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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Ed, Ken Houston tackling Walt Garrison was 1973. The 1978 game ended with Theismann running out of the end zone for a safety at the end and then spiking the ball. I think that took us to 5-0 and we'd improve to 6-0 before collapsing to 8-8.

Yep, you’re right. For some reason I always get those tangled. 

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3 days until we kickoff against the Chargers…


Obviously a ridiculous amount of options to choose from in terms of the number 3. So many in fact that I decided to instead go with perhaps the most boring game we’ve ever played…


December 11th, 1993

(Jets 3, Redskins 0) 


As detailed earlier in the thread, I was delusional in 93. I was only 16 years old and 100% thought we would win the SB that year. Absolutely shocked at how our season went. Perhaps due to age, never having rooted for a bad Redskins team, or whatever it was… I kept caring that ENTIRE season. 

The week prior to this game, my Dad took me to Florida to visit my grandparents and see the Redskins play in Tampa. We actually won the game and that kind of energized me a bit. 

We were 3-9 entering this game. So even delusional as I was, I knew we weren’t going to the playoffs. But I probably still worked myself up to thinking that finishing strong could bode well for 1994 and beyond. In many ways, I wasn’t REALLY paying attention to the fact that our team was old and in need of a total rebuild. 

This game was played early afternoon on a Saturday— covered by NBC— Bob Costas in the booth with Mike Ditka. The Jets were actually not bad going into this game; 7-5. It was a bright sunny day at RFK; perfect day for the imperfect game. 

I am not one of those people that thinks every low scoring game is lousy or boring. Quite the opposite in some cases. And even if it’s not well played, a super low scoring game can sometimes at least give you a comedy of errors or some other shenanigans to keep in interesting. This game had nothing. Zilch. It was incredibly boring start to finish. The Jets kicked their FG on their first possession of the game. Lohmiller missed our only attempt in the second quarter. Each team turned the ball over just once. Not a ton of sacks. Jets ran the ball all over us, but not much came of it other than doubling us up in TOP. Our offense was horrid. Rich Gannon started, replaced by Rypien in the 4th quarter. Brian Mitchell almost outplayed them both by completing one pass for 50 yards. That one play accounted for about 1/3 of our offense that day. 

Late in the game, nothing happened. Both teams just sort of punted back and forth. We had one drive where we crossed the 50 (barely) and went for it on fourth down— ball was batted down. Never got the ball back again. 

Jets 3, Redskins 0. It wasn’t better than it looked. It wasn’t great D. It wasn’t impacted by weather. It wasn’t a comedy of errors. It wasn’t a game that wound up mattering one bit. It was just a boring, slow, mundane game. And for whatever reason, I can still see it pretty clearly 28 years later. 


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Ah, the infamous 3-0 Jets game.  Was there and kept my ticket stub as a keepsake.


While it was bright and sunny as kleese said, it was also miserably cold.  One of those colds that we still talk about (me and my buddy that went with me).


2 memories from that game that stand out to me. 


1. It may have been a FG attempt, not sure, but I remember a Jet kicker muffing it so badly that it appeared to hit a Jet OL.  I can still hear the guy behind me saying out loud, "Did that hit the center in the ass?"

2. Rypien was dreadful in that game.  Balls in the dirt, sailing high out of bounds, etc.  At halftime, the annual Punt, Pass, & Kick competition was held (remember that?), and a 13 year old boy launched a bullet 50 yards downfield right on the line.  He got the loudest cheer of the game.  I note this as a precursor to the 2nd half.  After another Rypien pass sailed into the 4th row, a fan behind me stood up and yelled, "PUT THE 13 YEAR OLD KID IN!!!"  The whole section laughed.  I still chuckle at that today.


One of my favorite bad games of all time.





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2 days until we kickoff against the Chargers... 


Have we ever scored EXACTLY 2 points in a game? Glad you asked... 


