire him and everybody knows it!!! A new day is dawning in Redskinland.

F U Pastabelly!!!:stick:

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Originally posted by Art


Riggins is flat wrong and I think even Riggins knows it. Gibbs will be given a huge length of rope before fans actually start to forget. Maybe if he is 5-11 next year and if we start 0-3 the second year fans will realize the dream may not be as good as we'd hoped. But it will take a tremendous amount to turn on Gibbs.

I want to believe you guys, I really do, but all I have read today is totally ridiculous expectations, expectations that would be hard for anyone to live up to.

As anyone who has read any of my posts, I am a coach supporter to the end. I love Gibbs being hired and I'm on his band wagon till he's done. But as wishywashy as many of the fans are, I would not be suprised in the slightest if a rough start caused some negativity... It just wont come from me.:cheers:

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