The answer is Yes, with a bit of an asterisk 


In 1936 we lost to the Packers 31-2. For you historians out there, you would realize that because it was 1936, the team was still in Boston, moving to Washington prior to the 1937 season. That is the only time we have scored 2 points in a game-- we have never played a game where our opponent finished with exactly 2 points. 


For my memory today, doing another one that is a bit obscure, but one I believe has had a LITTLE bit to do with how history has viewed our most recent SB team... 


December 22nd, 1991

(Eagles 24, Redskins 22) 


First of all, this game meant absolutely nothing. We were 14-1 and had wrapped up the 1 seed. Eagles had already been eliminated as well, they were 9-6 heading into this game-- that 1991 Eagles team would have been REALLY good had Randall not torn his ACL week one that season. Their defense was insanely good and their QB situation was SO bad-- and they still managed a 10 win season. If Randall was healthy, they absolutely could have provided us our greatest challenge that season. 


What sticks out to me about this game was how excited I was for it. Such a fun scene/time to remember. I was 14 years old, 8th grade. Old enough to sort of "get it" on some things, but still very much a kid and a goofball obsessed with sports, girls, video games, staying up late to watch HBO (or better yet, Cinemax if I was at a friends house). The 1991 season was a total joy all around. I did not care that the game didn't matter, I wanted to go 15-1. The game was late afternoon at The Vet. Three days before Christmas; already out of school. Parents dropped me at my usual spot in those years-- The Outback Sports Cafe. Sat there all day watching games. Two weeks off a school ahead, presents three days away, Redskins already clinched playing the divisional round. Just awesome. 


Even though the game meant little, we started our guys and played them fairly deep into the game. As was typical for that season, the Eagles had a terrible time moving the ball. We shut them out (scroll back in this thread to #23) at RFK on MNF. In this game, the Eagles scored first on a pick 6-- but we led 19-7 early in the fourth. So through the first seven quarters of games against the Eagles that year, we gave up 0 points to their offense. I figured the game was a wrap. We pulled some guys, including Rypien. Jeff Kemp (son of Jack) was not good. But in the fourth quarter, he made a few plays. 19-7 became 19-14, then we fell behind 21-19. We drove and Lohmiller kicked his fifth FG of the game to give us a 22-21 lead. But boom, Eagles go right back down and kick a FG (pretty sure as time expired) to win it 24-22. 


This was one of those losses that bugged me for about 5 minutes. I really wanted that 15th win, but by the time I got in the car to go home I was over it. Already moved on to the looking forward to the fun weeks ahead. In 1991 and 1987 we earned the privilege to sit out WC weekend. That is really fun-- watching the first weekend of playoffs with no stress. I can't believe it's been 30 years since we had a bye in the playoffs-- and now that there is only one bye per conference who knows if we will ever get to enjoy that again. 


The one historical footnote on this game is that I think had we won and finished 15-1, people might remember that team a bit differently. In most retrospectives, the 1991 Redskins are considered one of the more underappreciated teams of all time. Adjusted for metrics that didn't apply then, that team ranks near the top in a ton of categories. It was as easy of a season as I've ever witnessed in the NFL. It was a down year for a bunch of teams that dominated that era (Giants, Bears, 49ers) and Dallas was still a year away from turning corner. Beating the Falcons and Lions to get to the SB always hurt our legacy I thought-- and I think that 15th win may have helped as well. None of if it really matters of course. But man, it's fun to look back at the fun and simple time in my life. 

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Yep, we remember the pick 6 to beat Dallas in 82, hanging on to bear the Niners in 83, and Darrell's return in 87. What is remembered about 91? Seat cushions.


I think the segment of folks who underrates the 91 team includes our own fans. And this team actually demolished an opponent that wound up going to four straight Bowls. Of course, Dallas whipping them bad twice didn't help either.

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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Yep, we remember the pick 6 to beat Dallas in 82, hanging on to bear the Niners in 83, and Darrell's return in 87. What is remembered about 91? Seat cushions.


I think the segment of folks who underrates the 91 team includes our own fans. And this team actually demolished an opponent that wound up going to four straight Bowls. Of course, Dallas whipping them bad twice didn't help either.

I really think the biggest thing was going up against Falcons and Lions in playoffs. Very random, two teams with no cache and did nothing after that season. 

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5 hours ago, kleese said:

I really think the biggest thing was going up against Falcons and Lions in playoffs. Very random, two teams with no cache and did nothing after that season. 

Completely agree.


And related in the what if game were the potential playoff matchups against the Cowboys in both 91 and 92? Even though the Lions throttled the Cowboys in the divisional round, I still feel Redskins fans were more confident in a win against the Lions, who we smashed in week 1 (albeit without Barry), than we would've been against Dallas, who gave us a run in week 2 and, as you said, gave us our only real loss of the season. Conversely, in 92, how much does one of your other favorite Skins games, Jason Buck stripping Troy in the end zone, remain in the Cowboys heads going into a NFCCG if we had beaten the 49ers? I think the 91 Skins wouldve beaten the 91 Cowboys at RFK, but the 92 Cowboys would've throttled the 92 Skins in Irving. And would've losing to Dallas had any impact on Joe's decision to retire?

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On 9/10/2021 at 4:17 PM, kleese said:

2 days until we kickoff against the Chargers... 


Have we ever scored EXACTLY 2 points in a game? Glad you asked... 


The answer is Yes, with a bit of an asterisk 


In 1936 we lost to the Packers 31-2. For you historians out there, you would realize that because it was 1936, the team was still in Boston, moving to Washington prior to the 1937 season. That is the only time we have scored 2 points in a game-- we have never played a game where our opponent finished with exactly 2 points. 


For my memory today, doing another one that is a bit obscure, but one I believe has had a LITTLE bit to do with how history has viewed our most recent SB team... 


December 22nd, 1991

(Eagles 24, Redskins 22) 


First of all, this game meant absolutely nothing. We were 14-1 and had wrapped up the 1 seed. Eagles had already been eliminated as well, they were 9-6 heading into this game-- that 1991 Eagles team would have been REALLY good had Randall not torn his ACL week one that season. Their defense was insanely good and their QB situation was SO bad-- and they still managed a 10 win season. If Randall was healthy, they absolutely could have provided us our greatest challenge that season. 


What sticks out to me about this game was how excited I was for it. Such a fun scene/time to remember. I was 14 years old, 8th grade. Old enough to sort of "get it" on some things, but still very much a kid and a goofball obsessed with sports, girls, video games, staying up late to watch HBO (or better yet, Cinemax if I was at a friends house). The 1991 season was a total joy all around. I did not care that the game didn't matter, I wanted to go 15-1. The game was late afternoon at The Vet. Three days before Christmas; already out of school. Parents dropped me at my usual spot in those years-- The Outback Sports Cafe. Sat there all day watching games. Two weeks off a school ahead, presents three days away, Redskins already clinched playing the divisional round. Just awesome. 


Even though the game meant little, we started our guys and played them fairly deep into the game. As was typical for that season, the Eagles had a terrible time moving the ball. We shut them out (scroll back in this thread to #23) at RFK on MNF. In this game, the Eagles scored first on a pick 6-- but we led 19-7 early in the fourth. So through the first seven quarters of games against the Eagles that year, we gave up 0 points to their offense. I figured the game was a wrap. We pulled some guys, including Rypien. Jeff Kemp (son of Jack) was not good. But in the fourth quarter, he made a few plays. 19-7 became 19-14, then we fell behind 21-19. We drove and Lohmiller kicked his fifth FG of the game to give us a 22-21 lead. But boom, Eagles go right back down and kick a FG (pretty sure as time expired) to win it 24-22. 


This was one of those losses that bugged me for about 5 minutes. I really wanted that 15th win, but by the time I got in the car to go home I was over it. Already moved on to the looking forward to the fun weeks ahead. In 1991 and 1987 we earned the privilege to sit out WC weekend. That is really fun-- watching the first weekend of playoffs with no stress. I can't believe it's been 30 years since we had a bye in the playoffs-- and now that there is only one bye per conference who knows if we will ever get to enjoy that again. 


The one historical footnote on this game is that I think had we won and finished 15-1, people might remember that team a bit differently. In most retrospectives, the 1991 Redskins are considered one of the more underappreciated teams of all time. Adjusted for metrics that didn't apply then, that team ranks near the top in a ton of categories. It was as easy of a season as I've ever witnessed in the NFL. It was a down year for a bunch of teams that dominated that era (Giants, Bears, 49ers) and Dallas was still a year away from turning corner. Beating the Falcons and Lions to get to the SB always hurt our legacy I thought-- and I think that 15th win may have helped as well. None of if it really matters of course. But man, it's fun to look back at the fun and simple time in my life. 

This loss was a huge deal in the pantheon of where this team is ranked among great SB winning teams. We lost two games in 91 by a combined 5 points I believe (Dallas and this one). Oddly, I remember us pulling starters at half time. If we had won, people would have been forced to but this team up with and (in my mind above) the 85 bears. Statistically, these team was totally dominant in all three phases of the game all year. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. Obviously that NE team that was beaten by Elisha Manning was like it, but I still think this team was more dominant. We had what, two losses and two close calls all season (the giants game and I think the oilers game). 

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1 day until we kickoff against the Chargers…


Why pick just one, one point game when you can choose them all. Here it is.. the list of every 1 point game we’ve played in my lifetime (starting with 1977 season) along with some stats to break it down and one memory: 


11-21-77 MNF (W 10-9 vs Packers) 

12-16-79 (L 35-34 at Cowboys)

12-19-82 (W vs Giants 15-14) 

9-5-83 MNF (L vs Cowboys 31-30)

10-17-83 MNF (L at Packers 48-47) 

9-20-87 (L at Falcons 21-20)

10-25-87 (W vs Jets 17-16)

9-11-88 (W vs Steelers 30-29)

12-4-88 (W at Eagles 20-19)

12-17-89 (W at Falcons 31-30) 

12-9-90 (W vs Bears 10-9)

12-15-96 (L at Cardinals 27-26)

9-7-97 (L at Steelers 14-13) 

1-15-00 (L at Bucs 14-13) Divisional Playoffs 

11-5-00 (L at Cardinals 16-15) 

11-23-03 SNF (L at Dolphins 24-23)

9-19-05 MNF (W at Cowboys 14-13)

11-13-05 (L at Bucs 36-35)

12-2-07 (L vs Bills 17-16)

11-22-09 (L at Cowboys 7-6) 

12-12-10 (L vs Bucs 17-16) 

9-18-11 (W vs Cardinals 22-21)

12-3-12 MNF (W vs Giants 17-16)

12-15-13 (L at Falcons 27-26)

12-22-13 (L vs Cowboys 24-23) 

10-25-15 (W vs Bucs 31-30) 

10-13-19 (W at Dolphins 17-16)

10-18-20 (L at Giants 20-19) 



8-4 at home 

4-12 on road 

Cowboys x5 (1-4) 


Lots of good (and bad) stuff here. My choice to highlight isn’t the best or most important from this list, but it is one that has really stuck with me…


the Bears game from 1990, a 10-9 win. 

December, late afternoon. Always knew it REALLY mattered if it was dark out and Madden and Summerall were on the call. 

This game was a brutal battle. Rypien threw FIVE interceptions. Lohmiller missed a go ahead FG with about 4:00 to go. But back then, there was still some magic to the team— especially at RFK. You always felt we had a shot. So right after Lohmiller missed the FG, the Bears gave the ball to their fullback, Brad Muster. Darryl Grant reached his hand out, popped the ball around the line of scrimmage and Todd Bowles recovered. Lohmiller didn’t miss this time and we held on for the grinding 10-9 win. I can still see that fumble in my mind. Then, the elation/relief that followed. 1991 was of course awesome, but I have always viewed it as a 3 year from 1990-1992 of basically the same team vying for the SB each year. 1991 was when it all came together,  but the bookend teams were good (and fun) too. 

Hope everyone enjoyed the little stroll down memory lane. 

Here’s to a season that has us reminiscing about it someday. 

19 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Completely agree.


And related in the what if game were the potential playoff matchups against the Cowboys in both 91 and 92? Even though the Lions throttled the Cowboys in the divisional round, I still feel Redskins fans were more confident in a win against the Lions, who we smashed in week 1 (albeit without Barry), than we would've been against Dallas, who gave us a run in week 2 and, as you said, gave us our only real loss of the season. Conversely, in 92, how much does one of your other favorite Skins games, Jason Buck stripping Troy in the end zone, remain in the Cowboys heads going into a NFCCG if we had beaten the 49ers? I think the 91 Skins wouldve beaten the 91 Cowboys at RFK, but the 92 Cowboys would've throttled the 92 Skins in Irving. And would've losing to Dallas had any impact on Joe's decision to retire?

You are 100% correct… I think we beat Dallas in 91 at RFK of it came down to it, but that would have been a scary game. And I also agree that had we won the game in SF in 1992, it is possible we would have gotten smoked in Dallas. We were on fumes. But I have always wondered if MAYBE we could have thrown some magic out that hypothetical day. 

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2 hours ago, kleese said:

1 day until we kickoff against the Chargers…


Why pick just one, one point game when you can choose them all. Here it is.. the list of every 1 point game we’ve played in my lifetime (starting with 1977 season) along with some stats to break it down and one memory: 

Can't wait for the list where we scored 0!



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2 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

Can't wait for the list where we scored 0!



Why not…

10-9-1977: W at Bucs 10-0

12-4-1977: W at Bills 10-0 

12-3-1978: L at Dolphins 16-0

9-17-1979: W vs Giants 27-0

9-28-1980: L vs Seahawks 14-0

10-19-1980: W vs Cardinals 23-0

11-16-1980: L vs Eagles 24-0

1-2-1983: W vs Cardinals 28-0 (last game 82)

9-30-1984: W vs Eagles 20-0

1-11-1987: L at Giants 17-0 NFCCG

12-23-1989: W at Seahawks 29-0

9-9-1990: W vs Cardinals 31-0

9-1-1991: W vs Lions 45-0

9-15-1991: W vs Cardinals 34-0

9-30-1991: W vs Eagles 23-0

12-11-1993: L vs Jets 3-0

9-24-2001: L at Packers 37-0

12-14-2003: L vs Cowboys 27-0

10-30-2005: L at Giants 36-0

12-27-2009: L vs Cowboys 17-0

10-30-2011: L at Bills 23-0

12-7-2014: L vs Rams 24-0

12-30-2018: L vs Eagles 24-0

10-20-2019: L vs 49ers 9-0



8-8 at home

3-5 on road 


The current 9 game shutout losing streak sticks out, as does the fact that it is the 30th anniversary this season of the last time we delivered a shutout. Crazy that we had THREE shutouts in September of 1991 alone and none since. It’s as if the Football Gods said “enough of that…” 


In the 17 seasons between 1977-1993, we were involved in 16 shutouts. In the 26 seasons since we’ve only been involved in 8. My guess is that while some of that has to do with how good we were in that first span, it’s more a league-wide change— just better offenses and especially better kicking games making it harder to blank a team (I don’t have data to back that up, but it’s a strong guess). 

Lastly, man it was fun having the Cardinals in the division back in the day. We shut them out 4 times out of 10 at home over a 10 year span. We were 10-0 against them in that span as well. 















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